Stuck in The Tower

Chapter 46

Chapter 46 The 10th

and 30th floors are safe zones.

“The situation is bad.”

Rookie of the Sangun Guild. Seongmo Choi narrowed his brows and asked for a cigarette.

It’s been breaking on the top line for the past few days.

Senior rookies who reached the top before themselves.

Just as Choi Seong-mo gave instructions to Oh Ji-hyeok, Choi Seong-mo was also interfered with by other seniors.

Still, before, I didn’t interfere much because I was busy attacking, but after the 6th floor was breached, they cursed at me saying that it was a long day.

At this point, I wonder if I’m simply talking to them to relieve stress.

“Whoa. You know I don’t feel stuffy.”

Seongmo Choi lit a cigarette and let out a long smoke.

The 6th floor is the territory of the Sangun Guild.

He, who is the lowest in rank among the rookies of Sangun, had to manage with responsibility.

There are many things to worry about just climbing the tower.

You have to do it out of necessity, but if you can, it’s best to leave it.

It was a bad habit of putting the youngest to work.

The cigarette crumpled because of the strength in his hand.

Petit Gongdu was not caught, and the artifact that was given to Oh Ji-hyeok, who was the manager, was also taken away.

what kind of stuff is that It was an item bestowed by the head of the Sangun guild for him as a rookie.

Moreover, even though it was on the 6th floor, all the members of the Sangun Guild were defeated. also consecutively.

This was enough to disgrace the name of the guild, and it was like pouring shit on it.

To the point where my eyes are blurry.

“Damn it.”

Choi Seong-mo, who rubbed off a half-burnt cigarette, sat down.

I have to make amends somehow. To do that, you need help from others.

It’s time for guests to come soon.

Good timing with my daughter. The bell on the door rang and two figures entered.

“What did you call for? If it’s useless, I’ll kill you right here.”

A woman glaring at Choi Seong-mo with a distorted face.

Lee Ha-young, the rookie of the Daseong Guild, ranked 7th in the large guild.

Sharp eyes with bobbed hair that falls on the shoulders.

She could have been called a beauty, but the venom in her eyes was brutal.

“Hey. let’s not be too They must have called for a reason, right?”

The person next to him who is soothing Lee Ha-young with a kind face is Kim Chang-hoo, a rookie of Eclipse, the 6th guild.

tall and thin body. He always had a smile on his face and looked like he was dumbfounded, but he was a dangerous guy.

Seongmo Choi, who made eye contact for a moment, winked at the waiting guild member.

“Go downstairs and make sure the others don’t come in.”

“yes. All right.”

When the guild members bowed down and left, only three remained in the room.

One reason I called them both.

‘The 10th floor is not under Sangun’s jurisdiction.’

Eclipse and polyphony.

It’s a place managed by the 6th and 7th largest guilds.

Of course, there were Sangun guild members on the 10th floor as well. Although you can use them.

‘The use of force is difficult.’

Only the processing officer can use force in the safe zone.

Even if you are a member of a large guild, if you have an accident, you will be punished by the manager of that floor.

In other words, the cooperation of the two guilds is required to operate in the safe zone on the 10th floor.

“Sit down for now.”

At Choi Seong-mo’s recommendation, Lee Ha-young and Kim Chang-hoo sit on the sofa.

“Oh smell. The smell of cigarettes permeated the sofa. Building management is open. 6th floor management map open. Tsk.”

Lee Ha-young, who wrinkled her nose, crossed her arms.

It was quite harsh, but it was worth it.

As the 6th floor was breached, catching Petit Gongdu went back to those who manage the 10th floor.

If you do it wrong, you will get along well and your neck will run away.

“I apologize for that part. As a result, it failed.”

“Tell me something. It seems that even the 10th floor has been breached, so it is very broken. busy.”

“Don’t worry too much. The 13th floor attack has been uploaded, but did you know? Are you still on the 10th floor?”

“I don’t know. Now that this has happened, the 20th and 30th floors must be penetrated. Let’s all break together!”

