Struggling as a Villain

Chapter 17: Chapter 16- Pain

There were two things, Richard discerned in the brief ten-minute rest he was able to obtain once Albert left off to somewhere.

First, he wasn't able to fool the people around him. Although he did his best to act like Richard he failed miserably. In the case of Albert, Richard guessed that he must have sensed the changes in him based on the irregularities he was showing on his magical side. For a magician, controlling Ether is like breathing...and Richard failed to keep it consistent.

The second thing was Albert's motive for this abduction. Richard had felt it before as well but now he was one hundred per cent sure.

Albert likes the Duchess.

He was alright with the fact that Bellarine was fawning over her son until now, however after Albert discerned that there was someone else inside that body and he was taking advantage of the Duchess, the butler lost his cool.

'But still...taking such a bold decision to kidnap me...' Richard couldn't help but give some points of courage to Albert who dared take this step which surely would lead him to his death.

But the problem at hand was how he should escape this place.

His head was only able to rotate but everything down his neck was blocked completely. How much he tried to move his hand or even fingers a little to create an opening, but nothing worked. Even the chair was bound to something heavy that prohibited Richard from bouncing up to break free.

'Think Richard think....' He was contemplating his chance of escape when suddenly the butler returned.

*Click* *clack*

Richard carefully listened to his step and noted how much he walked to reach him.

'Three steps from the right before taking a pause and steps and now-'

"How are you doing my fake young master?" The son of a pig stood before him while holding a lantern that showed his gleaming eyes from behind his glasses.

Richard remained silent but the sneer on his face signified his current mood.

The butler suddenly lowered his left side and something interacted with the ground making a low thud.

Faintly Richard saw a toolbox being rested there and the things inside it was surely not friendly.

Albert grinned before asking him, "Scared?"

Richard remained silent much to Butler's disappointment as he scoffed and tied Richard's long hair strand with the lantern handle.

Richard tried to move but it resulted in nothing against his fast movements.

'Ugh...fuck...' The lantern was making his scalp stretch since it weighed more than two kilograms. He gritted his teeth and endured the pain however because the source of heat was so close to his face, it became quite uncomfortable.

"It's just the beginning, my dear Richie~"

"Don't call me that, you asshole. Just finish up with your paedophilia fantasies and let me go!" He shouted with enough force to make Albert displeased.

He swiftly took out a sock which he previously dipped in sewer water and stuffed it inside Richard's mouth.

"Ugghh...ghaaa..." Richard gagged at the foul taste and smell of the fabric which was being pushed down—almost felt like the crazy bastard was trying to make Richard swallow it.

"Just remain shut and I promise I will keep the pain in moderation." With a sadistic smile forming on his face, Albert patted his cheek before adding, "After all, I don't want to hurt her by killing you. We are just doing this to exterminate the evil, so please cooperate."

Richard somehow held himself from vomiting knowing how it would make him even more miserable.

The butler took out something from the toolbox which seemed like a wire snipper before flashing it in front of Richard's clouded gaze.

"Let's have some fun, shall we?"


There was an uproar spreaded in the Scarlette mansion.

The whole mansion was being thoroughly checked to find even a clue about where the young master could have been taken.

The soldiers from the Capital have arrived after hearing the incident knowing full well what the Duchess might end up doing if something happens to Richard.

The investigation concluded that the only two person who could be responsible for Richard's disappearance was either Lilia or Albert since both of them were not present in the mansion.

After thorough questioning it was found out that Albert had requested a leave for today since he had to visit his mother in the hometown. As such the suspicion fell on Lilia who was also suppose to train Richard in the afternoon.

"Wasn't she under observation all the time? How can she commit a crime like this?" The commander of the battalion that arrived from the Capital asked the security in chief.

The security chief was sweating profusely as he reported while barely holding himself from stammering, "No one expected her to actually kidnap the young master when she has been so loyal and diligent with her work. That's why...we stopped survelling her after she left for her house..."

"What?!" The Royal Order chief exclaimed in a tone of disbelief. The already nervous security chief shuddered with his head lowering.

All those servants who serve a noble has to be monitored all the time especially those who are close to the family of the noble. Considering Lilia was the personal maid of Duchess' son, it was quite necessary to keep an eye on her.

The Royal Order commander slapped his head in dismay as he glanced towards the mansion and asked to himself, "What would happen if she hears about this whole mess?"



"Hmm?" Suddenly Bella felt a chill running down her spine and she was woken up from her slumber—startling the woman beside her.

"God damn, what happened?" It was the same woman who used Flame Magic to help out Bella a few days ago and gave her the knowledge of Awakened.

Bella didn't respond to the girl and got up on her feet.

Under the confused gazes of the people around her, she advanced toward the window of the small cabin and looked at the moon.

For some reason she suddenly felt that something was wrong with her brother.

There was something in her heart that told her that her brother was safe and alive somewhere out there. It was a connection which never faded and allowed Bella to remain assured of her brother's safety.

The reason why she was still so much motivated to live and become stronger since she knows that one day she would reunite with her brother.

However, for some reason, she just felt that connection has weakened. It was a very dreadful her brother was in pain and calling out for her.

Her heart trembled in anxiety as she touched the artificial flower bracelet on her wrist and muttered under her breath,

"Please be safe, brother."


"Hnnnnghhhhhhh!!!!" With his eyes parted wide and veins popping on his neck, a muffled cry left his throat.

The place where his fingers should be, now only his bones remained. The butler clipped the scissor to his flesh and pulled his skin and muscles with precision—leaving utter pain behind.

His hands burned with agony and body shook under the overwhelming pain he was experiencing for the first time. He has broken his fingers and even a hand before but this sensation was different. The tool was different....this was not just torture. Albert was slowly killing him!

"Kuku~I like that expression young master." The sinister laugh echoed through the dimly lit room, a chilling prelude to the brutality that followed. Albert's grip tightened around Richard's uninjured hand, his eyes glinting with malevolent delight. With a sudden, vicious twist, Albert wrenched Richard's wrist backward.

The sickening sound of bones snapping reverberate in the air, a grotesque symphony of pain. Richard's scream tore through the silence, his face contorted in agony as his wrist shattered under the relentless force, leaving a twisted, mangled mess of flesh and bone.

"Unghhhh!!" Richard did his best to move away or utilize his Ether to burn the creepy bastard to death but it was making his wounds hurt even more! The pain in his eyes was visible because of the lamp that was still hanging by his hair and even burned his chin and nose.

The relentless assault came to a stop as Albert suddenly felt a buzz in his jacket pocket. He took an orb out and narrowed his gaze before immediately getting up.

"Wait here for me, young master...I will be back in a moment." Without wasting another moment, Albert got up and ran away.

*Tut* *Tut*

The hurried steps of the butler resonated across the hall as Richard's head hung low.

Once Albert's steps were no longer heard, suddenly Richard lifted his head and looked in front with a bone chilling gaze. Although he was still experiencing the pain, he was not letting go of this opportunity.

He took a long breath before spitting out the sock on his lap.

Next, he began to swing his head back and forth, dangling the lantern until it didn't touch his face and retreated to a decent length.

Gritting his teeth, he summed up all his strength and when the lantern swung away from his face, he pulled his face back with all his might—resulting in his hair strand to snap and the lantern to fall on his lap—burning the sock and his pants swiftly.

Although his legs burned, Richard showed no sign of panic or pain. Rather, a furious smirk danced on his lips as he muttered under his breath,

"I am so gonna enjoy his screams..."


A/N:- I didn't put tag of blood and torture. It didn't bother you right? If it did, comment so I could put tags from the next time.

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