Solo Max-Level Newbie

Chapter 669

Chapter 669. Fiery Warrior (2)

About 1 minute before Chun Yu-seong used the item.

Outside the tower, a large-scale fundraising event was being held.

Europe’s large guilds and prestigious nobles. And it is for the reason that various influencers will gather in one place to collect funds and manpower to attack the Tower of Trials.

As long as the cause of humanity is at stake. Everyone should actively participate.

Of course, among them was the Rosenberg family, a prestigious family in Europe.


When a blonde woman in a light blue dress appeared, the hotel became noisy.

All of the men and women gathered here claimed to be in their own way, but they were nothing compared to Teresa.

“Wow. look over there.”

“Hoo. Theresa.”

“The saintess who saved Amsterdam, right?”

“It’s like the Rosenberg family, which produced generations of heroes who saved the country.”

“But there hasn’t been much activity since then. I heard that you left the Zion Guild in the middle, but it doesn’t seem like you belonged anywhere.”

A number of questionable reactions came out, but they melted away at the innocence of Teresa, who was smiling brightly.

If there was a first-class bride that everyone wanted, there was no choice but to pick Teresa.

Until you hear music that is completely out of touch with the high-class atmosphere of this place.

[Bara bam bam! Parara bam bam bam!]

The childish and loud song completely buried the beautiful melody of the orchestra.

“What is it?”

“Who is playing this prank all of a sudden?”

“What are the guards doing! Without turning off that weird music right now? How much did we spend on security…!”

Embarrassed guests each complained.

Confusion was further aggravated by the unknown situation.

but only one.

To Teresa, the status window that could explain this situation was blinking.

[A colleague is in danger. The Goinmul Corporation strongly demands your help.]


When I heard the word dangerous, Jinhyuk’s face came to my mind first.

I even heard that you were going to explore the ruins on the 30th floor with Cheon Yoo-seong, but I never thought they would be in a dangerous situation.

This is not the time to be leisurely doing charity events.


As she read the conditions for accepting the help, Teresa’s face turned earthy.

Because it reminded me of a terrible nightmare from the past.

– Magical Princess Pingresa

– Lawrencia’s puberty has been going on for over 20 years.

-Pink of the Special Forces Corps protecting Amsterdam.

– I love you, Pink Ranger, etc.

There were literally hundreds of nicknames.

From social media comments, including media outlets and View Tube. Even advertisements that have never been permitted. It has garnered public attention.

I didn’t say anything, but there were countless memories that I wanted to humiliate.


I erased everyone’s memories with the fountain of oblivion…!

I never thought I’d walk into that nightmare swamp once again.

‘Crazy… crazy.’

The nape of Teresa’s neck was dyed red like persimmon.

It felt like my legs would loosen up simply by recollecting my memories.

Normally, it would be a story that you don’t even need to consider.

However, what is on the scale right now is the life of the most precious person.

The dark history that will be passed down from generation to generation of the Rosenberg family, including Jin-hyeok’s life and sons and daughters.


The trouble was not long.

[The subject responds to the call.]

[Teresa’s outfit is customized.]

“Mr. Theresa?”



People’s mouths gaped blankly.

“Ooh my daughter…”


Teresa’s family collapsed on the spot, biting into crab foam.

like that.

upholding justice and love.

“I’ll go!”

Pink from the Dead Man Corporation was summoned to the Tower.

* * *

Cuckoo coo coo!

Jinhyeok, who saw the falling light in the distance, gave an evil smile.

Judging by the appearance, it was clear that Chun Yoo-seong used the special item ‘Hot Blooded Warrior’.


I’m going to use it for sure, but I always take it off once in a while.

In fact, I would be glad to see a situation where attention can be focused like that. To be honest with Teresa, I felt a little sorry for her, but it would be okay since she made her own choice, not forced.

Maybe behind the naive face is full of gwanjonggi.

On the other hand.

“That direction…”

Clemence’s eyes narrowed while he was leisurely resolving the battle.

West of Yotleam Gorge.

This is where Gregory and Gensuke went to find the clues they received from the Primordial Beings. I hid as much traces as possible and moved confidentially, but I never thought I’d figure out the location in such a short amount of time.

“It’s not that the tentacles were trembling for nothing. To my wonderful brother and colleagues?”

“Even though we did a lot of hateful things. If you knew, why don’t you step back now? Then I won’t even take your life.”

“Oh my goodness. It’s a nice suggestion, but what is it? I was honestly a little surprised to find the location of the two, but that wouldn’t change the outcome. Those two are men who have returned after peaking in a world that is quite dreadful. You’d better give up hope.”

what would it be

Gregory, who returned after taking a matchless shot in the world of bloodstained vampires, and Gensuke, who peaked in a world where ambushes attack even when going to the bathroom after eating, are among the strong among the returnees.


“well. I think you’d better give up hope…”

Jinhyeok smiled.

