Spiteful Healer

Chapter 149: Shoulders

Chapter 149: Shoulders

After turning in all of the guard emblems to Ulaipu, Aegis and his party sorted out their inventories before spreading out in Pakro'Vielle to explore the shops. Mainly though, it was Aegis who was busiest. He stopped by each and every one of the crafting buildings to turn in the quests, and for the most part, each quest rewarded him with a new proficiency.

You have unlocked the Woodcutting Proficiency: [Underrealm Stalk]

You have unlocked the Mining Proficiency: [Glasmium Ore]

You have unlocked the Creature Harvesting Proficiency: [Scale & Bone]

You have unlocked the Weaving Proficiency: [Netting]

You have unlocked the Alchemy Proficiency: [Delayed Release]

You have unlocked the Stonecutting Proficiency: [Obsidian]

When it came to some of the quests, there was no proficiency to be learned, but simply techniques and styles that he watched the Plashrim craftsmen perform, and memorized them. He saw a woodworking demonstration, and a tailoring demonstration. Just by watching both, he gained a level in his artistry skill.

Last but not least, and his most anticipated quest, was the blacksmithing quest. He stepped into the blacksmithing shop and walked right up to the counter to Oopik and placed the quest items down on the counter that he’d obtained from the Royal Mosmir.

“Impressive. I suppose it is my turn to keep up my end of the bargain.” Oopik smiled as he took the Royal Mosmire fragments and added them to his own inventory. Aegis waved off the quest completed message and stared expectantly at Oopik. “Crafting an Eternal Flame is quite an endeavor. First you must begin by acquiring the Heart of a Flame Giant. Then, you will need 100 Magma or Flame elemental cores.” Oopik said, pausing to see Aegis’ reaction, but he had none - he had no idea what a Flame Giant or Magma Elemental was.

“Once you’ve acquired those, you or a skilled blacksmith will need to forge a thick sphere of iron around a greater enchanting orb or better, forged out of high quality Glasmium. That is required to absorb the heat and retain it. The iron used must be of a quality so high as to that all bars quality’s sum is no less than 1000. Once you have that, you must place the materials in a bowl made of obsidian, no other material can withstand the heat you will need for the final steps.” Oopik continued.

“Next, with all of the parts in the bowl, you must hammer the giant’s heart into the Iron-encased Greater Enchanting orb. This will begin the final forging step. Once you’ve hammered it in, the heart will absorb the elemental cores, merge with the Enchanting orb, and begin absorbing all sources of heat for the next 30 seconds. During those 30 seconds, you must subject it to the most intense heat imaginable, as once those 30 seconds are up, the Eternal flame will be forged, and forever burn at the hottest temperature you subjected it to.” Oopik finished his explanation.

Aegis listened intently, scratching his chin. By the end of the explanation, Aegis was already pondering what methods he could use to create the hottest flame in the game world. But he knew it would be a long time before he had the materials to make that item.

“Any idea where I can find Flame Giants and Magma, or Fire elementals?” Aegis asked him.

“The Red River has such creatures, but be wary. That river is home to the most dangerous, deadliest creatures on this island. There is a reason that the Dark Elf tyrant steers clear of it.” Oopik replied with a shrug.

“Ok. Thanks.” Aegis nodded. He was expecting the map quest reward soon, so felt no need to press for more details on where or what the Red River was. Aegis left the shop, gathered his party members, and together they excitedly made their way towards the Elder’s office for their final quest turn in.

Congratulations, you have reached Level 92!: 5 attribute points available, +489 health, +161 mana!

You gain 2500 Favor with Pakro’Vielle.

Gained Map of the Kalmoore Underrealm

“I cannot thank you enough for all that you have done for the people of Pakro’Vielle. We are truly in your debt. If there is anything we can do for you, do not hesitate to ask.” Ertonar replied with a happy bow, tears swelling up in his eyes. He held out the map for Aegis who eagerly took it and added it to his inventory. Aegis turned and looked back to see that all of his party members had reached level 92 from the massive amounts of experience they’d gained for turning in all the quests. Both from this quest, and the large amount of guard emblems turned into Ulaipu.

