Solo Swordmaster

Chapter 758

#758. It’s started.

* * *

Let’s talk about one person.

To be honest.

He’s not a great person.

Just an average player. Far from joining the 7th guild, he was one of the mid-level players who were still in their 40s.

So in the past, I was just living my life.

But who did.

Trials make people stronger.

In that sense, the economic sanctions that hit the country last year completely changed his life.

Food imports were cut off, a bowl of jajangmyeon cost more than 50,000 won, banks’ computer systems were paralyzed, and factories across the country stopped production.

It’s literally a crisis where livelihood is threatened.

after participating in nationwide protests.

he realized

in times of national crisis.

In order to save the country, we need someone who can represent everyone and shout out the will of the people.

And that realization made him reborn as a fighter fighting for the people from a keyboard warrior in the corner of the room.

Right now at this moment.

It was for this reason that Baek-woo was shouting with a band of blood around his neck.

“What is a mart without toilet paper!”

“What are you talking about!”

“Without Russia, a country that cannot even provide its citizens with daily necessities is not a country!”

“Not a country!”

“Awaken the government, wake up!”

“Awake, wake up!”

It’s been a long time since I’ve been holding pickets and shouting out loud for hours.

Feeling that his neck was getting tired, Baekwoo checked his watch and looked back.

“Now, take a break. We will continue in an hour. I’ve prepared lunch and drinks over there, so let’s do it again after dinner.”

“Oh, our CEO must always be in the lead, so it’s hard, but he seems to take care of things like that.”

“Haha, don’t worry. This is all for the people.”

After distributing lunch boxes and drinks to the citizens who participated in the protest together with a big smile.

Baekwoo let out a sigh.

And after opening his own cheap lunch box, he frowned at the poor contents.

‘Aristocrats with a lot of money don’t like it. Spend a little more money on people who work for the country.’

After he founded a civic group called the Civil Sovereign Solidarity.

Baek-wu clicked his tongue as he recalled the supporters who quickly approached and donated money for the activity.

Protests also need money.

Picket production cost.

The price of this lunch box.

Transportation expenses, etc.

Considering the cost of consumption, the money the sponsors gave was very small.

Of course, if all that money had been used only for the protest funds, the picket would have been more plausible and the lunch box could have been obtained properly, but… ‘

Can I do that. I have to eat and live.’

Baekwoo thought seriously.

make pickets.

gather people

think of relief

Taking the lead and receiving glare, etc.

It is only right that he, who is in charge of all the hard work, takes care of all the donations.

He said that he, who spends 20 percent of his donations on protests, is sacrificing himself for the sake of the people.

How hard it is to eat and live.

Because I missed the timing to buy the latest game machine of the GOD brand that I originally wanted to buy, I ended up having to compromise with the FW product.

‘Still, I’m glad I have a lot of work these days.’

in that sense.

It was fortunate that the former president was impeached.

Perhaps it was thanks to the explosion of corruption involving the then President Han Jeong-guk and officials and members of the National Assembly.

It was because an unknown sponsor provided great support, so I was able to make a lot of money while protesting every day.

After the impeachment was over, thanks to the sudden cut off of the sponsorship, the business as it is…. No, I had to think about disbanding the civic group.

The trouble didn’t last long.

This is because after the new president was elected, new sponsors were created.

Those who have great intentions that the country cannot be left to such an independent child who does not even know politics.

In addition, after the drinking incident broke out and Russia entered an international shutdown, the number of people who donated personally has increased.

‘I need to do something that can draw more attention.’

For his bank account balance…

no, for the sake of the country, he said that he would like one more case to quickly impeach the incompetent new president.

After eating a cheap lunch box, worrying about the future with a heart of patriotism and loyalty.

Baekwoo took out his smartphone.

Ugukchungdo is something you can eat and live on.

I was thinking of earning pocket money with skills in my spare time to supplement the donation money that has been insolvent these days.


But after turning on the phone.

The white cow hardened.

Blink your eyes.

Rub hard with your hands.

Refreshing or flipping the smartphone screen, etc.

After seeing the screen that did not change no matter how many times he checked it, he became completely blue and opened his mouth without realizing it.

“what’s this?!”

* * *

After President Han Jeong-guk was impeached.

A new president elected in an election.

Shin Myung-woon, who had ambitiously declared that he would correct this chaotic country, opened his mouth.

“I want to step down….”

…Is this really true of a president who has only been in office for a few months?

grim face.

droopy shoulders.

to the dying voice.

It was questionable in every way.

However, Shin Myung-woon had no choice but to do so.

This is because the Russian crisis broke out as soon as he began his term, and his approval rating was steadily dropping.

Of course, he didn’t just sit back and watch.

Trying to import the remaining stock by contacting Kana, the head of the Russian National Normalization Committee.

Increase production in domestic factories.

Find other importing countries, etc.

Because I tried my best.

But the results were disastrous.


No matter how many times Kana tried to contact her, she put up an iron wall saying that she had no authority.

Even with the domestic factories running at full capacity, they were barely able to pee on their feet, but the labor union went on strike demanding a higher wage.

It is the same as locking the barn door saying that there is a shortage of goods anywhere in a foreign country.

The swordsman he met with the sword master was not so desperate.

What depressed him most of all was that Russia wasn’t the only problem in the country right now.