“Our members are the elite who survived in a harsher group than that.”

Worst difficulty in the world.

Being able to endure without being cut off from the dead person corporation is an area that only real people can do.

“Even if I say a hundred words, there will be no use. We can check later to see who is right.”

Clemence climbed onto the staff.

And soared high into the sky

[Clemence activates Circle 10 ‘Deep Horizon Pain’!]

[Ryebolt activates ‘Rayna Daylight’!]

[Casting time is 5 minutes.]

Two chanting started.

A great magic that a great mage spends a few minutes to spread.

The downside is that the casting time is long, but once you memorize the chant to the end, you will have a shot that boasts a one-hit kill.

‘There are any number of dolls for the purpose of earning time.’

Well, there are undead in large numbers to the point of rotting, escorting Clemence.


Because I believed in such strong troops and did not use all the cards at once, I was able to take advantage of all the benefits on this side with a margin.

Sparks flew from Jinhyuk’s eyes.

[‘Eye of Gluttony’ has pierced all the protective barriers around the target.]

[Details of copying conditions have been unlocked.]

Like a great mage who dominated the world, in order to respond to unexpected mental attacks I put up a wall even if it was very layered.

It must be because of the habit of prioritizing one’s own safety due to the relatively weak nature of wizards.

So, the most important radiation conditions could not be confirmed, but they succeeded in finding gaps using ‘ancient barriers’.


Then where should I see you?

The ‘Forgotten Empire’, which can use the people it killed as its subordinates, was a unique spear that I coveted.

If you can summon the powerful enemies you’ve defeated so far, it will be of infinite use.

Various named monsters and boss monsters that Jinhyeok faced since he first entered the tower. And I thought of the residents and deities.

It will take restrictions on your proficiency, but in the end you will be able to lead a huge army of dead people.

Even in order to face the primeval beings and the final enemy above them…

‘I’ll be sure to save it as a collection in my library.’

No matter what conditions arise, I will definitely achieve them.

I was so determined

The moment I saw the status window that followed, my heart that felt like iron blood melted.

[Copy Conditions: In order to copy Clements’ ability, you must be able to deeply empathize with and understand ‘pain’ just like her. Realize the nature of pleasure with her. If you do, you will be able to copy one of Clemence’s unique ability or skill.

His expression was crumpled like a piece of paper.

damn it

I thought it was a dream, so I read it again, but the text on the status window didn’t change.

It is true that there is a saying that if you cannot avoid it, enjoy it. The question is, does it make sense to enjoy the pain more than that pervert?

As a reward, the regret that I should have chosen the photocopy free pass instead of Medray flooded over me.

But it’s already too late.

The die has been cast and now we have no choice but to act accordingly.

Jinhyeok is a



The two sparks merged together.

The terrifying storm of magical power looked as if it would pierce the air and reach this side at any moment.

If you get hit by that, it will hurt terribly.

To deliberately allow attacks to enjoy the pain without using ‘Star’s Protection’ or ‘1 second invincibility’.

Thinking about it again, the system of the Tower of Trials was not normal.

“contractor! What are you doing! Without attacking quickly!”

Elise had a band of blood around her neck.

He was unable to help Jinhyeok because he was dealing with thousands of enemies alone, but he was aware of what was best to do now.

“It’s most likely to attack before casting is over, yes.”

Frey also helped.


Jinhyeok stood there and waited for the enemy to attack.

A situation inevitably felt as an incomprehensible action.

At least, there was always a reasonable reason for Jinhyeok’s actions so far, so he didn’t give any more warning.

And right at that moment.

“It’s over!”

Two lights flashed along with Clemence’s shout.

Kwak Kwah Kwah Kwah!

The skill that ran in a straight line swallowed Jinhyeok whole.


What followed was a huge shockwave.

* * *


Elise screamed.

Jinhyeok, who was hit by the light without activating his skills, lay down.

But the anxious feelings did not last long.

He confirmed that Jinhyeok was staggering to his feet.

thank god.

Elise let out a long sigh of relief.

Right then.


Jinhyeok bit his index finger and made a strange expression. No matter who saw it, it seemed that he felt a sense that he shouldn’t have felt from the previous attack.


Elise looked at her with contempt.

Can you stop looking at me like that? It’s not that I don’t want to do it either. shit.

I can’t say that the copy conditions are like that. It was frustrating and maddening.


It seems that even Frey is looking at it with the same eyes.

All of a sudden, it seemed like he was being cornered as the best pervert in the world.

Jinhyuk tried to calm his trembling hands and feet.

It’s already been stigmatized. Let’s say it can’t be helped. Still, I’m glad I got the ability…


While checking the status window, Jinhyeok’s pupils widened once again.

[The level of empathy for pain did not reach the top level.]

[Currently, the limit is to choose between ‘special ability’ and ‘skill’.]

Half goal achieved.

There was still a long way to go before getting a unique spear.

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