Spirit Hotel

Chapter 15

Dont waste the conspiracy

Gin stood there for half a minute, suddenly suggesting: Shouldnt we follow him and watch?

Youre so evil, said Feisha in disdain.

Are you sure thats the word you want to use to describe a noble vampire?

I thought you wouldve been honoured.

There was an awkward pause.

What in the world did I do to make you think that Id like to be called evil? asked Gin, shocked.

The reply was sincere. You dont even need to do anything for me to think that.

Gin parted his lips, two razor-sharp canines glistening in the light.

Ive been meaning to ask you this for a while now, but doesnt it feel weird to keep on extending and retracting your teeth?

Gins gaze held warning. No, it just tickles a bit. Makes me want to bite someone, in fact.

I think you should get a shot of rabies vaccine, Feisha quipped, turning on his heels and bolting towards the kitchen.

It wasnt quite mealtime, and so the dining hall was unusually quiet and deserted. Feisha crouched by the entrance and made a be quiet gesture at the figure storming towards him. In response, Gin crept noiselessly to the other side of the door.

Inside, Dea was standing next to the stove.

Good job! Gin fist pumped out of the blue.

Feisha was unimpressed. He hasnt even done anything yet.

Im raising his spirits.

If you dont shut up, hes going to notice and then youll become one.

As if on cue, Deas ear twitched. The two eavesdroppers ceased their argument immediately and tensed up at the same time.

Antonio raised his head. What are you looking at?

Deas eyes remained locked onto the entrance. Nothing.

I can smell a human, said Antonio, sniffing the air.

Feisha broke into cold sweat.

Ignore him, Dea said lightly. Antonio continued to cook his steak.

In Feishas mind, if Dea spends all day picking fruit, then Antonio spends every waking hour cooking food. Hed always been able to find leftovers whenever he rummaged around the shelves so far.

Dea watched Antonio work, once again falling silent. The steak was skilfully slipped onto a plate and pushed towards Dea. Want some?

I dont eat meat.

One of these days youre going to have to change your diet. Its destroying one of lifes greatest pleasures.

Im a light faerie, not a dark faerie.

Antonio just shrugged in response and grabbed some cutlery off the rack. While he ate, Deas expression showed a trace of hesitation.

The steak was finished in record time.

What did you come here to talk about? asked Antonio, putting his plate down. You used to leave as soon as I took my first bite.

Dea looked at the ground. His pride as a faerie made it very hard for him to spit out his next words.

Feishas knuckles were turning white.

Dea let out a breath. No, nothing. I just wanted to ask if you needed any fruits. Ill be taking my leave now.

Hold on.

Antonios mouth and Feishas mind called out at the same time.

You havent asked me yet though?


You said that you came to ask if I needed any fruits. But you havent asked me yet.

Because I dont want to ask you anymore, said Dea, making to leave.

Suddenly, Gins body was violently shoved into the doorway. Before he could flip out, the perpetrator clung onto his legs tightly, wailing, You cant do this, you cant treat Hughes like this!

What did he treat Hughes like? Gin stared at Feishas face full of grief and anger, completely baffled.

How could you do this to him? Hughes has been nothing but gentle and considerate towards you, especially with your sharp canines. Do you think thats an easy thing? Feisha said, hands exaggeratedly gesturing. Hes risking the possibility of contracting tetanus every single time you kiss, you know?

Invisible folk can contract tetanus? Gin was even more baffled.

And! said Feisha, scrambling off the ground and running to Dea, This is true love! Youve known them for so long, how could you have the heart to tear them apart? And you call yourself their friend!?

Even the mere idea of a noble vampire being friends with a werewolf was laughable, Gin thought in disdain.

Shouldnt you be congratulating them in this time of happiness? asked Feisha with his back to Dea, furiously winking at Gin.

Gins brain may not form the correct connections on most days, but today was clearly not one of those. He slowly picked himself off the ground, coldly looking at the cautious Dea and confused Antonio. Are you really together?

The room was silent. Feisha coughed.

Yes, said Dea.

Antonios face was full of question marks.

Gin abruptly turned around, hand bracing him against the door frame and exaggeratedly shaking his head: I cant believe this, I just cant believe this How do you want me to believe such a harsh reality?