Snowflake as well had reached level 83, while Darkwing was now level 70, despite having contributed nothing during any encounter. Aegis had half a mind to complain about the experience-leeching pigeon on Darkshot’s shoulder, but decided against it as it caught his gaze and made a curious coo in his direction.

“I do have a request.” Aegis spoke up to Ertonar. “We would like to build a portal altar in Pakro’Vielle, so that more adventurers like us can explore the underrealm. Would that be okay?” Aegis asked him.

“Certainly. You may construct it just outside of this building.” Ertonar bowed to Aegis respectfully. A moment later, Aegis was sent an invitation to a work project to build a Portal Altar within Pakro’Vielle, Ertonar taking lead on the project.

“Perfect, thanks.” Aegis smiled as he accepted the invitation, then turned to his party and gave them all a thumbs up. The group headed out of the building and back out onto the streets of Pakro’Vielle where Aegis selected an appropriate location to start building and began marking it out.

“Did Trexon agree to come and enchant it?” Pyri asked Aegis curiously as the others stood back and watched.

“Uhh…” Aegis hesitated as he opened up his interface to check his messages. “Yup, they’re requesting we open a portal for them to Kordas so they can come through. Are you able to do that?” He looked at Pyri curiously.

“Yes.” Pyri nodded. “Right now?”

“I think so…” Aegis double checked the message again. “Yup.” He added a nod.

“Are you sure you wanna do that?” Darkshot interjected, drawing all eyes onto himself. “I mean… It kinda makes me mad when I think about it… Feng’s guild is just using our hard work to kill the Queen. And everyone in the world knows how to get tier 3 tailoring materials thanks to us. Now, you want to let the Night Hunters come and explore our village that we found, hidden…” Darkshot replied, his voice trailing off towards the end.

“Those are the downsides to streaming, though…” Lina replied.

“Yeah, I guess…” Darkshot mumbled back half-heartedly. "I'd at least like to hear his reasoning though." Darkshot motioned to Aegis while looking at Lina.

"You're right... Some players enjoy the game by copying others rather than discovering things themselves, and that's frustrating. But really, players that only do that aren't ever really going to be a threat to us." Aegis shrugged. "I was a bit too excited when we discovered the silk and didn't think to turn my stream off but, I'm not too worried. What's available in the hives is limited supply, the real trick will be how to tame the hatchers, and we've got the eggs. And, you know, actually weaving it. I'll make sure to keep that part private." Aegis explained.

"For Pakro'Vielle, though, it's the least we should do to pay back the Night Hunters and Blades of Kalmoore. They're not selfless, but they've helped us without question countless times. And I think, with the risk of abyssal invasions, it's in our best interest to keep helping them grow just as they've been helping us. We're done in this part of the underrealm anyway." Aegis added. "When you find new things that can help others close to you, you should share it with them, right? Where would the world be if Florey and Chain decided not to tell anyone about penicillin?” Aegis asked rhetorically to Darkshot and Rakkan, and they just glanced at each other with confused shrugs.

“Yeah… I guess when you put it like that.” Rakkan gestured in agreement.

“Knowing things is only half of it, doing them is the fun part.” Pyri smiled.

“Ok, ok, I got it.” Darkshot threw his hands up in surrender while eying Aegis' livestreaming icon. “I can’t really complain either way, I’ve got this new Simbox thanks to you.” He added.

“I’m opening the portal now.” Pyri said, but looked between the others after she had, just to confirm there were no further objections. There were none, and a few moments later, a portal appeared in the middle of the air in front of Pyri. Through it, the party could see Quinn, Trexon, and Tullan standing on the other side.

