Struggling as a Villain

Chapter 47: Chapter 46- Bad thoughts?

There was something that has changed ever since Ethan began training under Cristina. He no longer incurs injuries for long and his growth rate has been elevating with time.

Before coming here, he had always been working as a porter, cleaner, transporter or used to do very small jobs to keep himself and his mother alive and sufficiently fed.

He was weak and frail since birth even though he awakened Ether at the age of four. He tried his best to grow his magic and physical attributes but to no avail. Like he had been watering an already dead plant, he never showed any sign of growth.

...until he met Cristina and she helped him learn things which he was unaware of.

The meaning behind ether. How to use it, control it, command it. She fed him the food which can nourish and help an awakened to grow. Regular food does nothing other than keep them alive. That's why Ethan was not growing at all.

Not only that, she also helped in his mother's recovery and gave Ethan regular wages based on the services he provided—like removing weeds from the garden, feeding and cleaning the horses and other tasks.

Ethan has done that kind of work like ever, so he didn't find any difficulty doing it for the couple. And in return, he received wages handsomely. Not to talk about the major benefit was the training he received from Lady Cristina—the renowned adventurer who fought against the army of several hundred invaders all alone for eight hours.

Now, not only was he able to feed his mother well, but also, he was developing his skills at a decent pace. Currently, he was at the stage where he could move a big boulder the size of a small hut using his 'Telekinesis' and his 'Detection' radar spread all around the whole mansion.

His luck with 'Strengthening' and 'Barrier' wasn't that good but from what Cristina said, there aren't many who can even master two of the fundamentals.

'I wonder how strong her daughter would be...' Ethan couldn't help but think about Lilia—the sweet girl he had seen in the past.

Cristina said that Lilia was stronger than her mother and she was currently serving the infamous Witch of Calamity—Duchess Scarlette Bellarine.

'Wuuu...'. A shiver ran down his spine thinking about that lady. Ethan had never seen Bellarine in person before, but he had seen her paintings and heard her rumours.

As cold and calculative as she seems in her picture, she actually was such a kind of person. Someone who has achieved her title through her hard work and prowess. Just like Cristina, Duchess Scarlette was also a legend to admire.

Not to talk about how beautiful she is...

"Ethan, are you awake?"

"Ah, yeah!" Flustered, he removed himself from the bed. Thinking about a lady like that was bad. Bad, bad Ethan!

Shooing away those thoughts, Ethan left the room.



Richard's eyes instantly snapped open when he heard the slow murmuring of his mother.

He looked at her closely and found her stretching her arms and slowly opening her eyes.

"Hmm?" She hummed in questioning upon finding herself face to face with the best person she could ever desire to see in the morning.

"R-Richie?" Bellarine, for a moment, thought that she was having a dream, but when she extended her hand and touched his cheek, she knew he was there.

He was here! He was here!

She suddenly leaped from the bed and Richard barely had the time to spread his arms and catch the big baby.

Her head rested on his neck and her arms wrapped around his back. With no space left between them, Bellarine attached herself to her baby.

This scent, this warmth, this presence...everything belonged to him. She couldn't be mistaken. She wasn't dreaming! Her Richie was back!

"" She rubbed her face on his chest like she was leaving her scent on him. The joy in her voice made Richard smile helplessly as he whispered softly,

"Yes...yes, I am here."

He held the lady close to him until she got the assurance that he, indeed, was here. However, even after five minutes, she was reluctant to let go.

Richard didn't insist on getting away from her and while embracing his mother closely, he asked her, "So you chose the worst way to punish me, huh?"

His whisper was still soft to her ears...but it held both sorrow and slight anger. She could feel it. Every emotion he goes through, she could sense it vividly.

Slowly detaching her face from his shoulder, a teary-eyed Bellarine looked at her son before uttering in a helpless and child-like voice who has been wronged by her parents,

"But-but...I was devastated to hear that you gave her your first time. You know how much I have waited for you....yet my Richie betrayed me."

Richard heaved a sigh and used his left hand to tenderly wipe her droopy eyes, as he said, "Mom, things happen when you are with the person you like. You also know that, after all, you accidentally gave yourself to me that night even though you didn't plan about it, right?"

Bellarine blushed upon hearing her son mentioning 'that night' after the birthday celebration in the capital. The way she threw away her restraints and allowed him to do whatever he wanted, even though Bellarine wasn't prepared for it...indeed it was an accident.

"Now you know? I accept that I have broken the promise but for you to slit your wrist? You do know what could have happened if I had lost you?"

A look of fret appeared in her eyes as her whole being wanted to not hear what he had to say. However, before she could have covered her ears, Richard held her hands and uttered those words,

"I would have ended myself."

"!!!" Her eyes were parted to their farthest extent as she stared at her son in horror.

Something happening to Ric---no, she can't ever think about it. How can...he say that?! Something happening to Richard? Her son? Her love? No, no, no....anyone can just die, and this world can burn, but not her Richie.

No one should have the courage to hurt him. Not even God.

"Mom." His serene voice brought her out of the stupor as she looked at him in a daze, "Now you understand how I felt when I saw you sitting lifelessly on the chair? It made me feel like I had lost everything in that moment."

Surge of various emotions welled up hearing that weak voice from her son as she suddenly pulled his face into her bosom and hugged him tightly.

"I am sorry...I am sorry, Richie. I swear I won't do that again, please forgive me."

The tears they shed while embracing each other were not just their emotions bursting out, but also a promise that, no matter what happens in the future, they won't let the other go through this pain again.


Around seven in the evening, Lilia finally arrived at the mansion. She travelled a distance of three days in two while utilising every resource she could.

Standing in front of the mansion, she suddenly took a long breath.

She was feeling nervous. Like, a lot.

Lilia had broken the promise she gave to the Duchess and because of that, she probably had done something on an impulse. Given how crazed Duchess Bellarine is for her son, it wouldn't be a surprise if she harmed herself.

And now, Lilia had to face whatever waited inside.

There was a chance for Lilia to get executed, the moment she showed her face in front of the Duchess. And her young master wouldn't be able to do anything since the person in question was the strongest witch in existence.

'No point in mulling...' Clenching her fist, she finally stepped inside.

The other maids were all lined by on the side, and in the reception area, which was just after the entrance, sat a beautiful lady with burning lava-like hair.

"Welcome, my precious Lilia~" Lilia's body turned cold hearing such a melodious voice from Bellarine as she stiffly bowed her head and greeted her,

"G-Good evening, m-" Her voice got choked in her throat as she felt a hand draping over her head.

There was no doubt about it. The one holding her was Bellarine.

Lilia gulped, and sweat began to accumulate on her forehead, falling to the ground. At that moment, suddenly, the face of her family flashed across her eyes, and Lilia felt this was the moment she would bid her farewell to this world.

'Take care, Richard...' She closed her eyes tightly and in the next moment...


....she was embraced by the Duchess.


A/N:- I am so gonna have a problem with Bellarine in the future, given how strong I have made her. But who cares! I am no Gege, so don't worry.

I hope you liked the chapter. The small appearance of the Protagonist would help to keep everything aligned and widen the world background.

Drop some PS and comments. Bye~

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