Summoned and Unwanted

Chapter 155

Chapter 155: The friendly Oliveros

“Big sister is very kind. I want to become like you when I grow up.” The youngest of the girls said with a pair of anticipating eyes.

Vincent and Kazumi felt strange at this scene before them. Beatrix acted childish like the many characters acting with the conventional term eight grade syndrome or chuunibyou. Both thought she was acting, but Beatrix kept talking with the same glorious tone of a heroine even when others or her brother arrived. Only a few times when she became flustered did her tongue slip and spoke normally.

Not only that, but it seems that Beatrix is also teaching the children about manners and morally good decisions. Maybe this is why her brother is somehow letting his sister do as she pleases. But that’s a question only the siblings knew.

“No mortal can become a heroine at will. Mortals must work hard and become strong. Only then can mortals have the chance to possess a powerful stare. Little Filo has a lot of learning to do from this heroine.” Beatrix patted the little girl’s head then continued, “Follow the presence of this heroine as I shalt guide thou to the market before the mortal merchants close their stands. This heroine needth take thou home before the void surrounds us.”

Beatrix and the children left like a teacher leading her students. Vincent, Kazumi, and Lupa stared at the loud leaving group of children and peculiar half-elf.

“I’m sorry for the inconvenience my sister has given you. She is a good girl with a good heart, but she has a childish approach to keep the streets safe.” The tall, muscular man apologized.

“Ah, where are my manners, I’m Oliveros, the leader of the BABBO team, but I like being called Ollie. Nice to meet you.” Ollie introduced himself politely. He seemed skilled in making new connections and hiding his tall, imposing, muscular figure with his smooth words.


[You can’t judge a book by its cover. Ollie looks like a powerful brawler, but he has a way with words to make him appear friendly with a sentence or two.]

“I’m Vincent, and this beauty is Lupa. The two ladies on the bench are with us too. The beauty with crimson hair and eyes is Ester, and one holding the little blue fox is...” Vincent was making an introduction with caution as the intimidating Ollie seemed like a good man, but one can’t be too trusting. The experience in Tival Village wasn’t that great.

Vincent wanted to act friendly and try to make a friend if similar to Koss, Kass, and Ben, Lusterfall Kingdom had good and trustable people. However, Ollie interrupted when Vincent was in the process of introducing Tula by saying, “It seems you are acquaintances of Tula. I bet Abigail will be thrilled to hear of Tula’s return. She will be happy tomorrow in our team meeting.”

“How have you been, Tula?” Ollie asked with a smile.

“Fine.” Tula simply replied and then turned her gaze back on the little blue fox nibbling on the Ani Banana.

“Huh?” Ollie felt something was wrong with Tula.

The old Tula would usually tell an excuse to train with her father and leave whenever she met Ollie. However, this time, she did not say the same three-year excuse and leave with a pair of blushed cheeks, but now, she didn’t blush when talking to him.

There is a thing about the old Tula that only Abigail knows. A secret Abigail can’t tell anyone. Tula likes strong muscular men. Unlike Ollie, Abigail’s brother Bartholemew isn’t muscular.

Tula seemed to like the Ollie while Bartholemew liked Tula. It was a dangerous love triangle that could lead to their team’s demise one day. Ollie followed a saying, “Bros before women.” He acted like a dense person to keep the relations with his team as long as he can.

Vincent noticed Ollie was getting curious about Tula, so he decided to change to the subject, “You know Abigail? We met her a while ago. She ran to speak with her brother in a hurry. It seems we are running into Tula’s old friends.”

“Old friends?” Ollie became a bit puzzled by such a strange reply.

“Not to be rude or anything, but I repeated this story a dozen times today. I hope you understand if I express a rude expression. It’s a long story.” Vincent was already about to groan from the repetition of what happened. He feared making a mistake on every retelling, and it placed a lot of stress on him.

Tula’s mother also needs to hear what happened. More stressful encounters waited at their destination.

“I don’t mind. Let’s take a seat then. ” Ollie replied. Then he and Vincent sat on a bench while Lupa returned beside Tula.

A while later, Vincent finished the story. Ollie gazed at Tula with a sorrowful frown. He knew Koss quite well, and he also sparred a few times every month with him whenever his team didn’t have quests.

Vincent pondered while retelling what happened. He was starting to get curious about the old Tula. It seemed she knew a lot of people, and he wondered how many more people she knew. They already met with two groups of siblings that seem to be on the same adventurer team.