“You’ve got to invite us to the group before we can go through your portal.” Trexon called through it at them.

“Oh, right.” Aegis quickly fidgeted with his party interface to change it to a raiding party, then promptly invited the three to the group. A moment later, they all stepped through and stood with them on the streets of Pakro’Vielle.

“Whoa, looks much prettier in person.” Quinn said with wide eyes as she and Trexon looked around at the mushroom houses.

“You, yer a bloody idiot! Broadcastin’ the tailoring discovery.” Tullan shook his head at Aegis disapprovingly. “D’you know how rich we’d be if ye’d kept it to yerself?”

“Listen here.” Darkshot cleared his throat and stepped forward on Aegis’ behalf. “Where would we be as a society if Lorey and Cain didn’t share penicillin with everyone?” Darkshot wagged his finger at him.

“What?” Tullan replied with a confused look while Pyri comfortingly patted Darkshot on the shoulder.

“Just ignore him, he’s grumpy he didn’t find it first.” Quinn shook her head with a smile. “Build the altar so Trexon can enchant it, we’ve got stuff to do.” Quinn instructed Tullan and he reluctantly nodded, mumbling a few more angry words under his breath. “Would you mind introducing me to the Elder?” Quinn turned to Aegis.

“Uh, sure, I can…” Aegis shrugged.

“I tagged along with them to see if we can’t convince these Pakro’Vielle guys to join the Kordas Kingdom.” Quinn explained as she began walking towards the townhall mushroom, Aegis following beside her. The others looked between Aegis, and Tullan, and saw Tullan begin taking out large cut stones from his inventory for the altar construction. Rakkan, Lina and Darkshot all opted to stay back and help Tullan while Pyri settled with Snowflake and Trexon and watched.

“It was really clever how you mapped out the hive.” Quinn commented as she and Aegis ascended the stairs to the town all side by side. “We've been on another guild raid, but half of our members have been watching your stream the whole time.” She added with a head shake.

“Oh, thanks.” Aegis shrugged.

“I also appreciate you building this altar. Should be a good place for our mid level players to grind, like Ren. I just hope he can’t learn to beast shift into any of these bugs after seeing them, they look unpleasant.” Quinn added.

“Yeah… the snail wouldn’t be so bad though, I guess.” Aegis shrugged.

“Any chance you’d make a copy of that map for us?” Quinn asked.

“Eh, not yet. Maybe once we’re done down here.” Aegis smirked at her.

“Ok, fair enough. Had to ask.” Quinn grinned back at him. “You planning on heading back to Rene for a bit?” She added as they reached the doors into the building and opened it, the Plashrim guards that flanked the entrance both bowed politely and welcomed them inside.

“Yeah, once the altar is done.” Aegis shrugged.

“I should warn you, it might be a bit different than you remember it.” Quinn replied.

“Different how?”

“Oh, you’ll see.” Quinn pulled her lips in suspiciously as they arrived in front of the doors to Ertonar’s office. Aegis knocked first.

“Please, come in.” They heard Ertonar from the other side of the door. The two entered the office room side by side, Quinn taking a moment to look around the room curiously and see all of the strange looking furnishings. “Ah, Aegis. And a friend. Is there something I can do for you?”

“Yes, this is Quinn.” He motioned to her beside him as she politely and quickly bowed, momentarily flinging her ponytail over the top of her head. “She represents the Kingdom of Kordas, the ruling Kingdom on the surface of Kalmoore.” Aegis motioned to her.

“On behalf of the King of Kordas I would like to formally invite you to join the Kordas Kingdom.” Quinn said with her head respectfully lowered.

“Why would we join a Kingdom of surface dwellers?” Ertonar asked hesitantly. Aegis leaned back and listened as Quinn and Ertonar began a long, exhaustive back and forth discussion on the merits of Pakro’Vielle joining Kordas. There was discussion of the military, trade, taxes, and much more. It was very touch and go for awhile, but rather than try to contribute to either side's point of view, Aegis opted to just listen in and learn.

