Solo Cultivation in The Apocalypse

Chapter 88 The Courage To Stand Alone.

Hitori panted hard. He pulled his hammer to the side and kept it on the muddy ground.

Hohn's body had disappeared and left behind a few shiny drops. Hitori took a deep breath. Hitori leaned down to the drops and touched each one of them.

He obtained three uncommon potions, of which, he used one on him and kept the two for later use. Hitori then collected the thirty bladesmith gems.

"I needed this…" Hitori immediately used the thirty gems on his katana.

The gems repaired the crippled edge but failed in sharpening the edge as Hitori wanted it to. Well, what do you expect from thirty gems?

[you have gained three thousand five hundred and eighty-four experience points]


<Total cultivated mana: 68,461/80,000>

Still a long way, eh!

Hitori touched the Duergar Armor set. He was curious since he found how hard it is to pierce through a Duergar's armor. He was curious what the armor was made of so Hitori picked up the remains of its shattered armor.

[Dino Pangolin's Scale Mail]

Hitori read further.

[A mail designed from a dino pangolin's scales. It is created by the Duergars and sometimes other dwarves. Fellow dwarves might recognize their deceased partner's mail, so be careful!]

Hitori nodded as he read further.

[Duarbility: tweleve]

'Oh, so it was not an armor but a scale mail…'

Hitori lost interest. The dino pangolin got him interested and want to investigate deeper into the scale mail topic.

Hitori threw the mail on the ground then his eyes caught a shining silver weapon. Hitori rushed to the hammer and placed it into his Ghostly dimension ring.

It was safe to have to save the hammer for later. Hitori knew Kamiya had no weapon since his dagger was stuck in Kazon's belly and they would need a strong weapon to destroy the mail.

Hitori was done picking the drops. He turned his head around and leaned back from the ground.

It was silent. Although Reon and Kamiya both were in the forest along with two more Duergars, it was silent. Hitori stood alone around the rustling leaves.

"Before I move on," Hitori twisted his torso and grabbed the orange– now slightly red– color war hammer, "Clean." Hitori swiped his two fingers to clean his hammer.

Hitori slid his hammer into the dimension too and now, his dimension was full. Not even the space for a single common-grade potion.

Now that Hitori was fully equipped and ready to set out, he glanced at the right path and rushed in Kamiya's direction.

Kamiya was left with only a quarter of his health. He was heavily injured by the enlarged Duergar and its dangerous hammer.

Leaves bounced off the ground and a few fell to the ground Three trees fell down at the same time behind Kamiya.

Kamiya panicked, he realized who it was.

He glanced through the bushes. He got an enlarged Kazon's view and realized that Kazon has found him.

"I told you, you can not hide from my dark vision." Kazon raised its hammer that was damaged from a corner.

Kamiya kept low and ran away from Kazon but Kazon was already on its move.

Its hammer took down a tree that covered Kamiya and next was Kamiya's head, he just knew it when he saw the big-ass hammer raging above his head.

"Arghghghg!!!" Suddenly, a scream covered the whole forest which caught not only Kazon and Kamiya's attention but Reon and Razon's attention too.

Kamiya could not figure out whose scream it was but one thing was for sure, it was not Hitori's scream.

Kazon and Razon, both realized who was dead. "Hohn was… killed?" Kazon muttered in its dwarvish language, "god damn intruder!" Kazon groaned and turned around to find nothing.

When Kazon turned its eyes to the sky, Kamiya took the advantage of the scream and run away from Kazon, deep into the forest. 'It must be Hitori.' A grin was trying to spread on Kamiya's face.

[Ryu has killed Hohn the Duergar]

And this message just confirmed Kamiya's doubt for him. The grin that was trying to spread, blossomed gracefully on Kamiya's face.

Kazon was boiling with anger but it did not display its stupidity or idiocy by chasing Kamiya– the same thing a person on whom his anger has taken over might do.

One minute had passed and Kazon shrunk back to its original four feet five inches height. Kazon took deep breaths.

Kazon closed its eyes and muttered something, "activate Invisibility factor." in its Dwarvish.

Kazon's body started to fade slowly before it turned invisible and moved behind Kamiya.

Although Kamiya had managed to survive this one minute, there was no chance for him to survive any further without Hitori's help.

He was almost out of mana and he had already used all of his healing potions. Kamiya's dagger, and the only weapon, was stuck in Kazon's stomach. Awesome.

So in other words, he was on the verge of facing his death. I guess he was already facing his death in the game. And to add, Kazon was nowhere to be seen.

Kamiya looked around him like a frantic fool but he panicked for real and opened the chat, "what do I do? Can you make it to me soon? Please come quick, I am in great trouble… this monster has—"

Kamiya stopped typing the words into the message box. Kamiya's finger lingered over the magic keyboard, "what am I doing?" Kamiya questioned his actions.

Kamiya clenched his fists, "I can not depend on Hitori for everything even if it is a game." Kamiya murmured in a low voice.

He saw the face of a tired, sad woman who looked at him in pain.

"I can do this." Kamiya pushed against the mud and got up. "For Akemi-nee-chan…" Kamiya used a tree's log to stand out from the bushes and trees, "I will face any and every difficulty."

Kamiya emerged out of his hiding place. Kazon stopped walking when he saw the scene.

"A sacrifice? Or… he just wants to die?" Kazon walked, "I will complete his wish anyway." Kazon was quicker than the other two Duergars, it was already near Kamiya.

But Kamiya looked around like a fool who did not know his enemy's position (he actually did not know his enemy's location though).

"A fool." Kazon scoffed at Kamiya's actions.

"But… where is it?"

"'It'?" Kazon heard a voice that rung from every side, "how disrespectful of you to denote us by using 'it'!"

Kamiya was… not ready. He had no weapon with him and spells could not work on his enemy.

"Just because we are short in height does not mean we are not humanoids. We are living beings too!"

Kazon lifted his hammer, its chest puffed up due to a deep inhale, "Die." Kazon swung his hammer, Kamiya was frozen to do anything.

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