Solo Cultivation in The Apocalypse

Chapter 87 War Hammer From Hell.

The thin twig's tip reached Hohn's jaw, a drop of blood flowed down the twig and reached Hohn's fist. Hohn looked down before pulling its neck further away from the twig but that did not help.

Hime had turned the branch into a twig that was thin and hard and soft. Hohn tightened its grip on the twig.

Hime and Hohn, both grunted. Hitori was frustrated that he could not do anything but just sit there and watch as Hime's twig entered Hohn's jaw at a snail's speed.

"Do it… get it, Hime," Hitori muttered with a frown on his face.

"I am trying, Ryu-Kun…" she replied in a groan.

Hime raised her hand and pushed it forward. The roots left the hammer and erupted from the ground.

Hohn noticed the movement. It groaned as it gripped the twig tightly. Hohn moved its head forward with a tight frown.

"ArghghHH!!!" Its groan turned into a scream as the vine that held Hohn's arm snapped into two.

Hohn's right arm's muscles and ligaments fell to the ground with a pool of blood forming near its feet. Hohn let out another shrill shout as it pulled down the twig it was holding.

The twig did not give up at first but on Hohn's second tug, the twig was separated from the branch and floated down.

Before the twig could reach, Hohn turned around to dodge the roots. It landed on its feet, and the roots changed their course with a sharp turn.

Hohn's left hand reached to the ground while its right hand dangled from a tendon. The roots closed the distance and were on the verge of piercing through Hohn's stomach and jaw at the same time.


Hohn grabbed its hammer's handle and swung it up to break the roots and throw them to the ground.

"Aaah!!" Hime backed down and moaned in pain. She held her hand tightly and frowned in pain, her moan was cut short.

The magic screen disappeared along with Hohn's view. The invisible Chibi left a shower of pixie dust as she too disappeared along with Hime.

Hitori jumped off the ground and patted his butt, "I had never met a Duergar before…" Hitori said, "it took me some time to realize that it is about the right weapon, not the right spells."

The vines, broken roots, and branches disappeared into pixels. Then soon, the grass that held Hohn's feet together, settled down. Everything froze.

Hohn grabbed its dangling arm, and with a deep breath, Hohn pulled his arm and threw it to the ground. Hohn curved its lips to control his pain and the raging scream.

The frown from Hitori's face disappeared at Hohn's actions. Hitori's eyes fell on Hohn's orange health bar then his eyes made contact with Hohn's eyes.

Sweat had soaked Hohn's head from top to the bottom. Who knows what else was sweating. Hitori did not move, they both stared at each other.

Hohn's hand went for its stomach, Hitori lowered his gaze to the stick that had popped out from Hohn's stomach. Hitori watched as Hohn grabbed the stick's end and with a great act of courage, Hohn pulled out the stick.

Blood gushed out till Hohn's health hit the red slot. Hohn stumbled and bent down but then it balanced itself and stood straight up. Hohn banged the hammer on the ground and took its support to stand.

Hitori stood straight without moving. He had not equipped a weapon yet and on seeing Hohn's condition, Hitori thought it was the time to stop but then… his vengeance got him.

Yagi's half-torn body flashed along with Hime's painful moan. Hitori's hand reached his back… the holes still felt new.

Hitori tapped his ring and pulled his right hand to the side. Hohn stood straight and adjusted its helmet before grabbing its hammer.

Blood mixed with the sweat and slid down Hohn's thick neck. Right now, Hohn was punctured with multiples holes in its body but it still stood and lifted the hammer.

A bright light surrounded Hitori's right hand. The light faded and Hitori was equipped with a hammer.

[Equipped 'War Hammer from Hell']

Hitori raised the hammer in front of Hohn. it took Hohn a few seconds before realizing the war hammer Hitori wielded.

But as soon as Hohn noticed the orange flames drew on the hammer and the sharp pointed end, its eyes went wide in fear.

The hammer is held and started to tremble along with its feet, "h- how… why does he have that hammer?"

Hitori could not under the Dwarvish whispers this time. Hitori took a step forward, and Hohn took a step back.

Hitori was surprised when Hohn took a step back but that did not stop him from closing the distance between him and Hohn and getting ready for the final blow.

Hohn realized that the war hammer from hell was inches away from hitting its face. Hohn jerked and ran backward before turning around.

Hitori pulled his hammer down and chased Hohn. If there was anything good about the Duergars then it was their speed– in the sense that it was easy for Hitori to catch up with it.

He was confused but still lifted his hammer once he was close enough to Hohn. Hitori then closed his eyes for a moment.

Hitori opened his eyes, his hammer swung down at Hohn. The hammer's blunt side struck Hohn's back.

Hohn screamed as it left the ground and flew in the air before landing down on the ground.

The damage points flashed. The impact cost Hohn a few points while the strike cost Hohn's armor more than half of its durability.

Hitori pulled the big hammer back to his shoulder. Hitori reached Hohn at the same time it stopped rolling on the ground.

Hitori jumped slightly. As he moved the hammer down, Hitori changed the hammer's sides.

Hohn lay on the ground with its face down in the mud. There was a half-cracked mark on its back that displayed how powerful the previous blow was.

Hohn heard Hitori's footsteps behind it. But before it could even turn its head, it felt a sharp, stabbing pain in its back.

Blood came out like a shower when the pointed tip of the hammer stabbed through the Duergar's armor.

Hitori saw the damage number flash– fifty– which was for breaking the armor and– forty-seven– for stabbing Hohn's back.

"No!!!" Hohn screamed, "keep that hammer away from me!!" It shouted.

Hitori panicked due to the sudden shouts, he took a step back and pulled his hammer out. Blood sprung and made an arc in the air.

Hohn quickly turned around and raised its hand at Hitori, "no, no, not with that hammer…" it continued to protest.

Hohn's face was covered in mud along with its chest, "I beg you, do not kill me with that hammer, I beg you!"

Hohn curled its hand into a fist and pled in front of Hitori. Hitori watched the scene with a frown on his face.

"..." Hitori groaned, "I can not understand your language." Hohn's expressions fell. A deep, dark void appeared in front of its eyes.

Hitori lifted the hammer. Hitori failed to pierce through the armor on his first try, Hitori tried again and the hammer's pointed end broke the chest plate.

Hitori got ready for the last strike.

Hohn was still alive, "he will… avenge me." Hohn muttered as it gave Hitori a deadly glare, "Kazon-san will… surely avenge me."


The hammer went through Hohn's chest and killed it. Hitori continued smashing the dead body till it was pixilated into nothing.

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