How do you want to believe it? asked Dea.

Thatll be up to you, Gin said, immediately serious. Hopefully they can make Hughes believe as well, and then their misunderstanding would be solved, and then hell be able to embrace that slim body again

His thoughts were no longer on the current situation.

Dea frowned in disgust at his lecherous expression. What do you mean?

Gin, its time to wake up to the truth, Feisha quickly cut in. No matter how much you interfere, Deas never going to like you. Just move on, man. What Dea and Antonio have between them is true love, you should be congratulating them.

Everythings already been said, whats he meant to follow up with?

Thankfully, Feisha was a quick thinker. You should go. Leave. Stop being third wheeling them Just leave, Gin.

Gin played along. Okay, fine, Ill leave immediately dont think that I wont. But- But Im not giving up, you hear me? Ill be back!

Watching Gins retreating figure, Feisha let out a relieved sigh.

What the hell are you guys trying to pull? Antonios perplexed voice came from behind them.

Ill explain, sighed Dea.

You do that- Ill be outside getting some fresh air. I need to cool off a bit after what just happened.

Feisha loosened his tie, walking outside only to find Gin dejectedly standing there.

Whats wrong? Everything went to plan.

Gin turned around with red, puffy eyes.

I still think you should get a shot of rabies vaccination.

Dont make me bite you to death, Gin said, baring his bloodstained teeth. Feisha jumped.

Did you attempt suicide by trying to bite off your own tongue?

No, I accidentally bit it while trying to hold on to Hughes earlier.

Despite Gins use of the word accidentally, Feisha quickly pieced together the information.

You mean Hughes was at the restaurant? he asked slowly.


Well, fuck.

You know, Feisha said, placating. Some people in this world just cant become robbers because theyre born with negative luck stat modifiers.

Gin gritted his teeth. Its only been negative since I met you.

Calm- Calm down.

Do you have any more brilliant ideas?

Yes, sighed Feisha.

I hope its better than your last idea.

I dont know if this will be better than the last one, but I do know that this is the last idea Ill think of.

What is it?

Come clean with Hughes.

Outside Hughes door.

Gin looked at Feisha with a solemn expression. Feishas hand retreated from the doorbell.

Can you not look at me like that? he asked, turning around.

Like what?

Like youre looking at a kamikaze pilot.

Gin thought about it for a while and settled for closing his eyes. Feisha raised his hand again, intending to ring the doorbell, but hesitated again.

Nevermind, just keep your eyes open.

Why? asked Gin, opening his eyes.

Because you looked like you were having a moment of silence.

Hughes was not at all opposed to Feishas visit, but every single one of Gins begging looks went unacknowledged. Hints of jealousy started brewing inside of Gins happiness at seeing Hughes again.

Hearing the click of the door closing behind him, Feisha sighed. This whole mess was my fault.

No, said Hughes gently, pouring a glass of orange juice. Its not your fault.

Feisha took over the glass, watching his reflection in the orange liquid. How could such a gentle, compassionate person like Hughes be together with that person-shaped pervert Gin? What a waste of a good soul

He started reconsidering the purpose of his visit.

I just dont like it when he hides things from me, murmured Hughes.

Feisha sighed. One of them doesnt hesitate to hit hard, the other doesnt mind being hit. A match made in heaven indeed.

In his minds eye, he could see an image of pearls running happily into the embrace of a pig.

Hughes expression hardened. Is that all you came to say?

No, Im here to explain what went on in the kitchen. The truth is, Gin only said what he said to make Dea and Antonio act out our script. A script to make you believe that theyre together and has nothing to do with Gin anymore Feisha shrugged. As you can probably tell, it didnt exactly go according to plan.

I know, Hughes said, smiling.

Wait, he knew that as well?

Feisha decided to stop beating around the bush. What dont you know?

I dont know when hes planning to apologise to me, and explain this whole fiasco from the very beginning.

In any case, that punch felt good to throw.

Feisha opened the door, expression dark. It wasnt until hopeful look on Gins face faded away to hollow disappointment that he cracked a smile and gestured for Gin to go in.

Feisha was immediately thrown out into the hallway, door closing heavily behind him.

He stared at the carpet beneath him.

Whatever happened to bros before hoes?

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