Solo Swordmaster

Chapter 713

#713. Don’t limit yourself.

* * *

A little bright and a little dark inside.

Escape from the darkness and blizzards that have fallen over the country.

Let’s save even the light.

Or to share warmth.

…or to avoid fear.

In the cafeteria of the Moscow state-run munitions factory, which has become like a shelter due to the large groups of people gathered.

Ksenia swallowed dryly.

He looked back at the people who, like himself, were huddled together in the middle of the restaurant and were listening to the radio while holding their breath.

“Did you all hear? They say that this situation can be solved with a product from the GOD brand!”

After Russia is covered in darkness.

A smile returned to her face, which had always been shadowed.

In the middle of the day when it seemed that there was no other way than despair.

The news from the radio, which was a research specimen of the sacred craft, was their only hope.

“Come on, let’s spread this news to other corporations! In particular, since there are many parts in state-run factories, focusing on them…”



Ksenia hesitated.

It was because the others who were supposed to be happy were keeping silent with complicated faces.

“Why is everyone like that?”

“I understand that you’re happy, Overseer Kseniya, but be realistic.”


The old man let out a sigh.

The plant manager, who can be said to be the top manager of this Moscow state-run munitions factory, continued his heavy talk.

“Right now, there are no machines in our factory that are working properly. But how are you going to make a product?”

“Not all products require industrial machinery, right? You just have to choose products that can be made with minimal processes and make them.”

“Even a product that is simply assembled is a problem. What are the tools and other parts needed to assemble it?”

“If that’s what you already have…”

“If you do well, you’ll last half a day. After that?”

“…The warehouse of the factory where the original parts were delivered will have a spare that has been produced in advance.”

“The computer systems are also down, how do you know where to get them? How can you bring it when you can’t even use the car?”

Modern products are not something that can be made simply by a single factory.


parts of parts.

Even the materials for that part.

Even simple-looking things go through numerous factories, and the more advanced the product, the more the process.

The reason why the Russian Khanate was called the world’s factory is because of the automation and efficiency of all processes as much as possible through computerization and mechanization.

However, without such a system, high-tech products have to be made manually.

It was common sense.

Considering the complexity of the GOD brand, which combines Bahamut’s technological power and the Holy Alliance’s magic to achieve maximum effect with minimal miracles.

“First of all, where are you going to get the people who will make the product? Do you mean calling around the house? In this yard where it is difficult to check the list of employees, let alone the address?”


“Even if you bring it, can you pay labor points? If you can’t pay, how do you get them to work? And what other costs and responsibilities will the work require?”


“First of all, how do you believe the words of someone who was a member of the revolutionary government?”

Ksenia was speechless.

The Russian Khanate is a dictatorship.

It is made when the country decides.

It was a country that perfected that simple management system.

However, if you say it the other way around, it means that even running a factory without permission from the country is illegal.

If things go wrong, the person responsible could be executed altogether, at least in the worst case of Gulag.

As a plant manager, it was natural for him to hesitate.

‘…No, it’s the same for everyone.’

And Ksenia realized.

It’s not just the factory manager.

Supervisors, researchers, workers, even just security guards, janitors, and cafeteria workers.

Everyone just noticed that no one was as hopeful about the news she just heard.

No, to be precise, I had hope.

It’s just…

“Director Kseniya, you too, don’t step out and stay calm. If it is something that must be done anyway, it will be resolved without our intervention.”

In the midst of this state and army being incapacitated, I am afraid that I will incur the wrath of the demon by doing useless things.

even take risks.

to take responsibility.

Because I don’t want to take the labor.

Whether it’s a great khan, a swordsmith, or another factory.

Ksenia couldn’t help but harden her face when she saw them choosing to remain silent until someone resolved the situation.

* * *

“Can I ask you something, brother?”


From pure white feet.

along the slender calf.

all the way to smooth thighs.

Limon asked softly as he pulled up the thin pieces of cloth that had been tucked into both legs in turn.

“What do you mean?”

“Do you really believe this futility will work?”

“Seeing you say that, you must think that the revolutionary brother’s plan will fail.”

“To be honest, yes.”

Exposing your smooth back.

A silver-haired girl with one arm.

