SSS Ranked Reincarnation: Dark Dragon Legacy

Chapter 3: 10x effect

A year had passed since Silva was brought to this new home, and so far he had fit in. His father was an adventurer in the town and was quite a good one. His mother was a mage, but she focused solely on healing magic, so people came to her for healing, and she got paid.

His father's name was Leon, and his mum was Sarah. Both of them were good-looking, but they had jet-black hair, which was a heavy contrast to Silva's hair. They also had three kids before Silva. The first was their eldest son, who was currently four years old, and the next were the twins, a boy and a girl who were two at the moment.

Silva had quietly stayed in this house without causing a fuss. He was like the perfect child, so much so that it caused his mother to worry at times. She didn't understand how Silva was always calm and barely cried at all.

She tried her best to understand Silva, but she came up with blanks at every turn, so she decided to take Silva as he was. Silva had waited for a year patiently, awaiting the day that his legacy would awaken. But he wasn't just sitting around in that time; he had slowly been gathering information about this world and also learning to read and understand the language as much as he could.

Still, the information that he was able to get was minimal. He only found out that this town was Ribest, a small adventuring town. As for the language, he was able to understand when spoken to, but his reading was still basic. That was to be expected, since he didn't have access to reading materials.

Silva was busy chilling in his crib, counting the minutes and hours as they went by, but then, today would be the last day of doing that.

[SSS Ranked Legacy Awakened]

[Dark Dragon Legacy fully awakened]

[Beginning Synchronization]


[Congratulations on becoming the spawn of the dark dragon]

[The Black Dragon Legacy increases all abilities and skills by 10x, Including EXP Gathering rate, SP rate; this effect stacks up after leveling up]

**Name:** Silva

**Race:** Human(50%) Dark Dragon(50%)

**Legacy:** Dark Dragon Legacy(Awakened)

**Magical Affinities:** Summoning, Darkness, Abyss Magic.

**Mana:** 10,000 x 10 (100,000)

**Exp:** 0/100

**SP:** 100 x 10 (1000)

**Level:** 1

**Strength:** 1x10 (10)

**Defense:** 1x10 (10)

**Speed:** 1x10 (10)

**Agility:** 1x10 (10)

**Intelligence:** 1x10 (10)

**Free stat points:** 4x10 (40)


[-Scale hardening lv1: Cover yourself in dark dragon scales for five minutes, 200% percent increase to defense and strength.] x 10

[-Dragon eyes lv1: See energy forms, lasts for five minutes] x 10


-Abyss Magic: Gate of Hell, sacrifice your blood to open a powerful gate to consume the souls of your enemy. Effect multiplied by ten.

Silva took his time to read through everything, and he came to one conclusion, and that was that the dark dragon legacy was overpowered. He didn't know the exact way power worked here, but the effect of multiplying by ten was something that would change everything.

"It seems that I am half dragon, but I can't use any dragon skills or abilities indefinitely. Even the scale hardening is for five minutes, but with the times ten effect, it will last for fifty minutes; that's almost an hour."

Silva decided to test this skill. He simply thought about it, and then black scales started covering his body, covering everywhere. Silva was happily admiring his scales, but then the door to the room opened, and he immediately called off the skill.

His mother walked in and picked up Silva from his crib. She held him in her arms in a way that said she knew what she was doing. She kissed his forehead and then used healing magic on him; the soft glow soothed Silva. This was sort of her daily routine, ensuring that she treated him daily.

Silva didn't understand how this woman could be so loving to someone that was not her real son. He understood that they were paid to care for him, but he could tell without a doubt that the love they showed was not bought.

They cared for him like one of their own, even though he was obviously very different from the rest of the family. All this made Silva happy, and subconsciously, he had begun taking ownership of them; they were his.

This was a character effect that came from the legacy, but it was too little for him to notice. He thought it was simply normal feelings and that was all. After she healed him, she took him outside in her arms. She got a chair and placed it at the entrance and sat with him. Their house was a little removed from the main town, so there were few houses around them.

His parents had chosen this side because his mother loved the quiet; she wanted to minimize the noise as much as possible. Silva looked at the surroundings that were to be his home from now on, and he started planning on what he would do. His first task would be to become the strongest adventurer in this town.

That would lead to some good recognition that would help him gain more things like knowledge and strength.

His mother later took him inside. She took a book from her shelf about the way magic worked, but Silva snatched it from her. She tried to get it back, but he refused, so she placed him down and opened the book for him.

Silva began to seriously read the book, though his mother thought he was playing, but she let him be. But after that day, Silva would bother her day after day, asking for books with his limited vocabulary. The rate at which he consumed the books was outstanding, and his mind stats shot up.

After he became three and was a whole lot more fluent, his parents tagged him as a genius because of how well he read and wrote at that age.

For Silva, he discovered that even reading like this was giving him EXP. Whenever he conquered a harder subject, he would get EXP, and with the 10x effect, he had steadily risen to level five, with enough stat points to distribute and system points to spend.

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