Shrouded Seascape

Chapter 846: Trade

Chapter 846: Trade


The car door slammed shut as Charles, accompanied by James, strode in big steps toward the docks.

"I'm not sure what that thing is, but it doesn't look like it's man-made. It specifically asked for you, and it seems like it wants to strike some sort of deal," James explained to his captain with a grim expression.

"I don't know how it knows of your request but through our brief and rough communication, it knows that you are looking for a certain Divinity."

Charles' eyes narrowed slightly upon the mention of this critical piece of information, and his pace hastened. When they arrived at the docks, the area had been cleared. Only the towering metallic puppet was left standing on the beach and surrounded by cannons and rifles aimed squarely at it.

"I heard you want to make a trade with me," Charles said to the half-headed puppet.

"Yes…We know…you… seek."

The puppet's rusted joints creaked as it shifted, the dry sea mud flaking off its body and crumbling onto the sand. Despite the disjointed words, Charles could decipher the puppet's meaning.

"You know what I seek? What is the name of the Divinity I'm searching for?" Charles asked.


Charles' heart skipped a beat. That was indeed the Divinity he was searching for.

"James." Charles turned to the chubby man and instructed, "Tell the others to stand back. I need to have a proper talk with this thing."

The sound of boots crunching through sand quickly faded as James led the others away. It didn't take long before Charles and the massive metallic puppet were left all alone on the beach.

Though the personnel had retreated, the cannons on the warships and artillery platforms remained fixed on the creature. They were ready to fire at any moment if it dared to make a move on their governor.

"Where is Hypnos now?" Charles asked directly.

At this point, he didn't care what sort of creature or species he was dealing with. There were too many strange existences in the Subterranean Sea—too many for him to keep track of. His only goal now was to fulfill his side of the deal with 005 as quickly as possible.

"Trade. Terms. Need," the puppet stated three proper words in a cold and mechanical voice.

Though the puppet seemed to struggle with the Subterranean Sea's language, Charles understood what it meant.

"A fair trade. What do you need?"

"Habitable island. Non-attack. Habitable island."

An island? A hint of hesitation flickered across Charles' face. It was a significant cost, and he had limited islands in his possession. Trading one away was a steep price and he seemed to be on the losing end of this deal.

But upon weighing the pros and cons, he soon decided to agree to the puppet's demands. After all, compared to retrieving the final item he had lost in the Subterranean Sea, the island was a small sacrifice.

"Alright, I agree to the terms. Now tell me, where is Hypnos?"

"The puppet's rusty body swayed slightly before it rasped out a single word, "Underwater."

Realization dawned on Charles at that moment. Now he knew why despite mobilizing the full force of all humans across the Subterranean Sea, there were still no hints of Hypnos' whereabouts for months.

Hypnos had retreated deep into the sea.

"Chief Engineer! Bring me a map!" Charles shouted toward James, who was waiting in the distance.

Soon enough, a detailed map of the Subterranean Sea was spread out before the puppet.

"Where is Hypnos?" Charles asked. "Show me his location."

The puppet stumbled as it moved toward the map. Extending a rusted finger, it pointed in the direction of the map. However, it wasn't pointing at any marked region on the chart.

Instead, its rusted finger went past the map's edge and stabbed into the sandy ground beside it, creating a small hole.

"An uncharted region?" Charles' brows furrowed together.

Due to the overwhelming number of deaths in recent years, the surviving humans in the Subterranean Sea now lived in relative comfort. Even the Explorers Association had ceased issuing exploration missions.

However, that didn't mean that the Subterranean Sea had been fully explored. No one knew the true boundaries of the Subterranean Sea or if there were even any boundaries.

It seemed as though vast, seemingly endless unexplored regions lay beyond the known human-occupied waters. And no one had ever ventured that far into those places.

Charles eyed the distance between the marked hole in the sand and Hope Island. It was really far. If they were to travel by ship, it would take them at least two months to reach the location.

And the estimated duration hadn't taken into account any potential dangers that lurked in the uncharted waters. If there were any unforeseen complications along the way, more time would be needed.

Charles pondered for a brief moment before he lifted his gaze back to the towering metal puppet. Pointing at the small hole it had made in the sand, he asked, "You live out there?"

The puppet shook its head slightly and responded, "Trade. Payment."

"Alright." Charles turned to James and instructed," James, go find Julio. The Eastern Seas had just been cleared out so there must still be a few habitable islands under his jurisdiction. Buy one in my name."

Though habitable islands were valuable, Hope Island had more than enough wealth to afford one. Moreover, not all islands were of equal worth. With the current market, purchasing an island with no resources or special traits wouldn't be an issue.

Charles turned his gaze back to the metallic puppet and said, "Wait on the island for now. When we've secured the purchase, you can send someone over to claim it. You can do whatever you want with it. Live there or whatever, it's your choice."

There was a reason why Charles had agreed to the trade so readily. He had his own considerations.

No matter what this creature was, if they settled on the island, any plans to ambush or deceive him would need careful reconsideration. If this was a trap, they would have to think twice before making their move.

"Great. Fast. Trade complete. Together. We arrive. Then. Payment," the towering metal puppet rasped before lifting its massive feet and retreating backward, step by step, into the depths of the sea.

As its metallic head disappeared beneath the waters, Lily flew over and landed on Charles' shoulder. She tilted her head to the side and asked in curiosity, "Mr. Charles, is it saying that it will be coming with us? Is it going to be our navigator?"

Charles nodded slightly and gently patted Lily on the head before striding toward the docks.

"Not us. Just me. Be a good girl and stay on the island. There's finally a lead now. Once I find this last missing piece, everything will be over."

"Mr. Charles, what are you talking about?"

"Nothing. Just wait patiently. When that time comes, everyone's wishes will be fulfilled."


James groggily opened his eyes. Throwing off the blanket, he began to remove his pajamas and reached for his work uniform.

Just as he was struggling to button each button over his round belly, the bedroom door creaked open. From the corner of his eyes, James spotted an innocent gaze peeking in through the gap.

Despite having retired from an exploration ship for a long time now, the former explorer had yet to lose his keen sense of awareness. He definitely detected the opening of a door.

"My dear girl, are you looking for Daddy?" James turned around upon buttoning the final button, his gaze softening as he looked toward his daughter standing outside the door.

A cheerful little girl who looked no older than seven or eight pushed the door open and bounced into the room with light steps. Her red, leather shoes lifted off the ground as she jumped with her arms outstretched and threw herself onto James' belly.


"Ahhh…" James let out a warm chuckle, his eyes brimming with love and affection. He slid his hands under her tiny arms and lifted her into the air, spinning her around in circles. The sound of the young girl's delighted laugher immediately filled the cozy bedroom.

After a few playful spins, James held her in his arms and planted a kiss on her cheek. "Alright, let's go and grab breakfast. We don't wanna be late for school."

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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