Solo Leveling: I Am The Only Supreme With the Cheating System

Chapter 14: Ten VS One


"Kill them all"

Supreme repeated his words.

"Are you mad?! Aren't you the one who said, "if we go out here, we'll be ripped to shreds!"" Poisonous Queen yelled in a low voice.

"I know, but if we kill those monsters we'll be the winners." Supreme said with a thoughtful expression.

"Really? I thought if we survive and be the last one standing, we win."

"That is what AI use to mislead all the players, but I am smarter than that" supreme lied flatly.

Poisonous Queen was silent for a while, she fixed her gaze on the monsters, hesitating.

The monsters were busy eating the humans' corpses.


"--Don't you trust me? If we kill these monsters, guess how much life times and other valuables we will earn." Supreme cut her off and gave a tempting offer.

After thinking for a whole minutes, she finally nodded. "Ok, let kill these monsters."

"Nope, I'm the one doing the fighting, remember?" Supreme stopped her with a raise of his hand.

Without waiting for her response, he walked away, moving towards the ten LV 10 monsters.

'What is wrong with this guy? A LV 1 player facing against Ten LV 10 monsters, which also have the ability to fly. This is simply suicidal.'

Supreme wasn't bothered about her, he wanted to end these monsters quickly and win the game, so he could go back to his sister. She had been alone for An hour now.

When he still had his job, who was looking after his sister at home? So that reasoning didn't make sense.

There is also another reason for coming out, Supreme planned to kill these monsters before that behemoth arrive at the temple.

"Hey you flying freaks!!"

He yelled at the fallen demons, who raised their heads from the corpses and looked at the lone player.


Three let out an angry shriek and shot into the air. The others didn't even budge, not seeing this human as a threat.

Monsters with 40% intellect are not stupid and also not very smart.

"You guys will regret underestimating me!"

He picked up the dead young man's red sword and pointed it at the monsters. "Come and meet your death."

'System, Activate all cheats.'

{As You wish}

{Strength increased to 50%, +1,000}

{Attack Damage increase.}

{Speed boast Activated.}

{Monsters' weakness revealed.}

{Damage taken reduce.}

{Do You wish to use the newly opened cheat?}

'No, I am saving that for her.' Supreme thought with a smile and looked over his shoulder. "It looked like we got another audience."


The three monsters dived with incredible speed, they stretched out their talons to grab this pathetic human.

"Never underestimate your enemy!"

Supreme dodged the first monster with a sidestep, and with a slash of the red sword, he detached the head from its body.

{Damage delivered: -6,000.}

{Target health point: 0/ 5,000.}

The monster's Huge body fell to the ground with a THUD.

AI's voice sounded.

Finally, the other seven monsters' attention have been drawn, this weak looking human killed one of their kin. And he is just a LV 1 player, weaker than them.





They all out a piercing shrieks and shot into the air.

"Now we are taking!"

Supreme gripped the red sword tightly as he observed the nine tiny dots in the sky.

"I am waiting!!" He roared at them. 'I wish I have a cheat that could make me fly.'

{Be grateful with what you have}

'Yeah, yeah...'

He said with a bored expression.

At that moment, all the monsters shot down with incredible speed, talons stretched, jaws wide opened. All aimed for a single human.

"Much Better"

With that said he dodged to the right and then left, his advantage in speed, proved to be very useful as he moved from one point to another, dodging the monsters' talons and claws with incredible speed and beautiful footwork.


A monster have landed on the ground but didn't take flight like the others, instead, it chooses to attack the human while on the ground.

Supreme didn't waste any second and shot forward towards the monster.

The monster saw this and raised its hand filled with claws as it smashed down on the human.



{Damage delivered: -7,200.}

{Target health point:0/ 5,000.}

The demon let out a half painful shriek and the next moment its upper body fell over, then followed by the lower part.

"Two down, eight more to go!" Supreme stated observing the eight monsters, which were circling above him.

'These guys are getting to my nerves, How can I bring them down?' Supreme thought as he observed the monsters.

"Wait, they were once statues on the temple, it means they are either protecting something inside or They are just placed here." Supreme muttered and added:

"Let's see, if they stop me from entering the temple shows that something valuable is inside, if they don't, well... nothing's worth the risk. And for them to stop me, they have to fly down."

As he said this, he was busy walking towards the temple entrance, making sure to keep his eyes on the monsters.


True to his word, the monsters let out angry shrieks, as they all dived towards him.

Supreme leaped back, as three of the monsters crashed in front of him, blocking the entrance.

"I am right, there is a powerful skin in there" He muttered in a low voice.


The five monsters above let out loud shrieks and lunged down.

"You guys should really stop that, it's frustrating!" Supreme yelled, he braced himself getting ready for the monsters charging towards him.


