Star Citizen Online: Isekai Edition

Chapter 88: Through the Stars (2)

Starship Obscurus, somewhere in the Chronus Expanse Star Region, three days later

Today, like any other day, Arcturus was training in the training room for several hours as he was polishing the Sardau Star Sword Style.

[Proficiency with the Skill Sardau Star Sword has been increased by 1%.]

[Proficiency with the Skill Sardau Star Sword has been increased by 3%.]

[Proficiency with the Skill Sardau Star Sword has been increased by 1%.]

As he got the notifications from the System, he stopped training entirely and went back to his chambers to take a shower. Right now, across the corridors of the Obscurus, there were tons of worker drones and droids that were doing various jobs and tasks, as the Red Queen was controlling the drones.

Everything was working in a great synergy, as the Red Queen acted like the supreme Hivemind for the several tens of Construction Droids and Mining Droids, which were all shaped like insectoids for whatever reason.

Sometimes, the droids looked creepy, especially if he woke during the night, and as he went to take something from a different room or to check on the state of the engines, he almost always got a heart attack when he saw the spider-shaped Construction Droid in the darkness.

It wasn't really pleasant, but apparently, based on the Red Queen's explanation, the insectoid shape of the Construction Droids and Mining Droids was the best in efficiency as their bodies were made for the most effective work.

Such were the wonders of nature because it wasn't just coincidence that the insects were created this way because it was done through countless years of evolution that most of the insects developed to the state where their bodies were actually perfect for the work and survival in the nature and various types of the environment.

When he was finished with the shower, the next part of his day usually consisted of self-studying as there were countless things that he could study, and he was rather eager to explore information about various new races and other things.

Even though he had a certain distaste for the Arachnids, he was rather fascinated by the entire Arachnid species, because they were one of the greatest wonders of the entire known universe.

There were not many species like the Arachnids in the Cosmos, and ironically, the Eternal Empire of the Asurya shared a rather extensive border with the Arachnids in the Nihilus Star Region and often waged war against the Arachnids.

Within the Nihilus Star Region, large parts of the Star Region were under the control of the Arachnids, as the Arachnids controlled the remaining Star Regions around the Nihilus Star Region in the Andromeda Galaxy.

As he was reading a book, not the version from the Extranet or the Imperial NetSphere, but rather the one that was a physical version that cost him several hundred Universal Credits, as he enjoyed the feeling of the physical book.

While reading through the Extranet or Imperial NetSphere was rather practical and efficient, Arcturus, as someone who was still originating from the 21st Century Earth, so he rather enjoyed the physical version.

It was a thing of personal preference.

Right now, Arcturus was reading a written physical book that depicted various types of Arachnids, and it was actually one of the few physical copies of the Imperial Arachnid Compendium, which was also the reason why it cost more than five thousand Universal Credits.

For that amount, one could buy an entire spaceship in some Low-Level Civilization. But this one had the signature of the author, an esteemed Professor from the Phoenix Imperial Military Academy on the Planet Asurya.

The man spent his entire life researching the Arachnids and wrote several books about the creatures, and this one had some short description of the Arachnid and several images of the majestic yet dreadful creatures that were the doom of the countless civilizations and an untold numbers of the world.

Suddenly, his Neural Extranet Terminal Gene Implants started beeping as he was having an incoming call from someone through the Imperial NetSphere. There was only a very small number of people that would be calling him through the Imperial NetSphere, and an even smaller number of the already small number would have some sort of reason to call him.

When he accepted the call, he was surprised to see the holographic projection of the beautiful young-looking woman with short bob-cut black hair in a crisp military uniform. He didn't really bother to look at the name of the person calling him, so he was rather surprised that Bator-Commandant Irene Verinus Tarun called him.

"Bator-Commandant Tarun, it is utmost pleasure and delight to see you once again."

Due to the lack of people to talk with, he was delighted to have talked with someone who was artificial intelligence or a droid. In fact, both he and Irene Verinus Tarun were still in contact even after the invasion of the Greenskins and Mind Flayers.

They tended to chat through Imperial NetSphere's chatting app, which was specifically designed for people who wanted to have private conversations, and the registration fee cost was just 1 Universal Credit.

While that seemed nothing, it was a tremendous amount, considering the buying strength of the Universal Credit, which was a common currency among all High-Level Civilization in the Cosmos, as most, if not almost all, High-Level Civilizations were using Universal Credits as their national currency.

Only a very small number of High-Level Civilizations were using their own currencies, but that was rare as the High-Level Civilizations often traded with each other, and nothing was better than to use the Universal Credits that were issued by the Cosmic Vaultbank.

"Your flattering tone is not getting you in my good graces. But on the other hand, how is your journey to the Throne World?"

Before Arcturus left the Starfort Lycurgos for the Throne World Asurya, he also went to say goodbye to Irene Verinus Tarun, as she was somehow his friend or whatever. The woman almost smiled when he told her that he was going to the Throne World, noting that she also wished to see the Imperial Capital of the Eternal Empire of the Asurya.

"Boring and long... the Star Region is enormous, and I am going in the lowest mode. There is no reason to waste the fuel for the engine."

He also complained when he thought about the prices of the fuel because the rods of the fuel for the engines that he had installed on the Obscurus were outrageous, and if there wasn't really a need for it, he would still go for saving the money.