“Abigail and her brother were so sad in these past few days because of Tula’s unknown whereabouts. In the end, I decided to wait for Tula and her family’s news instead of going for more ant exterminations. Taking two Royal Guard Ants simultaneously for the second time would be impossible if the team synergy is disordered.” Ollie sighed when he remembered how tough it was for him to tank two monstrous ants at the same time.

“You killed two of them?” Vincent asked with his brows raised in surprise.

“My team is the C Ranked BABBO team. We could have easily taken them if it wasn’t for the acid attacks. It took my all to protect my team with protection buffs. *tsk*” Ollie clicked his tongue upon remembering the large number of mana potions he had to drink. They barely made a profit, but at least none of their team members got injured.

[This Ollie person seems strong. Why don’t you inspect him?]


[Name] Oliveros

[Condition] Healthy

[Class] Protector


[Class Protector]

*Wind Armor

*Wind Enchantment

*Strong Body +15


[Notice – Upgrade Inspection for more details.]


“Did you do something? I noticed strange energy within your gaze.” Ollie noticed Vincent using Inspection on him.

[What? The ability can get tracked?]

-He noticed?-

Both Vincent and Kazumi flustered upon this revelation. It seemed not using Inspection on every person they met was the right call.

“Ahem... I’m sorry for using my meager Inspection on you. I managed to survive one Royal Guard Ant. I became intrigued with how your team killed two at the same time.” Vincent lowered his head while apologizing.

“You are a rare bloodline mage? I made an interesting acquaintance today, haha.” Ollie didn’t seem to mind.

“I have a mysterious strengthening class called Mutation. After surviving the corruption from a wound by a Demonic Beast many years ago, I awakened this class one day. Strangely, I can use a basic Inspection to know the name and class of a person. I can’t see their skills, however.” Vincent decided to give it a shot on making his first friend.

Vincent wanted to test the waters. He tried to experiment and see how Ollie would react. Later, Vincent would improve the story if needed when meeting other people.

Vincent decided to call it version one. However, it seemed to work.

“Astonishing! I heard many tales of people with unique classes changed because of unique traits. Yours must be one of them similar to my sister. ” Ollie looked at Vincent in a different light. Similar to a one of a kind person like to his sister.

“Before I forget. Thank you for not badmouthing half elves or my sister. You see, my sister was born with a rare trait called High Sense. It’s rarely found in pure-blooded elves, so it’s much rared in half-elves. Speaking of which. Do you want to hear how my sister mistook her awakening with a transcendent power?” Ollie asked.

“Sure., why not. We are still waiting for Ben to return from the adventurers guildhall.” Vincent nodded with a hint of intrigue.

“You see, my sister only became more active because of the influx of adventurers that came to take the ant extermination quests before the requirements changed, and the adventurers couldn’t leave as they pleased. Tension arose, and a few even fought for simple quests.”

“My sister would notice malicious intent and confronts them. You are the third person I had to apologize today. So don’t overthink her words too much. I let her continue because she teaches children about the good and bad. She protects children and slaves that pass near the guildhall range because we are currently residing as temporary emergency members.”

“People have gotten used to Beatrix, and if my sister approaches a person, every onlooker would understand that the person she confronts is up to no good. As you heard the children say, she plays with them by staring at people with shady intents and help the merchants have no trouble with violent customers.”

“A couple of guild member colleagues and soldiers, keep an eye on my sister so I can allow her to move a bit further than the guildhall. I would sometimes worry about Beatrix, but she is a great scout, and Peepee has a keen eye. It’s difficult to catch my sister when she decides to run because of her Beast Master skills.”

“Furthermore, my sister started a trend with the children to stare at people, and because of this, the lower district has become much safer, haha. That’s why I mentioned soldiers keep an eye on her. Beatrix makes their job easy, and they would become devastated if she decided to stop.”

“Beatrix tries to imitate a heroine she loved to read about, and now she is helping and possibly saving people because of her wild imagination.” Ollie was about to continue when Vincent interrupted with a question.

“Then, is your sister’s eye power a lie? You mentioned your sister having something unique, but I don’t think it’s a special eye as she says.” Vincent had a hunch he knew the answer because of what he saw and what Ollie said. However, Vincent wanted to be safe that people couldn’t notice his unusual presence, similar to what Feng Mengli could.

“My sister is a half elf like my brother Belowin. I took my father’s side of the gene pool like my cousin Bartholomew and was born a human. However, he possesses mana similar to a half-elf while I have more than the average human.”

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