"What is this?" Blood-Arrow muttered with a deep frown.

She was currently standing on a tree, observing everything happening at the temple.

She really like standing on trees.

"Can I really win this game if he's alive?" Blood-Arrow muttered as she brought out a golden card.

After debating for a while, she kept it back. "I will have to kill him myself. After his battle with these monsters, He'll be weakened, and that will be my chance." She moved her gaze to Poisonous Queen who was still hiding behind the tree.

"His teammate is a noob. So I could easily kill her."


"How is he so good?" Poisonous Queen was staring at Supreme with a confused expression, not knowing she was getting watch.

'If I play more games with him, I will be able to earn enough life times that will last me for a century.' She thought inwardly.



Damage delivered: -6,500.}

{Target health point: 0/ 5,000.}


Damage delivered: -5,000.}

{Target health point: 0/ 5,000.}

The third and fourth monster have met their demise under Supreme's blade.

"You guys are truly troublesome"

Supreme wiped the blood off his lip, he received a deadly blow behind from a monster, even with the cheat the monster still got to him.

He was just lucky it wasn't a powerful attack, only because he evaded some of it on time.

Supreme stared at the remaining six monsters with a frown. These six stood in front of the temple.

"This only make me want to know what's in that temple" Supreme said and lunged towards the six LV 10 monsters.

Two monsters lunged forward toward the charging human, Supreme increased his speed, the next moment.

{Cheat: speed boast have leveled up.}

{You can now use it to 31%}

'Do it!' Supreme yelled.

{Speed boast increased to level 31%}

He slowly looked around a little surprise, as he charged forward, everything around him seem to be in slow motion.

"Is this how flash felt? Well... Flash is a movie, but this is real."

"Let end this!"


Damage delivered: -5,500.}

{Target health point: 0/ 5,000.}


Damage delivered: -7,000.}

{Target health point: 0/ 5,000.}

He didn't waste a second and go straight for the kill, beheading the two monsters.


"What the? How many speed cards does he have?"

Poisonous Queen and Blood-Arrow were speechless, staring at Supreme as he butchered his way towards the temple.


"Finally, you are the last one" Supreme walked towards the last demon.

The monster was already shivering in fear.

'This weak looking human is really a demon, only the demon lord could ingrain this amount of fear in me, what type of human-monster is this?! No, I need to surrender, or else he'll kill me too, even if I become his slave I won't mind as long as I am alive.'

LV 10 monsters above have the ability and intellect to think like a human, they might not be able to communicate out loud, not after reaching a particular level, but they surely knew fear.

Supreme walked calmly towards the fallen demon with the red Sword in his hand. "Time to die"

Something shocking happened next, shocking the three players. The monster got on its knees and bowed down its head, making its forehead touched the ground.


Supreme was totally confused, but the cheating system gave him an answer.

{Demon Want to create a bond with the host.}

{It don't mind if you make it your slave or subordinate, the monster just wants you to spare it.}

'Is that even possible in AI Virtual Reality game?'

{Nope!, AI Virtual Reality game have a function to give you one subordinate, what you players called pets.}

{But with the cheating system, you can add any monster who is willingly to submit to you.}

'How many can I have?'

{As much as you like.}

A smirk appeared on Supreme's face hearing the system. 'That is what I am talking about, you should always be like this."

{Like What?}

"Forget it"

He muttered and added:


{Congratulation, you have gotten a companion.}

{First Companion successfully added.}

{Nothing Can separate you two, it will follow you till death do you apart.}

'Why does it sound like a marriage contract?' Supreme thought with a frown.


{System Don't have answer to that question}

{You can name your companion to seal the bond.}

Supreme shook his head and looked at the fallen demon. "Do you have a name?" He asked.

The demon shook its head.

"Then I will call you..." Supreme became silent for a long time before nodding.

"I will call you Reaper, How about that?"

The demon nodded its head vigorously.

'Hey system, can I take it with me?'

{Yes, it will appear in your lobby if you ask it to leave the game.}

{For It to follow you to the real world, companion need to reach level 30 above.}

'He can also do that?'


Supreme nodded and said to Reaper. "Stay here, don't let anyone in."

Reaper nodded and he walked inside the temple.


"Did that monster just knelt down to him? For God's sake! That is a LV 10 monster!!" Blood-Arrow was totally perplexed.

"Should I get close? What if that thing chops off my head?! No way I'll stay here and wait for him." Poisonous Queen said, making sure to keep her distance from the temple and Reaper.


Long chapter today guys.

Chapters Challenge.

Two power stones for one extra chapter.

Four power stones for two extra chapters. And so on. Let see those who are reading.😢😢

Reaper is ready to have someone's head. 😁😁

Thanks, stay safe guys.

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