“oh. Ha-Young’s remark was a bit cheesy.”

“shut up.”

Lee Ha-young touched his forehead as if he had a headache, and Kim Chang-hoo also had a smile on his face, but his eyes were sunken.

Petit Gongdu. The existence that informed that the strategy distributed by the government and large guilds was wrong.

Information on hidden peace and strategy that only vested interests had was also scattered, and it even caused direct friction through force.

A person who is directly shaking the position of large guilds and governments.

It was a large bomb that did not know when it would explode, and it was a target that must be killed.

The rookies who couldn’t stop it would of course be severely punished.

It was a situation that no one was happy with.

Seongmo Choi, who gently rubbed the bones around his eyes, clapped his hands and drew attention.

“As Changhu said, there is a possibility that Petit Gongdu still remains on the 10th floor. There was some confusion with the 13th floor raid, but there is a possibility that they received help from helpers.”

“That is a problem as it is. It means he’s not alone.”

Choi Seong-mo nodded at Lee Ha-young’s words.

Admit it. So far, there is almost no information about Petit Gongdu.

It is unknown whether they are moving individually or with unknown forces.

“Nothing is certain anyway. So we should do what we can.”

“What can we do?”

Kim Chang-hoo showed interest and clenched his chin.

“Are you aware that there is a high possibility that a person named Kim Jeong-soo is a petit gongdu?”

“You know that.”

“It was Oh Ji-hyeok who met him directly, and he is now chasing him. First of all, let’s leave Oh Ji-hyeok as it is. Please help me so that I can work on the 10th floor.”

“Ugh. I can do that much.”

“I don’t like it, but I can’t help it. But if you run wild, I won’t stay still either.”

“Do your best not to get hurt. That’s what it is.”

Choi Seong-mo, who heard Lee Ha-young’s words, bowed down.

What I am going to say now is the key.

“In fact, it may be difficult to catch the petit gondue itself. So why don’t you target the people around you?”

“You mean the ones you see in the community?”

“What about hair loss and licking the top of your head? under! Nicknames are all odd.”

Seongmo Choi nodded.

For now, it’s important to somehow gather information about him.

Even if that method is hostage-taking.

“There is not much information about the crown lick. I was ambushed at night. Instead, there are quite a few eyewitnesses to the hair loss on your head. Of course it won’t be easy. After all, he’s the guy who broke through the 6th floor.”

“The 10th floor is different. At most, I can easily subdue a guy just coming up to the 10th floor. Unlike Sangun, the manager of the Daseong Guild is competent.”

At Lee Ha-young’s words, Seong-mo Choi smiled and nodded.

“Good luck, then. Then I’m sure everyone agrees.”

“I can’t help it. I don’t want to be punished either.”

“I agree. If possible, it is better to end it on our own line.”

While the three of them plot some kind of plot.

After taking a break, Jo Hyun-soo and Deok-chun prepared to go up to the 10th floor.

* * *

9th floor.

Thanks to Dalkan’s fur scarf, the horned wolf didn’t attack and I was able to get enough rest.

The injured part from fighting him still hurt, but there was no problem with moving, perhaps thanks to the potion.

“Now we have to go upstairs.”

“That’s it.”

We checked our equipment and ate.

All that remains is to go up to the 10th floor.

I checked the community to see if there were any large guild members waiting on the 10th floor, but there was no news.

“I said that the 10th floor is not the domain of the Sangun Guild.”

I checked the personal message from Lee Jun-seok.

Since I sent you the 13th floor strategy last time, I’ve been sending messages often, but most of them were stalkers under the guise of small talk.

no Should I say praise?

[Lee Jun-seok]: It’s Gong-dyu! Noticing the threat to the ninth floor in advance and being considerate so that others don’t get hurt! That’s impressive.

[Lee Jun-seok]: Optectura. It’s the first monster I’ve ever heard of. The tower also has a lot of hidden things. Isn’t Gongdu-nim who finds it the hero of this era?

The perception of him began to solidify as a sasaeng fan.

