Solo Leveling: I Am The Only Supreme With the Cheating System

Chapter 40: Mystical Class skill

Gritting their teeth, the 13 players transfer 10 years of life times each to supreme. Who in turn gave them a bright smile.

'What a harvest!'

"I hope you guys remembered I am doing this for every single one of us?" Supreme moved his gaze around the players.

Schoolgirl forced a smile, and nodded. "We remembered, can you please answer the question now?"

"The answer is... 888 + 88 + 8 + 8 + 8 = 1,000. It's that simple" he said, relaxing on his throne.

"So... eight eights is equal to one thousand, how did you come up with this?" Schoolgirl asked a little stunned. Not only she but, all the players were stunned.

"If we add all those eights, the total amount is exactly one thousand."

"We were cracking our brains just to solve addition?!"

"Impossible!! Schoolgirl is right, how did you know this is the answer?! Or... Are you cheating?!!" The blue hair man stood up instantly.

'Well... I am, but I will be stupid to say that.'

Supreme fixed his gaze on the man, and sighed. "For giving me your life times, out! Of goodwill, I will explain. The riddle is already clear, how do eight eights add up to one thousand? Simple" he paused and asked.

"Does anyone have a drink? I am thirsty"

"A drink?" The players were confused.

"Forget it. To get the answer, You just need to find how to add eight number eights to form one thousand. With common sense anyone can do it. Right?"

The players were a little dumbfounded.

"Was it that easy?"

"Did he just say common sense?!"

"We are that stupid? That a simple question like this almost made us run mad?"

"Shut up! Can't you stop saying nonsense?!" The female player yelled at the guy beside her.

"What! Are you deaf?! That riddle is too easy for us to stagnate, What will happen in the last stage then?" the guy was on the verge of tears.

'This guy had already given up hope, What a moron' Supreme shook his head.

"Ok supreme, I will just say thank you, but... do you know how to complete the second stage?." Schoolgirl inquired, not caring about the players' mood.

"There is a second stage?" Supreme asked in mild confusion.

'This fool was really asleep!!' Schoolgirl calmed herself, and said "We still need to find the pieces, that is... eight pieces which has the number eight written on it, do you by any chance know where they are?"

"Uh..." Supreme moved his gaze around the hall and nodded. "In those knight statues"


"Did he just said, in those statues?"

"Is he mad?!"

"What are you saying? do you want to get us killed?!!" The man yelled.

"Take it or leave it, don't you fo... I mean guys have eyes, where can you find a puzzle piece in this hall, there Is no place to hide anything, apart from those statues, because the interior are empty, so a puzzle piece can be place in there."

'I hope I am right?' He thought.

The players looked at each other, then subconsciously turned their heads to the knights statues, which were standing still around them. These statues are their executioners, standing eight-foot tall, each armed with different combat weapons, from dual swords, spears, and even a bow and quiver. Their full black luster armor only makes them look more fearsome and ruthless.

"Are you sure supreme?" Schoolgirl asked.

"If you..."

His word were cut short by the system's voice.

{Quest triggered.}

'Triggered? When did I trigger a quest?'

{Note: these quests can't be rejected.}

'And why is that?'

{System want host to be the strongest in the whole five continents on the planet.} Simple answer, but...

'So these quests will make me stronger if I complete them?'

{Yes host.}

'Then what are you waiting for? Show me the quest!'

{Note: these quests are always dangerous, and might make host to risk his life, but if you succeed, you will be rewarded handsomely.}

'No pain, No gain. Show me'

{Quest: destroy all the knights statues.}

{Rewards: A mystical class cheat.}



Supreme was about to cause seeing the quest, but when he saw the reward, he was stunned speechless. 'Hey, hey, system... Am I seeing things? Or, did you make a spelling mistake?'

{I don't make mistakes host.}

'Oh my god! Is this really a mystical class. In the whole VRA, only one player has a mystical weapon, no one have heard anything about a mystical skill!'

As we all know, weapons, skills, and pets are divided into different class, which are; common class~ which is the weakest of all, uncommon class~ slightly better than common class weapons, rare class ~ a player could combine their mana with these weapons, to create destructive attack damage, Epic class~ these weapons has their own Mana which target is to protect its user, and combine with the player's Mana, it creates devastating destruction, some unique epic weapons could also change form to a specific weapon, just like blood arrow's which could only take the form of a katana and bow.

Legendary class are as rare as searching for life dinosaurs, things with this class has the Mana to kill even a LV 50 player with one slash, for example... The starlight sword in supreme's hand.

While the last and strongest class of all, which weapon is owned by one player in the whole planet. 'The mystical class weapon.' From the start of AI's VRG, no one had ever heard of it, well... not after that player luckily got a weapon In the mystical class. Which made him and his guild the number one in the whole planet.

These weapons as rumors go, comes with destructive powers that could destroy the whole planet with one single slash, it has endless potential. No player, no matter the rank or level could survive its attack.

These principal also focus on pets and skills, no one have ever seen or heard of a pet in the legendary class, to even mention mystical. These pets are more than terrifying and supremely dangerous.

And now, an opportunity to gain a mystical class skill or cheat, who in their right mind will refuse. Even a maniac will jump on his feet to claim this reward.

Supreme stood up instantly, causing his throne to fall backward, not caring about the look he was getting, he walked forward with only one thought in his head. 'I must get this skill!'

His cheat, 'brain wave' was only an epic class skill, and it was already this powerful, then how powerful will a mystical skill be?

"What happen?" Schoolgirl asked, witnessing supreme's action.

All the players were confused.

"You don't need to look for the puzzle pieces, I will get them for you" he said walking towards the first knight statues.

"What Is he doing?" The players just stared at supreme with widened eyes. The next moment, they jaw dropped wide open.


Time for our MC to get stronger, and ruthless. 🙊😶

If you guess the skill, three chapters release.

Will he survive?

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