Struggling as a Villain

Chapter 21: Chapter 20- No need to be concerned

It has been a few days since that incident. The respect for Richard among the servants and the people who heard about it has elevated to a whole another level. Although it was attempted to keep the news a secret, it wouldn't be far off when the people in the Capital and possibly the people joining the Academy would hear about it.

In a way, it was good. Bellarine was happy that now, people would think thrice before bothering her son.

That's why she didn't put much effort into suppressing the news. However, as much as she seemed to be using this incident as a deterrent, she still hasn't overcome the guilt.

She has reassessed all the servants and workers serving the Scarlette house. Have gone through their backgrounds and family connections and also, assigned a new monitoring unit to keep an eye on those servants who work in the mansion.

She has failed and nearly lost her child. Another incident like that happens, and she might as well slit her throat.


Without asking who it was, Bellarine commanded, "Come in."

She was currently inside her room and it was already late in the evening. That's why there weren't many who could dare to intrude on her privacy unless the person was her son...or someone close to him.

"Good evening, madame." The brunette maid stood there with her gaze lowered and a profound blush on her face.

Bellarine shook her head at the maiden's gesture. Well, there were not many who could tolerate Bellarine's allure, especially when she was just out of the bath and was wearing such a loose night dress.

Lilia was like a daughter to her. One of the few whom Bellarine actually trusts, that's why she even allowed her inside the room at this hour.

"Tell me," Bellarine commanded and returned her gaze to the file which contained the personal information of the researcher who invented the Ether Inhibitor.

Lilia calmed herself down before she uttered in a quieter voice, "My lady...can this lowly one dare ask something about Young Master?"

"If you are interested in his size then tough luck. Only I can know my son's size."

A fiery blush which seemed to be burning her face, appeared as Lilia clenched the hem of her skirt and hastily replied, "It's not....about that." Near the end, she lowered her voice.

Bellarine smirked. She knew the maid wasn't here for that.

Redirecting her eyes toward the younger one, she asked, "You are worried about his health, right? After all, my Richie has transcended the realm of a normal elementalist."

Hearing her words, Lilia slowly nodded.

An Elementalist or element master could only manipulate elements if they could get a source from somewhere. Without a drop of water, the water element user would be powerless. The same goes for wind, flame and earth.

However, that day when Richard burned the gymnasium he conjured his flames. And the same flames were something that protected him while he was fighting against Albert.

If one has keen observant skills one could differ the ferociousness and strength of normal flames and the fire which Richard could summon.

The gymnasium was one example which continued to burn for two days and nothing inside of it remained when it was suppressed.

However, along with great powers the toll on the body becomes quite daunting as well. It was said that those who couldn't handle their magic and often lose control over it, die sooner than a normal magician or a non-magician.

And the symptoms Richard had shown twice by now, had made Lilia quite worried.

The lady of the Scarlette house was quite satisfied with the maid. She was concerned for her master and those eyes held sincere anxiety.

Bellarine was again proven how brilliant it was of her to appoint Lilia as her son's personal servant.

"I understand your concern but you don't need to be worried, Lilia. The traits he has shown aren't unheard of. And the last person who surpassed the limits of being an Elementalist lived for hundreds of years."

Lilia dumbly nodded and felt her heart calming down a lot. She blindly trusted the Duchess and if she was not worried for Richard, then it means her young master is indeed not in danger.

With a soft smile lifting the edges of her lips, the maid enthusiastically bowed and thanked the lady,

"Thank you for your time, Your Grace."




More than ten people stood side by side and their faces contained an expression of disbelief and awe.

Their eyes were trained on the figure of a young girl who was dancing across the battlefield like she owned the lives of the beings she was slaughtering.

No one has seen her using any supernatural abilities means that she indeed was non-awakened. However, the skills she showed, made the audience doubt their eyes.

"She's good, isn't she?" The curly-haired girl who brought the dagger-wielding girl named Bella Anderson into the team asked the leader of her group.

The flaming orange-haired man stared at Bella with a complex look in his eyes. He couldn't discern how such a young girl gained such combat experience.

However, more than the girl his eyes were transfixed on that ominously shining dagger she held. There was no doubt about it; that weapon was nothing like what they possessed. It was different and unique.

How did she get that? Where did she find such a resource? Why was that dagger in the hands of a non-awakened? Why doesn't he, a more capable warrior, possess that dagger?

Such thoughts clouded his mind. Then again, sacrificing a young woman like her to get a dagger would be a little sad. That's why, the man decided to take a better route.

The romantic route.

He would make her fall for him, and along with that dagger, he would attain that mouth-watering body of hers as well.

'Talk about the perfect plan.'

Unbeknownst to the master plan going inside the head of the group leader, Bella finished chopping the head of the last zombie.

Blood and sweat seemed to have elevated her natural charm. She seemed like a battle goddess who had finished slaughtering a bunch of prey like it was nothing but a walk in the park for her.

The reason why she seemed so motivated today was because she could feel her brother brought back to safety.

She has started to see him in her dreams as well. It all felt too real but unreal at the same time. She always felt him around her but she couldn't see his face at all. His voice seemed different as well, however, she knew it was him.

She just knew it.

And thanks to those dreams, she has become quite enthusiastic these days. She has become even more motivated to keep fighting and moving forward until she unites with her brother.

Holding the dagger in her hand securely she whispered under her breath, "Very soon....we will meet again...hehe~"


A/N: There is not much development in the chapter. I would take some chapters for his training and explain the world before we dive into the academy arc.

The connection between the two worlds will be explained soon. Drop some Power Stones.

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