Chapter 69: Lambu's suffering

Under the big tree, below the light of the sky orb, Kt focused his gaze on the Arcane tome. His fingers moved betwe two pages as he pondered which one to choose among the two movemt restriction/binding arrow spells.

The first one is an ice arrow spell: FrostGale Bind Arrow.

"Gelu Halitus Cingo"

Description: Frostgale Bind Arrow ties the emy in an icy embrace. Upon release, the arrow, crackling with frost, strikes its mark, erupting into a blizzard vortex.

Winds howl as frosty tdrils coil a the target, freezing their movemts. Hindered by the icy grip, opponts struggled against the biting cold, their steps slowed to a crawl.

Bound within the froz prison, they become vulnerable, unable to evade further assaults. The duration and effect of the ice prison depd on the mastery of the spell and elemt affinity.


Kt wt through the description several times, as he wondered whether the frost was suitable for him or not. As a secondary magus, he can't master any elemt-based spells. So, he highly doubted whether the FrostGale bind spell would be effective in his hands or not.

Wondering about what to choose, Kt's fingers moved onto the other spell, which looked promising.

"Wind Chain Arrow"

"Vinus Vtorum Sagitta"


The spell commands the wind to form chains that bind the target upon arrow impact. The winds, opposed to the target's movemt, hinder any attempts to advance or retreat. The spell's potcy varies with the caster's mastery, from gtle resistance to formidable restraints.

Struggling against the tempest's force, the target finds movemts restricted and balance disrupted. But the effect and duration of wind chains depd on spell mastery and elemt affinity.

This spell works better against quick-movemt-changing opponts as it adds an opposite wind force to their movemt.


Kt closed the Arcane tome and sat in meditative posture to think about which spell to choose among the two.

Meanwhile, Mohini got busy preparing the meal. Lambu brought a spineless flapper beast body, which is an aquatic, evolved beast.

With one single spell from her staff, the flapper's body turned into ev pieces with a clean ure. Instead of cooking them with magic spell fire, she brought a black and flat stone from the pond and placed it on one side of the large boulder.

With a quick snap, she took out the spies, whale oil, and other required ingredits from her spirit ring. Lambu, who stood beside her in pig form, stared at the meat with a drooling face.

"Gelu Ignis"

With one spell from her staff, a bright gre flame gulfed the flat stone, and Mohini began using her physical skills to prepare the meal instead of magic.

Time passed slowly, and while moving her gaze from Kt and the burning meat pieces, Mohini began adding spices to the sizzling meat.

While wiggling his tail, Lambu moved a the large boulder, trying to take a better look at the mouthwatering meat.

Kt oped his eyes, affected by the smell of delicious meat. After gazing at the old lady, who is skillfully frying the meat on a flat stone,.

With a sigh, he kept his thoughts aside and walked towards the old lady.

"Madam, this looks very delicious. You are really the best at everything. Ev the top dish at Silver Plaza won't be equal to your cooking." Kt said while staring at the frying meat on the black stone.

"Hahaha... you really have a glib tongue. Don't worry... as a kind lady, I will definitely give you a you few pieces to taste. But don't try to be sneaky and snatch my food." Mohini replied with a proud look while taking out the fried pieces from the stone with the help of a wood stick.

The thick, well-fried, meat piece is punctured with a wood stick, and Mohini passed the wood stick to Kt with a proud look.

Lambu oped his mouth wide while staring at the fried meat in Kt's hands. Saliva is drooling out of his anticipated mouth. He is making unconvtional noise, complaining about his share.

Mohini took the tail piece and tossed it towards Lambu, who picked it up with an unwilling look.

"Young man, you seem to have be pondering something for a long time. Tell me about it. As an elder, I can guide you on a better path." Mohini asked, handing a second piece to Kt.

Delighted by the treat, Kt hurriedly replied to her question. "Madam, I only have time to learn one new spell before the tournamt. I want to learn a movemt-restricting type of spell, and for that, I have two spells to learn.

One is ice-based, and the other is wind-based. As I have limited time, I am wondering which one to choose among these two." Kt replied while continuing to munch on the fried meat.

Mohini smiled at his question and passed another meat stick before answering. "The ice elemt is related to the Yin character, and it is a defsive elemt. Whereas wind is related to neutral character and is an augmtative elemt that can be used both in defse and offse,.

So, for the time being, go with the wind-based spell and practice it on small beasts first to trap them. If you really want to master it quickly, try it on surface mud eels in a pond. They are very hard to restrict."

Mohini replied, passing another meat stick. Lambu is staring at this sce with an angry glare. For his hard work, he only got one tail piece, whereas Kt is eating one after another, nonstop.

"Also, there is a small-sized fish with heavy strgth in the pond. If you find it, practice with it. You can improve greatly if you restrict it." Mohini added while moving her gaze onto the fat pig at her feet.

Lambu understood the meaning behind her words with that one look. "Now I need to become a damn fish!" Lambu cursed with a loud oink noise.

Mohini, who is eating her share of meat, suddly lifted her foot and kicked Lambu on the back.

"Oink… oink… oi…kkkk…"

[I'm sorry… Master, I will never curse again. Please spare me. I will become a damn frog for you. Please spare me.]

Lambu cried out in pleading, which only Mohini understood, while Kt only heard an oinking noise.

After finishing the meal, Kt thanked the old lady repeatedly and approached the pond area to practice his new spell.


/// A/N - Sorry for the late release guys. I wt to attd a 'Baby- rice eating ceremony' where new baby fed with first rice grains. Of course it is cooked rice and just put one grain for taste. It took a lot of time for me to finish the delicious food and return back from the ceremony. I ///

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