Stealing Heroines’ Affections Is My Job as the Villain

Chapter 25: The Line Not to Cross

The question rung in Princess Luciana's mind like a bell.

『What… did he just ask me?!』

She couldn't think clearly, let alone come up with an answer.

Deep down, though, she already knew the answer but was uncertain of the consequences if she spoke it.

『Will he… kill me i-, if I say the truth…?』

She wanted to stay silent and let this moment pass, but a strong compulsion suddenly overtook her. She rose from her chair and slammed her hand against the table.


"NO! I absolutely refuse to answer such a question! You can speak to me however you like and treat me however you want because I'm just a lowly human, but there's a line even you shouldn't cross! I refuse to degrade myself for your cause and would rather you slit my throat right here and now!"

There was a strong resolve written on her face.

It was like the kind a soldier wears on the battlefield, knowing that his chances of dying are much higher than making it to the next sunrise.

Prince Vritra noticed this and smiled.

『Hmph, as expected of a heroine from a historical drama. Basically, damsels in distress on steroids. These women seem to have a knack for attracting the worst kind of trouble and making questionable life choices. It's like they've never heard of common sense or self-preservation.』

He took another sip of his tea and glanced up at the bright moon in the sky.

"Oh, my sweet Luciana, you really are so foolish."

The icy calmness in his voice made the princess shiver with a fear she couldn't quite describe. Her legs felt weak, and her heart raced like a bull pumped full of adrenaline.

A dark aura began to spread from Vritra's body, causing the blue roses to wither, while sweat beaded on Luciana's smooth forehead.

"In olden days, I would've rewarded your insolence with death a thousandfold."

Vritra reached out toward the moon, trying to grab it, but he only grasped thin air.

"I like the way you speak, Luciana, as if you have a choice in this matter. You act like you don't realize you're in the presence of someone who embodies chaos and fire.

"If I wanted to, I could pluck the moon from the sky, scatter the stars across the continents, and my personal favorite, dry up all the waters of your fortified nation, turning this realm to nothing but defiled ashes.

"There would be mountains of broken bodies and the screams of women and children, all because of your new-born brain and predictable foolishness."

He glared back at her with bright red eyes.

"Slit your throat? Oh no, that would be too merciful for someone who speaks so casually to me. Back on the Hell Continent, the worst punishment for an arrogant human is to make them watch their loved ones be defiled in every possible way and then slaughtered like day-old meat. Is that really what you want?"

… Silence~

Princess Luciana was completely at a loss.

She couldn't figure out if she had angered the Asura royal or if her reaction had somehow pleased him.

His smile, which was as charming as it was unsettling, only added to her confusion.

"I'm sorry… for my outburst."

This wasn't truly what she wanted to express.

But in her confusion, she couldn't muster up an argument.

For humans, when you're confused, it's common to resort to the emotion that feels most fitting in the moment.

For Luciana… that emotion was fear.

… Tsk, Tsk!

Prince Vritra shook his head in disappointment.

"Where's that fiery attitude you had a moment ago? I actually found it quite sexy."

Next, he vanished in a mist of darkness and reappeared suddenly right in front of Luciana.


Startled by his sudden appearance, the princess nearly fell, but Vritra caught her by the waist and pulled her close.

"Be careful…"

He stared deeply into her ocean-blue eyes with his fiery red ones. As he felt her soft curves against him, he tightened his grip around her sexy waist and pulled her even closer, making Luciana's eyes widen in shock.

"G-, God Vritra!"

She exclaimed, trying to break free from his firm hold, but her efforts were futile.

Prince Vritra gently placed his other hand under her chin, tilting her face up so he could get a better look at her beautiful features.

"Now, now, don't get me wrong, princess. I'm not angry that you want to live. What angers me is that you value your moral convictions more than your own life. You refuse to become my personal servant, not because you aren't afraid of death by my hands, but because fate has shaped you this way."

The princess could hardly make out what he was saying; all she could do was quietly gaze into his eyes. Even though he was holding her close against her will, with his touch almost crossing the line, she didn't feel any disgust.

She remained perfectly calm.

『His eyes…』

That was all she could think about.

Prince Vritra leaned in even closer, their lips nearly brushing, and Princess Luciana made no attempt to pull away.

This didn't surprise him──instead, it thrilled him, and he kept speaking.

"You heroines from historical dramas are all the same… always getting into trouble, needing to be rescued, or causing chaos with your dramatic decisions.

"Sure, you may look stunning in these elaborate gowns and have your heart in the right place, but when it comes to making smart decisions… haha, you' re about as useful as a chocolate teapot.

… Sigh~

"I despise a woman who doesn't value her life wisely. No, I despise a woman who isn't smart, period. If it were any other Asura, the moment you spoke out of line, you'd have been cut down like the dirt beneath my feet that you are."

These were harsh words, yet somehow, Princess Luciana didn't flinch for even a moment. Her eyes began to water as if she might cry, but the tears never fell.

She stood as bravely as she could in front of Prince Vritra.

Most people would assume she wasn't angry because she feared for her life and her nation's fate──but that simply wasn't the truth.

In reality, she was captivated.

『I'm not sure why I feel this way, but it seems like God Vritra is trying to warn me to be more cautious around his kind, almost as if he's trying to protect me. Or maybe I'm just convincing myself of that. He could have killed me already if he wanted to; I've heard he doesn't show mercy to those who ignore his authority, and I… clearly did that.』

It wasn't something she could logically explain, but it was simply how she felt.

[The "heroine" Luciana Duranzia is confused about you. Her affection for the host has increased by 30 points!]

[Luciana doesn't like the intimacy you've forced her into. Her affection for the host has decreased by 20 points!]

[Luciana can't stop looking into your eyes, she feels there's more to your personality than you reveal. Her affection for the host has increased and decreased by 20 points!]

[The heroine's affection is flickering…]

[The heroine doesn't know how she feels…]

Prince Vritra sighed and released his grip on Luciana's waist and chin.

『While I don't want to get ahead of myself, I'll be a bit bold and say that she's already practically within my reach.』

He then picked up his saucer and teacup from the table where he had left them before reappearing in front of her.

"Do you know why you refuse to be my wife, or even just my toy? It's not because you're afraid of being reduced to a mere object of pleasure. No, it's something else…"

After that, the Asura royal took a small sip of his tea and let it settle in his mouth.

Luciana didn't say a word.

At that moment, her life was at risk, and Vritra's surprisingly caring words made her realize she needed to be careful with what she said to avoid death.

The young Asura smiled at her.

"The real reason is that you're still in love with that prince who nearly hurt you, isn't that right?"

At this, Luciana's face showed a flicker of fear.

『H-, How can he tell…?!』

It seemed impossible.

It was as if Vritra could read her mind.

There was no way she could deny it, so she decided to stay silent instead.

Prince Vritra took another sip of his tea and nodded.

This was him approving.

『At least she's smart enough now to realize she can't keep acting like a clueless historical drama heroine who thinks she won't get one-shot if she steps out of line with someone who doesn't tolerate nonsense. Honestly, she should be grateful for this lesson.』

Then, he walked over to Princess Luciana and planted two slow, sensual kisses on her neck, making her shiver down to her spine.

The way she tasted was pleasant, and her scent only made him desire her more. For a moment, he felt like he was really becoming the original owner of the body.

"Tomorrow, while you show me around Duranzia and try to convince me that an alliance with your nation is a good idea, I'll explain why Prince Lumis is not worth your time…"

With that, he left.

Princess Luciana was now alone in the gazebo, her knees trembling and her face pale.

She looked confused, surprised, and scared all at once.

『Is this… some sort of a date…?』

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