Yekathrice smiled as she felt a hand pierce between her sides and tighten the veil over her full chest.

“You know how timid, selfish, and irrational it is to be human, right?”

“So you’re saying no one will step up?”

“It shouldn’t be very rare, but it doesn’t mean that a thousand or ten thousand people will make a big difference.”

The GOD brand is a product of miracles.

That’s why all electronic devices were working normally even while they were broken.

But the current amount is not enough.

According to Ainsha’s predictions and her calculations, at least 30% of the remaining parts of the GOD brand had to be completed into products.

Could that be done in a few days?

Now that the central system is paralyzed?

Even by hand without using a machine?

In Yekathrice’s opinion, that was infinitely close to impossible.

Even in that it takes a lot more manpower and effort to do it instead of a machine that has stopped.

In this situation where everything is immersed in darkness, the majority of the people will lock themselves in their homes and expect everything to end by itself.

Like an ostrich who believes that if he sticks his head in the bush, the lion will pass him by.

“Issuing a forced mobilization order would have been more effective?”

“Are you going to control fear with fear?”

“Even if the threat to confiscate all property if the quota is not met, many will become active workers.”

“Maybe, but now is not the time to rule fear with fear.”

I’m going to go to the middle of the day.

Traditional clothes woven with cloth were placed in order along the white skin with only thin undergarments.

Limon continued.

“As it is, all the negative emotions flowing in this country are being absorbed by the Demon God.”

“Is it a matter of efficiency?”

“There is such a thing.”

“Huh well? No matter how efficient it is, it’s useless if you can’t secure as many GOD brand products as you need.”

“It will be fine.”

trimming the clothes

After braiding the silver hair one by one.

Finally, even attaching a bow and dagger sheath to his back and sides.

Limon, who prepared everything with delicate touch for Yekathrice, who had trouble moving as she had one arm, finished her words calmly.

“Because he is a revolutionary.”

* * *

“…Faith will save us.”

for those who haven’t heard.

Repeating the same thing two or three times, Bachemensky closed his eyes.

This communicator, improvised by Yekathrice by disassembling several GOD products he brought from Gulag, can only transmit.

Since there was no reception, it was not known how the listeners would react to this broadcast.

But I could guess.

‘It’s probably useless.’

if past.

As a member of the Revolutionary Army, he would have believed it when he dreamed of an ideal.

In this situation where everyone can come together to get out of the crisis, the proud people will gladly respond to their voices.

But now it was different.

The revolutionary government suffered a failure.

Seeing those who despaired in the Gulag.

Because he learned the gap between the ideal and reality and that human nature is not so sublime.



He turned his head.

and laid out on the side.

He closed his eyes while quietly looking at the manuscript that had not yet become a book, which he had been writing throughout his time in Gulag.

“…Everyone, my name is Bachemensky.”


subsequent confession.

“As some of you may know, he was an aide who served Secretary General Sergei in the past revolutionary government.”

he knew

That his own words will cause a lot of resentment.

The revolutionary government had made many mistakes, and he inherited that grudge as the unofficial successor of Sergei.

“At the same time, I am also a prisoner in Gulag.”

But he didn’t hesitate.

With the determination to receive all grudges.

just kept talking.

“You have all heard the notoriety about the gulag. It is a human hell.”

“But in fact, Gulag is not that harsh. It’s just a place where you work a little more and have a little more restrictions.”

“Nevertheless, everyone who comes here is dying in despair and giving up on life.”

“Do you know why?”




or even teenagers.

Seeing a lot of people who have passed through this place.

The realization he gained by watching them change.

Leaving behind the influence of the magic circle and demons, he quietly explained the reason why everyone was in despair in Gulag.

“Because they believe they are unhappy.”

much less labor.

much more freedom.

They believe that they have fallen to the bottom of hell just because what they could have enjoyed outside is gone.

Regardless of whether it is true or not, they become unhappy with their own beliefs and fall into despair.

“And it’s not just the gulag, it’s the same for all of you out there.”

No matter how closed Russia may be, it does not mean that foreign news cannot be heard at all.

Working more than 12 hours a day, having to work overtime without pay, having to pay huge hospital bills, taking vacation breaks, living in a single room, etc.

