Start as a Spiritual Planter: I Have a Game Panel

Chapter 47: Over-Powered Talent

"Are these the new changes after reaching Tier 2?" Ram pondered as he examined the details in front of him and meticulously inspected his body.

Every part of Ram's body, from the microscopic to the macroscopic, underwent significant strengthening.

It felt remarkably lighter compared to before, and as he tested moving outside the compartment, the most noticeable changes in his physical & mental improvement became evident.

An increase in Physique means not just strength, it's an average of strength, defense, and agility, he felt all three of these attributes had surged by three to four times what they were during his Tier-1.

What was once 250 to 300 kg of fist strength had now soared to an impressive 800 to 1000 kg, and his speed, which previously maxed out at 25 m/s, had accelerated to an impressive 35 m/s.

He even sensed his muscles and bones getting a bit stronger, making him more resistant to diseases and also extending his lifespan.

It was not just a physical metamorphosis; even his talent 'Recovery' began to react.

Unknown to him, inside his Spiritual Realm, which was filled with thousands of vibrant green and blue light clusters, representing Ram's reserve Life Energy and Spiritual Power, initiating a chain reaction.

These clusters began merging and intertwining, condensing into larger, more concentrated conglomerates of Life Energy and Spiritual Power.

"Hey, my experience returned to zero. I don't know how many plants I need to nurture to become a Tier-3 Professional," Ram exclaimed in confusion.

The most notable change was a tenfold decrease in both his reserve Life Energy and Spiritual Power with the upgrade.

He checked his Talent again to see if something had changed, but it remained the same:


- Recovery (unique) - recovers 1% of Max Health and Spiritual Power every minute.]

However, in the skill column, he noticed that the requirement for Spiritual Power had decreased tenfold.

He realized that while the amount of Spiritual Power had decreased, its purity or concentration had increased tenfold.

One point of his current Spiritual Power was now equivalent to ten points from Tier 1.

He attempted to inspect it and promptly extracted a Vitality mycelium, infusing it with a single point of Life Energy.

Contrary to the previous hundreds of attempts, this time Life Energy seemed purer and required only one point to evolve into a Vitality Mushroom.

However, he noticed he gained no experience from this action. Ram surmised that upgrading the Mushroom to Tier 2 might be necessary to earn experience once more.

Perplexed by this unexpected development, Ram thought, "Even though the numbers decreased, they are more concentrated compared to before."

"This could be attributed to my essence being strengthened after the upgrade." He recognized the potential benefits of the intensified concentration of his reserve Life Energy and Spiritual Power.

Typically, as awakeners ascend to higher levels, each progression represents an evolution of both their physical bodies and Spirits.

This transformative process involves the strengthening of both Life Energy and Spiritual Power, forming the foundational basis for an awakener's physical and mental capabilities.

This explained why a Tier-2 Professional could surpass the strength of a Tier-1. A Tier-3 Professional, having experienced this transformative ascent, embodies them with heightened resilience, mental ability, and an overall amplification of their abilities.

He now understood why his talent was unique in its nature, resonating with his level of awakening.

If he was in Tier-2, it would restore 1% of his total Life Energy and Spiritual Power, calibrated to Tier-2 standards.

Conversely, should he ascend to Tier-3, the talent would adjust, replenishing 1% of his Life Energy and Spiritual Power corresponding to the upgraded Tier-3.

This also provided clarity to the apparent decrease in the numerical values of his reserve Life Energy and Spiritual Power, elevating the significance of his talent from merely practical to potentially game-changing.

"So, this implies that the recovered Life Energy and Spiritual Power amount to ten times what I obtained before upgrading to Tier-2."

"Consequently, the previous 1000 points required to level up the Thousand Leaf Pinnacle or enhancement of Groot should now only need 100 points. With my current recovery rate, I can accumulate 100 points in just two hours, compared to the whole day it took before. If I had known this earlier, I would have upgraded myself sooner." He finally understood how overpowered his talent was.

If his talent could improve his Life Energy tenfold every time, what magnitude of Life Energy and Spiritual Power would be unlocked at Tier 3, Tier 4, or even higher tiers like Tier 5, Tier 6, and even Tier 7?

"But ten times is truly unprecedented," Ram pondered, assessing the changes in his body and comparing his current physical strength to when he was still in Tier 1.

Typically, most awakeners experience a three to fivefold increase in strength or slightly more when they upgrade, and their Life Energy and Spiritual Power follow a similar pattern.

However, in his case, the dynamics were quite different. "Although my physical strength has increased by three to four times compared to before," Ram continued.

"My Life Energy and Spiritual Power have been strengthened tenfold, which is truly unusual."

The anomaly in the magnitude of the increase left him intrigued, "Is this also related to my talent? Will it be the same every time I upgrade in the future?"

"It should be, or else why would there be such an increase in my Life Energy and Spiritual Power with such a minor upgrade from Tier-1 to Tier-2," Ram concluded, still marveling at the dramatic enhancement.

He took out a transfer material for Martial Artists, which looked like an ordinary book, about the same size and thickness as a normal textbook.

Each profession possesses distinct materials with unique properties.

With a Professional Seed embedded in their consciousness, an awakener can utilize transfer materials to either add a new deputy profession or employ advanced transfer materials for a direct transition to advance profession.

Unlike other professionals, Ram doesn't have a professional seed, but with the help of the Attribute Panel, Ram was able to utilize the transfer material.

The book transformed into particles of light and entered his forehead, instantly imparting knowledge about the profession along with a cultivation method into his mind.

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