Starting from the Planetary Governor

Chapter 93: 92, The Mother Superior, Please Expedite

Chapter 93: Chapter 92, The Mother Superior, Please Expedite

The soldiers under Gu Hang’s command, of course, obeyed the order.

Though they did not know why, they still followed Mr. Gu’s command and retreated.

Of course, they didn’t just foolishly turn and run. Some provided fire cover, while others established defensive lines to prevent the armed workers from taking the opportunity to attack and inflict unnecessary casualties.

As for Georgette, she didn’t understand why they had to retreat when she first heard Gu Hang’s voice. In her view, they were on the verge of winning the battle; retreating now would not only risk throwing the victory away, but at the very least, it would give the Cultists a chance to breathe, something she did not want to see.

But she couldn’t just continue the attack with her six nuns either. Seeing Mr. Gu’s soldiers retreating, she, reluctant as she was, had to fall back as well.

The enraged Battle Nun was prepared to retreat and then confront Mr. Gu for an explanation.

However, the subsequent information that reached her ears about Gu Hang’s judgment that this was a trap immediately put her on alert.

She hadn’t noticed anything, but that didn’t prevent her from taking the warning seriously. Mr. Gu was a Spiritual Energy practitioner; perhaps he could see something she couldn’t?

She beckoned, signalling her sisters to retreat with her.

However, the enemy also realized the intentions of Mr. Gu’s troops and the Saintly Lilies’ nuns to retreat.

The surviving armed workers, like madmen, leapt out from their cover and began to pursue fiercely. They continuously fired their weapons while moving ceaselessly.

By the look of them, it seemed they were not expecting to cause much damage with their light arms, but rather, even in death, they wanted to deliver their corpses closer to the nuns and soldiers.

This level of coordination and morale could not have come from ordinary workers; madness was evident in their eyes, and not a glint of reason remained.

Indeed, they could not live much longer; even the Battle Nuns and Mr. Gu’s soldiers, still retreating, maintained good organization, and the rearguard soldiers and retreating nuns took out these rashly exposed armed workers.

However, behind those armed workers, a figure clad in grey-white robes, corpulent, quietly emerged from the ruins.

She didn’t move forward or expose herself within the firing line.

She opened her arms, palms to the sky, and the power of the storm began to radiate out from her as the center.

It was as if a pervasive breeze wafted through. The corpses of the workers that the ‘breeze’ touched, even those buried under the rubble, all underwent some change.

Georgette felt intense Storm Heresy energy being activated on the previously silent corpses under her feet and all around.

The bombs were not yet exploding, just activated.

Afterward, all they needed was a ‘spark,’ and these corpse bombs would naturally detonate.

Georgette knew she couldn’t escape.

Before the enemy could detonate the trap, everyone was already out of range from escaping the trap’s reach.

But as the enemy activated the corpse bombs, it also revealed their position.

She stopped in her tracks, powered up forcefully, and charged toward the source of the Storm Heresy energy. She leapt into the air, the power pack on her back spewing flames, propelling her to extreme speed in an instant.

On the way, her grenade gun was continually raised, but the strong Storm Heresy energy target she sensed never appeared in her field of vision.

She could only clench her teeth and continue the sprint.

In these brief moments, a bit of sentiment crossed her mind:

The sisters who followed her had just retired from a grueling war. The Order stationed them aboard the Quintet Starship as members of the national religion, intending to provide them a quiet place to recuperate for two years.

Obviously, staying in orbit around Rage Owl Star, the Quintet should’ve encountered no trouble. They could’ve spent two peaceful years in the ship’s small chapel, soothing their weary hearts from years of constant war.

It was well-meant, but Georgette didn’t quite appreciate it.

Aboard the starship, her demeanor was calm, but her heart struggled to settle. Accustomed to life on the battlefield, she felt oddly uneasy in the calm.

Upon hearing that Rage Owl Star was plagued by a cult, she couldn’t wait to bring her sisters to the surface and join the battle.

In her opinion, it was a waste to be donned in armor blessed by the Emperor and possess strong powers but not use them to vanquish the enemies of the Emperor, instead cultivating oneself within the starship church.

But what she didn’t expect was that this decision would lead her sisters, who could have rested safely, into a desperate situation.

She herself might survive the upcoming explosion due to her own strength, but her sisters would certainly suffer casualties, possibly even total annihilation.

They had survived battles far more difficult and terrifying than the minor skirmishes on Rage Owl Star, but now they might die or be injured here because of her orders, stepping into a trap…

It’s pathetic how a slip in the gutter could cost blood.

If she couldn’t stop this explosion, she might live with regret for a very long time.

But, no matter how fast she moved, it seemed too late.

She could already feel the spread of the Storm Heresy’s power, activating more and more corpse bombs. The explosion was likely to happen in the next moment.

However, at that moment, everything came to a sudden stop.

Those corpse bombs were not further activated, nor did they explode.

Then, from the center of the Storm Heresy, she heard a sharp, exasperated voice: “You deserve to die!”

A wind bullet shot out from that point, aiming for the sky.

Georgette’s gaze followed the wind bullet upwards, and she saw a man dressed in a golden nobility robe, floating there.

Just as the wind bullet was about to hit, it suddenly dissipated, leaving only a gust of wind that whipped his robe and black hair fiercely about.

The man’s eyes shone with blue Spiritual Energy, and his target was none other than the cult leader.

Georgette realized that Mr. Gu had used some kind of Spiritual Energy technique to cut off the cult leader’s control over the corpse bombs and stop the imminent explosion.

It was then that Gu Hang’s voice reached her ears: “Battle Nun, please eliminate that heretic quickly.”


Georgette hadn’t wavered with the change in the situation and now felt even more invigorated by Gu Hang’s words. She maintained the acceleration provided by her jetpack’s flame spray and moved as fast as possible toward the cult leader.

The few surviving armed workers tried to stop her.

Their guns posed no threat to the Battle Nun, so they could only hope to get close enough for the sorcerer to detonate the Storm bombs within them, using this method to hinder her.

“Don’t hesitate, charge with all your might.”

Gu Hang’s voice sounded again.

Georgette now had complete trust in Mr. Gu.

She didn’t bother with the armed workers, only executing them with a bomb gun when convenient.

And indeed, those armed workers didn’t manage to explode.

All the detonation signals sent out by the sorcerers were intercepted by Gu Hang!


We’ve hit a thousand subscriptions! Adding an extra chapter!

To be honest, I’m not very satisfied with this result, and I’ve been criticized quite harshly, leaving me feeling somewhat down.

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