‘Why does the Seven Dragon Group look down on our country like this?’

It’s just that Bahamut is so serious.

Other companies of the Seven Dragons also had problems.

Of course, it is not as openly imposing economic sanctions or openly disadvantageous as before.

It only gradually reaped the conveniences and benefits it had given before and withdrew from all national projects in particular.

Thanks to that, from last year, various negative factors have been secretly accumulating in the national finances.

Might be fine right now.

Even Shin Myung-woon realized it only after cross-verifying various information after the phone call with Kana.

However, if this situation continued, people’s livelihood would get worse and worse, and perhaps everything would drop to the level of an underdeveloped country.

Maybe before that, the country might be turned upside down by civil riots.

‘Could all this be because of the swordsman?’

Limon Aspelder.

He was originally a national hero.

After being dumped and leaving the country.

Recalling the legendary great man who became the sire of the Silver Dragon Princess, Shin Myung-wun shook his head.

‘No, it can’t be.’

The Seven Dragons are independent organizations.

No matter how much she became the sire of the silver dragon clan, it didn’t make sense for another clan to do this because of one Limon.

That is, if he hadn’t even bewitched all the princesses of other clans in the past year.

Of course that makes no more sense.

If that were possible, swordsmiths would have been called harem masters rather than sword masters.

Or the dog of the world.

‘I’d rather be able to make a deal with the World Federation…’

After giving up on finding the cause, Shin Myung-wun thought about a countermeasure.

Although their position has been shaky recently, the only thing that can stand up to the Seven Dragons is the World Federation.

As long as the Seven Dragons built a wall.

It wasn’t bad to join hands with the World Federation.

Above all, there was an Infinity Guild, one of the five major guilds, on the Korean Peninsula.


‘…Why is the Infinite Lord doing this again?’

Shin Myung-woon became more depressed.

No matter how high the status of the monarch is and how busy he is with World Federation affairs, it would be common sense to reply at least when he is contacted by the new president.

The Infinite Lord ignored common sense.

Of course, congratulations on winning, which is a natural custom.

Not to mention accepting the request for an interview, he hadn’t called or replied to me yet.

Still, until last year, I showed my face at a national event.

What the hell did Han Jeong-guk do to change even the infinite lord like this?

It was to the point where I wanted to grab and shake the collar of the former president who had been imprisoned.

‘In the end, the only answer is the swordsman.’

Turn around and say it’s in place.

Shin Myung-woon groaned at the only solution he had come up with after much thought.

The former president tried to kill the swordsman by mobilizing special forces, and in retaliation broke into the Blue House and took hostages.

He even revealed the fact on the air, but now he has to restore his relationship with the swordsman.

It was a daunting thing to think about.

But I couldn’t help it.

The situation is already at an all-time high.

Because that was the only hope to save the country.

‘…It’s impossible to even contact the swordsman.’

whether to apologize

whether to persuade

What could I do if I met you?

Why do we have to be ignored from all sides even though we are the president of one country?

And what is a president?

why did you become president

Wouldn’t it be better to do it now?

It was time for Shin Myung-wun to sigh again amidst the deep depression.

“I have an urgent report to the President.”

“…what else?”

It’s like being detached when despair reaches its peak.

With a half-delighted heart.

Shin Myung-woon asked calmly.

The common sense that nothing could get any worse than this anyway helped keep his composure.


But after a while.

He opened his eyes.

“What do you mean? The prices of dungeon by-products are skyrocketing!”

It was the last bastion that allowed the economy to roll despite all the chaos.

As long as there is an Infinity Guild.

In this country, a dungeon powerhouse.

Shin Myeong-wun was inevitably fed up with the report that there was a problem with the market price of dungeon by-products, which had given huge profits beyond gold.

* * *

“…It’s started.”

A black-haired girl who looked at the screen with eyes as deep as night.

Li Qingyu murmured quietly.

And I turned my head.

“How about Yekatrice?”


Six monitors spread out side by side on the dashboard.

On one of them, the silver-haired dictator wearing glasses scratched his head with a pen.

[One thing for sure is that it’s not done by human hands.]

“That’s right. It would be difficult to mobilize tens of thousands of manpower to buy and sell dungeon by-products and items on this scale and at this speed.”

Truly colorful.

It sells at an insane rate.

Out of stock signs appear everywhere.

Prices go up accordingly.

Immediately after that, a huge amount of items were released again.

A player association system that governs the market price of all dungeon by-products and items.

While more than tens of millions of transactions are being made on that screen in units shorter than 1 second, or 0.1 second.

The blue-haired Count Rose opened her mouth with a stiff face.

[Although the market price fluctuates greatly, fortunately, the system seems to be responding properly.]

“It would not be easy even for a golden lord to destroy the system created using the fairy queen’s spirit sphere overnight. The problem is…”


[The limit of the system.]

“It’s as you two said.”

An expressionless gray-haired priest.

Caught smoking a pharaoh.

At their opinion, Li Qingyu nodded and said,

“They’re still exploring. But if the number of virus-infected spirits exceeds our system or our funds reach the limit…” Li

Qingyu couldn’t finish.

But everyone knows the ending.

As always, the green-haired best in the world was cynically revealed instead.

[The world economy will collapse and we will all go bankrupt.]

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