Star Citizen Online: Isekai Edition

Chapter 74: Battle on the Summit

The battle between the two Beyodners was rare; that was something that everyone present within the Imperial Defense Forces could steadily agree on because it was indeed the truth. Or, more precisely, battles between Beyonders in places like the Alaric Star Domain were rare...

Among the hundreds of millions of Star Systems that were creating the Andromeda Galaxy, not many of them could say that they were able to host the fight between Beyonders on the level of the Elder Brain or the Grandmaster Arsit Byrmellir.

When Beyonders fought, they would usually fight in the Cosmos, between the galaxies, because their fight could easily destroy large parts of the galaxy; this was especially true for the top-sequence Beyonders with very destructive Psyker Abilities.

When the Beyonders were fighting in any inhabited Galaxy, they needed to control their power strictly and with the utmost precision and care, or else they would destroy everything around them in a few breaths.

Grandmaster Arsit Byrmellir was such a case because even though he was severely injured and restricted to the Euclid-Sequence, he was still strong enough to kill the Elder Brain before him.

Especially after the Elder Brain was hit directly by the initial wave created by the Psion-Disruption Device that his disciple was tasked with carrying out, and it seemed that Arcturus performed his mission splendidly, as it worked even better than the HighCom had initially predicted.

Right now, the Elder Brain was currently weakened and couldn't use all the Psionic Abilities to their full potential, though Grandmaster Byrmellir knew that it was only a matter of time until he recovered completely and would be to his full power in a time.

Thus, he needed to kill the dammed creature before the Elder Brain recovered its power, and that wasn't an easy task.

At the same time, it was already a long time since he fought such a battle; since he was injured in the depths of the Cosmos several decades ago, he was forced to avoid fighting dangerous battles that could cost his life.

Not to mention, during such high-end fights, his injuries would for sure worsen, and his strength would degrade once again, something that he didn't really wish. Even right now, he has already fallen from the peak of the Keter Sequence to the Euclid Sequence..

Which was a terrible fall and humiliating at the same time.

Fortunately enough, this information was kept as top secret, or else the vultures would be circling around the Eternal Empire of the Asurya. Without powerful Beoyynder, the chosen people of the Phoenix couldn't have dreamed of fighting back.

'Stil... if I can kill this octopus in front of me and get its Beyonder Psion Nuclei, I could perhaps initiate the healing process of my injuries from the time ago... Elder Brains are the pinnacle of the Mind Flayer Species and their Psionic Potential is second to none, especially after they become Elder Brains, calling them Psionic Gods shouldn't that far from the reality.

Its core should be enough to heal me completely in a span of a few years...'

The elderly Highborn Asuryani Grandmaster thought in his head as his expression hardened along with his resolve. This time, he wasn't fighting just to destroy the Mind Flayers that were encroaching on the territories of the Phoenix Empire, but also for the chance to finally recover his old strength.

Finally, to be free from the crippling injuries that he sustained and living in fear every single day that his inability to be a genius Keter-Sequence Beyonder would spread, and the rival High-Level Civilizations would use the opportunity to invade the Eternal Imperium at once.

He was sure that the Veren Republic wouldn't bat an eye and would attack immediately, and most probably, even some of the Mind Fleets would do the same thing when they realized that the combat capabilities of the Eternal Empire were lowered by a great degree...

Long ago, the Republic was eyeing some territories of the Empire, not to mention that they periodically waged war on each other for minor things. Both of them were High-Level Civilizations, even though the Eternal Empire of the Asurya was stronger in terms of military power.

Vastly stronger, though much smaller than that of the Veren Republic.

Even though they were trying to make it up with the wide-scale implementation of the Mechs, Battle Droids, and Artificial Intelligences on the level of Sentient Machines to make up for the deficit of their smaller population.

In the end, neither the Votans nor Asuryani were species that could procreate fast and en masse. Among the various subspecies of the Human Race, Asuryani were the race that had rather very low fertility, and less was being said about the Votans.