No need to frivolously spend the Universal Credits when he wasn't in a hurry.

"You are cheapstake... Do you know that? But yeah, the Anti-Matter Energy Rods are increasing in price; some of the crucial worlds under the Imperial control that was used to extract the materials for the fuel have fallen to the Arachnids a few months ago. The bugs are rather active compared to the past."

She knew the Star Mercenary before her, and she knew that the man was a rather cheapstake and money grubber who loved money very much. Not like it was really that bad, because it was still better if he just squandered all of the money for nothing.

Like most of the Star Mercenaries and Bounty Hunters did.

"Ts... what can I say. But based on what you said, nothing has been published on the Imperial NetSphere. Aside from the increased offensive from the bugs, it should be somewhere around the Winterscale Star Segment, right?"

Winterscale Star Segment was one of the bordermost Star Segments within the Nihilus Star Region; it was also, the place where she was from. It was also very possible that the Solitas, her homeworld, would be facing a massive invasion from the Arachnids.

"They are keeping it mostly hidden; the situation is bad in the Winterscale Star Segment, and the Empire is preparing an enormous offensive against the Arachnids. Some of the very important Resource Planets were taken by the Arachnids during their latest invasion of the Winterscale Star Segments, and thousands of Star Domains have fallen to the bugs."

The Winterscale Star Segment was one of the foremost places that was holding the Arachnid Swarms at bay, and often, it came at a very steep price. While there were several Fortress Worlds within the Witnerscale Star Segments, but even those could fall under the assault of the endless hordes of the Arachnids.

Despite all of this, the Winterscale Star Segment was one of the richest Star Segments within the entire Eternal Empire of the Asuyrani because of some exotic resources that could be found on some of its planets.

Not many, but in regard to the elements and things that could be processed into the Anti-Matter Fuel Rods, finding even one of such worlds was an utmost treasure, but not just one, but outright several of such planets have fallen to the Arachnids.

"Hopefully, your homeworld would be okey..."

Arcturus knew that the world of Solitas was a frozen wasteland, and survival there was extremely hard, even despite the planet being enormous, it had only a few settlements, and even those were not particularly big.

Most of them were modest, and one could even argue that Solitas was a proper Fortress World because aside from some mining and manufacturing weapons and jobs for the Forge Masters, most of the people were actually soldiers.

The Solitians prided themselves in their soldiery. Among all the worlds of the Empire, the Solitians were famed for their strict discipline when it came to their regiments, and they were the best experts in combatting the Arachnids.

"Rationally speaking, nobody could ensure that, but we can only hope. The defenses of the Solitas are strong, and they have not been breached in many decades. Not to mention, the Imperial High Command is also sending reinforcements to the Solitas and preparing to push the Arachnids out."

As he heard that, Arcturus just nodded as he knew that the Resource Planets that were lost off the bugs must be recovered at any cost.

Arcturus even wanted to visit Solitas if he had a chance because even though it was a frozen wasteland, the beauty of the planet was undeniable, and it had several natural wonders that were worth watching at any cost.

The fact that the planet was very cold was just a bonus for Arcturus, as he preferred such environments compared to anything else.

"As I hear you talking about your homeworld, it seems to me that you want to return back... already thinking about asking for the re-deployment?"

From the talks they had, Arcturus knew that she was missing her homeworld, and she was already rather high on the ladder of the military ranks within the Imperial Army. He knew also knew that she had enough merit and achievements to be promoted to the next rank and be assigned her own Chapter to command.

She would also be one of the youngest Commodore-Bashars within the Imperial Structure of the Eternal Empire. Technically speaking, Irene Terinus Varun wasn't part of the Army or Navy, but of the separate branch that allowed one to command the Ground Troops, Naval Forces, and Air Forces at the same time.

Medjay Military Branch.

They were directly under the Padishah-Marshall, and they repressed the most elite military forces within the entire Imperium. It was also the sole branch that was allowed to command Ground, Air and Navy at the same time under the leadership and also some special units.

Interestingly enough, till now, appearing all Padishah-Marshalls of the Eternal Empire of the Asurya were from the Medjay Military Branch, as all of them were former Lord Marshalls of the Medjay or, at least, Bashar-Generals of the Medjay.

"Bashar-General Varathar Medes told me that I could ask for the promotion, and it would surely be approved. Still, leading the entire Chapter sounds too much, and the responsibility is very heavy. Tens of thousands would be placed under my command, and I would be responsible for their lives and deaths. Not really that pleasant idea, truth to be told."

Arcturus could vaguely understand her concerns, because from what he learned, that till now she was mostly in the charge of the special operations, covert operations, strategy planning and so on, but interestingly enough, she wasn't the one that made the final decision.

Especially the decisions that could impact the life and death of many, many thousands of Asuryani and Votanns.

"I still think that you should accept. My master told me that one cannot avoid responsibility indefinitely, and sometimes, it would come at the time to make a decision. And just the fact that you are already thinking about the possible consequences of your actions in the possible future is a sign that you would be a good commander."

He had rather similar concerns in the future, when he was first playing with the idea of establishing the Star Mercenary Organization. Arcturus was the person who, if given a choice, wasn't that pleased with having the responsibility of any kind.

In the end, he accepted the reality that he couldn't run from the prospect of responsibility forever.

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