Although it is burdensome, it is true that there is a lot of information shed implicitly, which is helpful.

[Lee Jun-seok]: Have you been to the Starry Night restaurant on the 10th floor? They say the food there is pretty good.

[Lee Jun-seok]: Ah. The 10th floor is managed by the Daseong Guild and the Eclipse Guild. Are you going to break it? I guess so? Will you? right?

“Sometimes he seems like a good guy, and sometimes he doesn’t. Mmm.”

I don’t know. I’m pretty sure this guy isn’t normal either.

Somehow, it seems that there are no good guys among the guys who are friendly to me.

At least Nyangnyang Punch is close to the top.

Shrugging my shoulders, I stood in front of the portal.

The preparations are over. There are also information I learned through Lee Jun-seok, and I searched the community to find out about the 10th floor.

I’m not sure how reliable this is, but you’ll know when you check it yourself.

“Let’s go, Deokchun.”


Deokchun enters the armor. Since I was conspicuous, it was better to hide in the safety zone.

The camouflage is complete as a cloth is also worn over the yellow breastplate.

I entered the portal.

* * *



alien sensation.

I passed the portal.

[10th floor-safe zone]

– There are various facilities and NPCs.

– Wounds heal.

– No PK.


The light exploded and my vision changed.

“Oh oh.”

I tried to show off as a rookie as much as possible, but exclamations came out without my knowledge.

Like the 6th floor, it was a square-like space, but the feeling itself was different.

People filling the square. A cafe selling street vendors and coffee desserts.

There were a variety of shopping malls that looked like restaurants, inns, general stores, and armor stores that were incomparable to those on the 6th floor.

The size of the giant was also considerable.

What I like most of all.

‘I’m not interested in newcomers either.’

no one is paying attention to me

Some people saw me, but soon they turned off their attention and were busy on their way.

Certainly, it was only on the 6th floor that it was controlled to feed Baekhuan, but it is different here.

‘People’s atmosphere has changed. Coercive control is impossible here.’

It’s the 6th floor. I just finished the tutorial, so I was distracted. I also lacked experience.

On the other hand, starting from the 10th floor, I gained a little bit of experience.

I would have gained more confidence and I would have had confidence in myself.

He said that he would not follow the words of a large guild as soon as possible.

[Tip. Don’t be hostile to NPCs. I am not responsible for the results.]

The presence of NPCs will also interfere with complete control.

You don’t know what will happen if you mess around and touch the NPC’s territory.

The anecdote of a hunter who bravely challenged an NPC to a fight and was torn to death was famous outside.

Even large guilds should be wary of NPCs.

‘And the NPC will give you a quest!’

In the first place, I had no intention of being hostile to them.

How dare you treat noble people who give you quests. solemnly

I love NPCs. Give me a lot of honey-like quests.


Deokchun sticking out his face from the breastplate sticks out his tongue with a thick face.

what why man You don’t have to look good to get good quests.

Have you ever had a social life? huh? I mean latte


I was moving forward while fighting with Deokchun in the back.

Something hit my body.


A woman who comes up to my chest.

Cute face. red hair.

It’s been normal up to this point.

The blue light shining from her fox ears, fox tail and chest indicated that she was not human.


The way to identify NPCs is simple.

This is a Korean server. If there is a foreigner or non-human race in the safe zone, there is a high probability that it will be an NPC.

That’s the most certain thing to know.

Blue light shining from the heart. blue heart.

NPCs don’t have hearts.

“Ehehehe. hi?”

The NPC who laughed in a playful voice looked up at me.

A natural smile was pleasant, but why?

Anxiety rises from the depths of your heart.

I think something might come to mind.

I swallowed.

“I’m Rilka! Do you want to take a quest?”

I soon found out why.

Worst NPC in the 10th floor safe zone selected by the community.

The NPC who shines in dishonor 1st place.

Rilka, the red fox beast.

[The compulsory quest is activated.]

She was famous for putting in quests.

I decided to put in a very beggarly quest.

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