Ruin the Extinct was a very famous technique that Arsit Byrmellir created using the Destruction Authority, the Super-High Risk Primal Psyker Ability. In a split second, he compressed the pure, unrestrained Destruction of the Destruction Authority into small spheres that would eliminate everything in their path.

Destruction Authority was a very particular ability because, as the name spoke, this concrete Super-High Risk Primal Psyker Ability allowed one to have some connection to the Concept of Destruction itself.

Once mastered to a certain degree, one could use the Destruction itself to his whims.

Just like right now, when Arsit Byrmellir controlled several spheres of Destruction that shot toward the Elder Brain with lightning speed. The Elder Brain almost immediately created several barriers of pure Psionic Energy to defend itself from the Spheres of the Destruction Authority.

But the Ruin the Extinct was much stronger than the Psionic Barriers that the creature could muster up, and in the end, all of the Psionic Barriers that the Elder Brain created were destroyed upon contact with the Ruin the Extinct and the Spheres of Destruction hit the Elder Brain directly to its foremost tentacles.

Those were Grandmaster's targets because they served not only as one of the main weapons of the Elder Brain but also because of their versatility in combat. On top of that, the Elder Brain also used its tentacles as some sort of Psionic Amplificators in times of need.

The Elder Brain shrieked in pain when the Spheres of Destruction hit its tentacles as part of the flesh from the tentacles was being erased from reality in one go. It was kinda sort of pain that was unimaginable and high as hell...

Meanwhile, the Grandmaster Byrmellir used the opportunity to attack the Elder Brain in the close-quarter combat. Even though he had something like the Destruction Authority, Super-High Risk Primal Psyker Ability, and one with top rank offensive and destructive power even compared to the other Super-High Risk Primal Psyker Abilities, he was still swordsman foremost.

Since the time he picked up the first sword several centuries ago, when he was born in one of the colony worlds of the Eternal Empire of the Asurya, to ordinary farmers. He wasn't born as someone noble or as someone of distinguished lineage.

He wasn't born even as the Asuryani Highborn, but rather as an average Asuryani.

Everything that he was right now, was through his own efforts and power.

With the sword in his hand, he tore through the raiders that were attacking his home planet; with the sword in his hand, he tore through the legions of Veren Republic; with the sword in his hand he destroyed immeasurable numbers of the Greenskins that were attacking the Imperial Territories, with the sword in his hand he slayed Psionics, Psykers and Beyonder alike.

With a swing of his sword, Destruction Authority enveloped the golden runic longsword like a flaming torch as he brought the sword down on the Elder Brain that was still struggling to properly deal with the Spehers of Destruction as it was forced to utilize most of its Psionic Powers to stop the destructive spheres that were cleaning its tentacles.

In a split second, the golden runic sword that was burning with the flames of the Destruction Authority fell down onto the Elder Brain, which, at the last moment, used several of its side tentacles to block it off.

Unfortunately for the oversized, grotesque space squid, the sword cut through the tentacles without any resistance, as the Elder Brain psionically shrieked from pain, as its psionic shriek knocked thousands of Mind Flayers unconscious.

At the same time, something unpredictable happened during the time, when Grandmaster Byrmellir severed several tentacles of the Elder Brain.

Due to the effect of the Psion-Distruption Device, weakening of the Elder Brain, and consecutive attacks on the Elder Brain by the Grandmaster of the Phoenix Empire, the Elder Brain's enforcement of the Psionic Slave Crests started to falter.

Even though it was less time than just one second, it was still enough for a few thousand Psionics and Psyker slaves on the ships of the Mind Flayers to break free from the control of the Mind Flayers, because only thing that kept them under the control of the Mind Flayers was the power of the Seal which was supplemented by the Elder Brain itself.


The moment it faltered, those who could sense their opportunity used all of their power to break through the bindings and escape the control of the Elder Brain before the Elder Brain reinforced the Slave Crest.

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