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7 months ago
During the ancient tribal era, the world was vast and inscrutable. Through constant... Read more During the ancient tribal era, the world was vast and inscrutable.Through constant exploration, the ancients were horrified to discover that God walked the land. The Wise Beast stood ten-thousand-feet tall, trampling mountains and shattering the earth.Hundreds of years later, in that dangerous environment, mankind triumphed against the giant beasts and finally built the glorious Sumerian civilization.On that day, the Wise Beast suddenly descended, trampling over mountains and rivers and destroying the entire nation. The land and the sky crumbled. Cities collapsed.Has God descended to punish men for their sins?“I’m sorry, but you’re just ants living in my yard. You’re all over the place, and I accidentally stepped on you while passing by. That’s all there is to it.”This is the story of a slightly disappointing Creator and his hyper-competent creations. Collapse Aliens, Appearance Changes, Calm Protagonist, Confident Protagonist, Early Romance, Evolution, Game Elements, God-human Relationship, God Protagonist, Godly Powers, Hidden Abilities, Kingdom Building, Legends, Male Protagonist, Misunderstandings, Multiple POV, Mythical Beasts, Mythology, Nationalism, Protagonist with Multiple Bodies, Romantic Subplot, Ruthless Protagonist, Secrets, Slow Growth at Start, Special Abilities, Terminal Illness, Time Manipulation, Time Skip, Weak to Strong, Witches Is there any romance here ?! ARE YOU GAY OR NOT? CLICK HERE TO FIND OUTYOU’RE GAY Stonks The worst is all those that Click on it🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣I'm one of them 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Spoilerchapter 730:he made a sand box in a another galaxy but suddenly the whole planet changed their language became Chinese there myth became Chinese every thing became Chinese like dude I get it the Chinese god thing but don't go change the whole planet suddenly without reason and make f#cking newton Buddhist f#ck They even have Beijing??!! Translation becomes mtl shit later. Mtl isn't that bad. Me have headache read Mtl #panic#Chapter update please found the novel it is under a different name [nurturing humanity] there is 1200+ chapters #panic# please use this site to update. It's free and can just be copy-pasted. For example, I copy and posted this segment here: Translator: Nyoi-Bo StudioEditor: Nyoi-Bo Studio“In the early stages of gastric cancer #Panic# can you update pls On Webnovel it's called nurturing humanity. It's upto ch 700. is it mtl or properly translated like this? It webnovel so the chapter are behind a pay wall. So i can't say. I tried reading a chapter using fastpass, bad quality translation, but still better than mtl It’s properly translated. It’s 1 percent better than mtl Pls update🥺 yea this one's also not updating anymore bc webnovel is absolutely decking Ranobe's piracy bot Nah, it not updating on WN either. TL quit ouchies. wonder if a new tl will come along or something. Doubt it. WN too busy TLing harem and smut novels now. i wonder why, surely it can't be because 70-80% of the readers are just a bunch of horny's just sad Even the thumb nails are nearly naked females tf They're updating now. It is back, 1200+ chapters YeaNot on ranobes unfortunately Yea I know They're updating now