Everyone knows the ghost stories about all kinds of terrible countries.

Yet few believe in it.

They think that such stories are nonsense spread by Okrana to control the people.

I just think of foreign countries as paradises where you can easily get rich with a little work and are filled with unimaginable fun and all sorts of happiness.

That’s how the inmate is a third-class citizen.

A third-class citizen is a second-class citizen.

Second-class citizens become first-class citizens.

First-class citizens are foreigners.

They say that they become unhappy because they envy and admire each other and believe that they are unhappy compared to them.

Bachemensky asked.

“Please do not limit yourself.”

“We can be happy with what we already have rather than envy what others have.”

“You can be more courageous, more free, more sublime.”

“Please don’t give up on happiness yourself.”

“Be courageous.”


He couldn’t do it himself.

So I had to regret it.

I want to do it even now.

“Before you want the country to do something for you, think about what you can do for your country and do it.”

Those who want something from others must also be able to do something for others.

Don’t turn a blind eye to that obvious fact just because you’re not a person, but ask that you have the generosity to reach out your hand first to protect the country.

Save others before you ask for salvation from others.

Even if you don’t get it in return, believe that you can get it back and give.

Please have the courage to save yourself no matter how difficult and unfortunate it may be.


Even if it sounds like a dream.

An ideal that has not yet been abandoned.

The man who was born and raised in a country of revolution and dreamed of a revolution all his life confessed.

“—this is our revolution.”

* * *

‘Mr. Bachemensky…’

Hearing the familiar voice on the radio.

Ksenia held her breath.

Let me confess honestly.

She didn’t like Bachemensky very much.

Even though she was born as a third-class citizen, she became a second-class citizen after earning her supervisor qualification.

Because he, who was a first-class citizen and became a researcher and always lived a peaceful life, made people feel inferiority and unfairness with his existence itself.

Even more so after learning that he was a member of the Revolutionary Army.

after the revolution.

Even after everything went back to normal, I only heard rumors that Bachemenski had entered the Gulag.

Ksenia had never tried to understand him and did not want to.

But now it seemed like he knew.

Why did he, who was a first class citizen, become a revolutionary army?

Even now that he is imprisoned in the Gulag, what the hell was he thinking with this kind of broadcasting?

That’s why I bite my lip.

Ksenia turned her head.

“It doesn’t matter if you don’t want to. Instead, don’t stop me from stepping out.”


Alone is fine.

that I will do what I can

When everyone is silent watching her speak firmly.

A voice was heard.

“I will help too.”

“…Senior Researcher.”

“What would you do alone if you don’t even know how to make a remote control, let alone a GOD product? At least someone who knows how.”

It wasn’t long before I lived anyway.

That way, I don’t think I’ll have any regrets in the rest of my life.

When the factory manager puts on a complicated expression at the words of the eldest man in the munitions factory who speaks with a smile.

Another voice rang.

“…What would a corrupt woman and old man do? There should be at least one technician who has made real products.”

He said he had been working in a factory for 30 years.

A middle-aged worker, who was called an old man for sticking to the old ways and making noise whenever he opened his mouth, came out with a look under his nose.

And again.

“We will also need a driver to bring the parts. We know all the factories that deliver to our factory, so if you tell us what you need, we will look for it.”

“All the trucks are broken, so what’s the use of a driver? Someone has to work hard.”

A young driver whose name I don’t know.

A big man.

And again.

“Then you should have someone to cook for you.”

“Shouldn’t there be someone to inform this news?”

“I know a factory that used to produce GOD-branded communicators.”



another one.

and another one.

even though I’m still afraid

Some because of bluff.

Some out of vain patriotism.

Some just get carried away by the atmosphere.

And even though you know that, you just laugh.

In the end, listening to the voices of those who could not turn away from the small sparks that bloomed in their hearts filled the wide space.

The plant manager was conflicted.

And at the end of slowly turning her head and looking at the speechless Ksenia.

He opened his mouth with a bitter smile.

“Do you need someone to take responsibility?”

Like that…

It started from the era of swordsmanship in the distant past and was regarded as a pride by all the citizens of this country.

spark of revolution.


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