"So..." Trexon mumbled awkwardly as he stood beside Pyri, Snowflake sitting behind them preening himself. The others were busy working on constructing the Portal Altar together under Tullan's instruction. "I caught a bit of Aegis' stream when you fought against the Voidreavers... Pretty impressive crowd controlling." Trexon smirked. Pyri looked at him out of the corner of her eyes and saw his smug little smile.

"Yeah, yeah." She shook her head.

"Good thing you took that intermediate right? Jael aint so bad after all." Trexon chuckled. Pyri just rolled her eyes and huffed back at him.

"You were right, my son is a bit more mature than I gave him credit for. Still don't really thinks he grasps what I'm doing yet, though." She replied back. The two kept their voices down so that the others building the altar couldn't hear them.

"Maybe, but if he did, do you really think that'd change anything?" Trexon asked. Pyri didn't answer, instead her eyes went out of focus as she wondered about it, a small bit of worry creeping back into her heart. "You've still got a long ways to go until 150. We've got a few members working on their advanced quests now, including Quinn, and boy, let me tell you - They make the intermediate quests look like a walk in the park." Trexon continued.

"There wouldn't happen to be another Wizard, learners advanced class, would there? You know, one that Jael can just hand out?" Pyri replied jokingly.

"Nope. No more freebies. You'll need to really decide at level 150 what class you want to be." Trexon answered.

Eventually, the discussion came to an end between Quinn and Ertonar when Ertonar agreed to consider it if Quinn took back several Plashrim with her to Kordas in order to investigate the kingdom first.

“Very well, they may portal back with us to Kordas once the portal altar outside is completed. Please have them ready shortly.” Quinn replied with a bow.

“And so they shall be.” Ertonar bowed as well. With that, Quinn and Aegis left the office and made their way back out of the building.

“I can’t tell, did that go good, or poorly?” Aegis asked her.

“Pretty good, all things considered. He didn’t refuse us outright. I suppose it’d help if I built up more favor with them, so I’ll probably have to do some of the quests around here later.” Quinn shrugged. The discussion had dragged on, so by the time Aegis and Quinn got back outside, the portal altar was finished and Trexon was already in the process of enchanting it.

The others were all standing back around Snowflake where Pyri caught Aegis’ eye and wiggled a small pouch towards him.

“Trexon reimbursed us for the portal with more portal dust.” Pyri explained the pouch and Aegis gave a nod.

“So how’d it go? Are they joining Kordas?” Rakkan asked Quinn and Aegis eagerly.

“To be determined.” Quinn replied. “They’re going to send some Plashrim with us back to Kordas to see how it is before they decide.”

“Oh… makes sense.”

“D’you reckon if they join that Plashrim will become a playable race?” Darkshot asked.

“Maybe.” Quinn shrugged. The enchanting process took awhile, and Aegis found himself looking for something to do, remembering he had two items in his inventory from the boss that needed inspecting.

“Here.” Aegis said after taking the spear from his inventory. “This’ll be for you, Rakkan.” He motioned it to him. Rakkan gladly took the spear from Aegis’ hand and checked out the item card of it while everyone else turned to look.

Name: Mosmir Stinger

Slot: Weapon (One Hand)

Type: Spear

Damage: 313-389

Speed: Average


Durability: 325/325

Requirements: Level 75

Option 1: Activate to cause the next attack to release an explosion of void energy, dealing void damage equal to your standard attack damage +637 to all targets within 5 meters. 3m CD. 500mp.

Option 2: Whenever thrown, spend 50 mana to return the spear to the hand you threw it from. Maximum range of 100 meters.

Option 3: Adds 41-52 Void damage to attacks.

Description: A powerful spear, the tip made from the stinger of a Mosmir Queen, the shaft made of her sturdy exoskeleton.

