Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 2022 - Gift, Anniversary Benefits

Chapter 2022: Gift, Anniversary Benefits

At that time, if the enemy wanted to kill Luke, they would first have to break through his defense. After that, they would discover that not only was his metal flesh very thick, it was also very durable and could heal quickly.

Weaker enemies would despair.

Even if he ran into Thanos again, the latter wouldn’t be able to rely on the sharpness of his large double-edged sword to suppress him.

That was because Luke himself would have become a ‘human weapon.’


During this peaceful year, Luke’s strength increased to an astonishing level, but nobody knew about it.

Selina, who was the only one who could guess what was going on, was distracted by the perfect body and Real Dream, and didn’t dwell on the impact of the drastic changes in Luke’s body on his strength.

The dog head didn’t think at all.

It was enough for it to believe that the fiend was invincible.

It mad no different at all whether Luke could torture it with one hand or one finger.

During this time, Luke also gave Tony a public space of 100 cubic meters and a personal space of one cubic meter.

Tony managed the public space and gave the other Avengers temporary keys, similar to a ‘guild warehouse’ in a game.

Avengers who had the key could apply to the manager for access to use this portable warehouse.

The Bat Squad’s public space operated the same way, which was equivalent to providing everyone with a warehouse for logistics support.

Luke didn’t plan to screw Tony over. He specifically told Tony that he had a secret door into this sort of space storage, so Tony shouldn’t put any personal items inside.

Tony had been playing with the space storage at the time, and didn’t think much of it. “Are you saying that I should hide my armor better?”

Luke looked calmly at Pepper, who was playing with a baby not far away. “I’m saying, don’t stuff Morgan’s diapers, milk bottles and smelly poop in it.”

Stumped for a moment, Tony’s eyes then lit up. “Huh, that’s a good idea. I can finally stop touching those things with my hands. I’ll just put them away and throw them out later.”

Luke said, “…This is for your battle and research use. It’ll also make it easier for you to move information and supplies.”

Tony waved his hand. “Use the public space to move things. When you’re moving things, restrict everyone else’s access first, and there won’t be any problems. It’s settled then. I’ll use this small space to clean up the mess left behind by my precious daughter.”

Luke said, “…That’s fine. Consider it a gift for little Morgan.”

Tony looked at Luke disdainfully. “This is clearly for me. How can it be considered a gift for Morgan? Hm, unless you give me another one.”

Luke was unmoved. “Dream on. This thing consumes a lot. You’re lucky I don’t charge you for it.”

Tony looked at him suspiciously. “What does it consume? Energy?”

Luke nodded. “It’s similar to ‘magic’; it’s not something that can be replenished with your arc reactor. That’s why the members of the Bat Squad also only have access to a public space. If they want a personal space, they’ll have to buy it with their own credit points. Each one is worth 2 million credit points, and you can only buy one.”

Tony immediately waved a white flag.

Even the members of the Bat Squad had a quota. It was good enough that Tony had gotten one for free; if he wanted another, he would have to pay for both.

He definitely didn’t have four million credit points.

Even if he relied on supplying the bigshot with all sorts of rare materials and technology, and had the most credits among the Avengers, at that moment, he only had 300,000 credit points.

He played with the space key again, then suddenly thought of an important question. “Everything is put together inside. Do they smell?”

Luke knew what he was thinking. “One cubic meter is the overall volume, but every item exists in a separate space, and won’t mix with other molecules or smells.”

Tony was relieved, but still a little uncomfortable. “But it feels like they’re all in the same place!”

Luke couldn’t help but roll his eyes.

However, he could only say, “Alright, I’ll get the bigshot to modify it for you when we get back so that there’s a second subspace. Just don’t put things in the wrong place yourself.”

Satisfied, Tony then changed the subject. “Why are you taller?”

Luke hummed and said, “I gained a little something, a second growth spurt.”

Tony’s expression was complicated. “You only grew taller?”

Luke nodded calmly. “I got bigger. My girlfriends are very happy.”

Tony: …WTF!

After dealing the tyrant a hard blow, Luke slipped away.

If he hung around, this guy would definitely pay close attention to him after he came back to his senses — few men would complain about being bigger down there.

It wasn’t that Luke couldn’t help Tony.

If he could help women improve their looks, he could help men improve their manhood.

He didn’t need to do it himself; the medical robots could do everything.

The point was that a proud guy like Tony definitely didn’t want people to suspect that his was fake.

Also, he had Life 1 for his waist and his stamina, so there was no need for him to take the risk.

Pepper, on the other hand, had gone to the bigshot a few times after giving birth for some skin-whitening. Tony, who paid the bill, had been with her the entire time, and never thought that what she did was fake.

As for little Morgan, she was born in August 2013. Although she arrived a few years earlier than Morgan in 2023, her name was still from a certain eccentric uncle in Pepper’s family.

Luke was amazed by how some things stayed the same over space and time.

It was a pity that Morgan was still a month old and wasn’t at her cutest yet; otherwise. he really would have given her something.

For example, a basically perfected Real Dream to undergo daily training and combat training was an interesting and practical gift.

Using this method, Luke had already given the members of the Bat Squad ‘benefits’ one by one, with the excuse that they were ‘celebrating the third anniversary of the establishment of the Justice League.’

As long as they used this ‘dream study’ method to improve themselves for a month, they would make up for the shortcomings in their knowledge and would only need to sleep for an hour every day.

Thus, even though the team members weren’t enthusiastic and even resisted training, they gritted their teeth and accepted this ‘anniversary benefit.’

Dreaming for 30 hours to fix their shortcomings once and for all was a good thing that nobody else could even dream of.

Only truly hopeless idiots wouldn’t accept such a free benefit.

There were a few exceptions.

Pietro and Wanda, Skye and Carrie were too resistant to mental abilities; using Real Dream to hypnotize them and impart knowledge would be very ineffective.

Thankfully, they were young and smart, and had plenty of time to learn.

They were quite depressed. Other people could learn a lot in their dreams, but they had to study hard during the day. It was really unfair.

But this was all due to their own gifts. As the saying went, you win some, you lose some.

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