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Sorcerer… Cyborg???

Sorcerer… Cyborg???
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7 months ago
«Kothar had left fear behind long ago, he knew that to become truly powerful, he would have to walk... Read more «Kothar had left fear behind long ago, he knew that to become truly powerful, he would have to walk into the very jaws of death, again and again, until either he died, or overcame the limits of mortality.»A struggle through endless planes, obliterated by the Devourer. Kothar, a cyborg reincarnated into a world of magic, embarks on a journey of new knowledge, fierce battles and an ever-increasing need to become stronger.Combining the technology of his past with the magic he learns, Kothar seeks to become powerful beyond comprehension, to exact revenge on the Devourer.Follow Kothar as he fights against all manner of strange beings, explores exotic worlds and meets the oddest characters as he journeys through the myriad planes, hoping to find his way back to the Galactic Alliance, or whatever remains of it. Collapse Reincarnation, Evolution, Kingdom Building, Game Elements, Wizards, Slow Cultivation, Non-human Protagonist, Sword And Magic, Magical Technology, Weak to Strong Hello there litlle ragebaby downvoting all my comments. I'm sorry that this is a meaningful way to pass your time. I don't know what happened to you or what your current state is such that you're feel it necessary to do this but I feel your struggles. Life ain't fair, and being saddled with a body that just adds to your difficulties is the worst kind of joke.If one of my comments hurt you, I'm sorry. I have my own issues and this is kind of an outlet for me. I don't take the time to properly moderate my comments to be polite and constructive, and I'm instead just directly spewing my criticisms with all the cynicism I don't allow myself at all other times.If you're an author who I insulted, please try to keep in mind that readers need their own place separate from authors to speak their mind, to complain and criticize without filler cause that's just how humans are and what humans do to cope with emotions.And as far as my own comments go, please keep in mind that I'm fully aware that I make unfair comparisons between the works of masters who I could never compare to, the young and experienced who don't deserve such discouraging remarks, works specifically written for an audience that does not include me, and authors with any manner of unknown personal struggle.I do it knowingly, and I do it for a specific audience, of which authors are NOT a part of.And although I mostly just do it for myself, I also do it because story ratings and 99% of reviews are inherently flawed and unservicable for the more discerning bookworms. I just hope my commentary can help people avoid a bad experience like I had.And although that might not feel fair to an author, it's inevitable that some people will dislike your work no matter how good it is. And that's fair. It would be weird and oppressive to be obligated to like something you dislike.And you can just accept that. You don't have to hate those who oppose your beliefs. Instead just take a break and distance yourself from the things stressing you out and let your brain calm down. Remember that emotions and impulses are often irrational, and giving into them will often make you just feel worse in the long run, even if it doesn't feel like that'd be the case.I hope things out better for you. Sorry that I made you feel bad. Interesting concept but sadly no well thought out. Это не так плохо. Но мне не зашло. Не советую The progress of the story is not fluid. I'm kinda lost in some areas where there is a particular event in the paragraphs then all if a sudden the next paragraph is a new event. Author writes mc like high moral person who make dirty thing for highest good but mc just typical soldier whose "highest good" is "highest good" of his commander.Author also use this "his body is hormonal kid so he can't control his emotion" cliche witch i hate. But this time he have excuse: mc don't get emotional control skill in previous life. That still bs but acceptable. That emotional theme just looks irrelevant for me this time.Sorcerer? No! He's just magic warrior. Mc don't even lern magic but run around to solve others problem. What did he first after learn spell? He made sword.Cyborg? No! Again. He was cyborg in first life and he make some body mods but more chaps i read less matter it have.Power system also don't exist. There is just "impact on the battlefield". Mc is soldier and world around is war where he can fight.This novel ill with common isekai disease: author make mc's first life as greatest human with unbelievable skills but write about stupid kid coz he can't place such great person in his simple worldbuilding without make them Mary Sue.I guess i shouldn't expect something really good when author warning about anything questionable and make marks to skip it. Like he write for snowflakes and such creative way never go to excellent things.There was one interesting mini arc where mc travel to other world but after that mc became stupid soldier again. I can't say that novel bad. It's average with some good concepts. Maybe not my cup of tea... I'm on chapter 26, does this novel get any better? I'm having a hard time reading it. I personally enjoy it.. but I feel like the main highlight is around Ch50 to Ch66 if you can read until past Ch66 then you can decide from there if it's worth your time or not Thanks Good read my time wasted in this novel is worth it👌. that's why I decided not to read it.