“Damn.” Rakkan looked at it and spun the black tipped spear around, the blade shimmering with a dark purple glow. “This thing is powerful.”

“It’s a good bar to set for my future crafts. Hopefully I'll get mine to this level eventually.” Aegis nodded as the others moved forward to inspect it as well. “The gloves will be a toss up, though. They’re caster gloves.” Aegis turned to Pyri and pulled them out of his inventory, handing one of the pair to her so she could see the item card alongside him.

Name:Voidsilk Gloves

Slot: Hands

Type: Cloth Armor

Armor: 123


Durability: 150/150

Requirements: Level 75

Option 1: Increases spellcasting speed for non-channeled spells by 3%

Option 2: Increases the power of healing and damage spells by up to 91.

Description: Voidsilk gloves woven with magic, found in the Mosmir Hive of Kalmoore.

“Hm. My cinderbolts don’t benefit from the cast speed.” Pyri inspected them closely.

“Yeah, but they’re cloth. Once we get back to Rene, I’ll try to craft a leather pair somehow with the same properties.” Aegis said as he handed the 2nd glove to her.

“Okay.” Pyri shrugged and equipped them, then held her hands in front of her face to check them out by wiggling her fingers. They were plain, pure white silk gloves that went up to nearly her elbows. “Not bad.” She commented. A moment after she began checking them out, the group heard footsteps and turned to see a party of 5 Plashrim approaching.

Two were Pakro’Vielle guards, the other were various elite crafting NPCs that Aegis had gotten quests from.

“We are ready for the journey to Kordas.” Oopik said, stepping forward as the leader of the bunch.

“I’m done with the portal enchantment.” Trexon announced.

“Okay. Could you invite them to the party so they can tag along with us back to Kordas?” Quinn asked Aegis and he nodded, promptly sending party invites to the five Plashrim.

“I’m attuned to this portal altar, it is fully functional, so we can come and go whenever we please. Are we ready to leave?” Trexon asked.

“We’re ready.” Quinn nodded. Trexon didn’t hesitate to begin casting a portal spell to Kordas, but Tullan moved to stand in front of Aegis, eying up at his livestream viewership of 75,000.

“Do me a favor. If yer about to discover another rare material, turn yer darn stream off. ‘Specially if it's mithral.” Tullan grumbled at him. Aegis simply smirked back.

“You mean, you’d want me to keep it a secret even from you?” Aegis raised an eyebrow.

“Oi…” Tullan sucked his teeth at him threateningly. “Not like ye’ll find it anyway.” He shook his head as he waddled over to Trexon’s portal just as it opened.

“Take care, see you around.” Quinn waved to them all. “Right this way, Plashrim.” She motioned the NPCs forward and they one by one stepped through the Kordas portal behind her.

“It was good to see you again. I am happy the class is serving you well.” Trexon smiled at Pyri, and with that, he was the last to step through the portal before it disappeared.

“You know Trexon?” Aegis turned to Pyri curiously.

“Mmm, a bit, from the Wizard tower.” Pyri shrugged innocently. “Are we ready to go back to Rene?”


“Man am I ready.” Darkshot nodded.

“Me too.” Lina smiled.

“Okidoki.” Pyri said before she began casting the portal spell. A few moments later, a doorway surrounded by blue mist appeared, with a view into the bright portal altar of Rene. One by one they all excitedly stepped through, appearing under the warm afternoon sun. Snowflake immediately began hopping around with joy, squawking excitedly.

“Oh sunlight, how I’ve missed you.” Pyri stretched her arms up to the sky, while all the others smiled and looked up to the moving clouds above. They hadn't been standing around for more than 15 seconds before Aegis spotted Chax approaching from down the road.

“Yo, Aegis. Welcome back.” Chax waved at him.

“Hey, how is everything going around here? Quinn implied things might be different.”

“Eh… yeah. You could say that. We’ve got a bit of a problem.” Chax replied with a worried expression.

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