Shattered Innocence: Transmigrated Into a Novel as an Extra

Chapter 48: Side Story - Knight Named Cedric

"What did you say, father? What did you say about the fate awaiting Lady Elara?"

Inside a courtyard where countless different weapons were laid out, a young man stood out looking at an elderly man. The young man had a striking figure with a normal face, and in his hands, he had a sword.

"You heard what I said. She is going to be exiled from the family from now on." The old man repeated, looking at the young man.

"But why? How can they just exile her from the family without even hearing from her?" The young man asked, looking at his father with wide eyes. "Is this how they are repaying the efforts that she had put in all that time?"

"No, that is not. That is how they are repaying the disgrace that she brought to the family."

"Disgrace? What disgrace? They are judging without even listening to her!"

"What is there to listen to when everything is as clear as black and white?" The old man retorted as he looked into his son's eyes. "Listen, Cedric. I know you are close to Lady Elara. But you need to let it go. We are the knights of the Valoria Dukedom. It is not our job to interfere."

Cedric's grip tightened on the hilt of his sword, the weight of his father's words sinking in. The courtyard, usually a place of discipline and training, now felt like a battleground of principles. He took a deep breath, his resolve hardening.

"No. I will not accept this. I refuse to acknowledge it." Cedric's voice was firm, his gaze unwavering as he faced his father.

His father, a seasoned knight with years of loyalty to the Valoria Dukedom, narrowed his eyes. "Cedric, are you going against the Duke's orders? Are you defying the very foundation of our service and honor just because you are being influenced by your own emotions?"


It was something that Cedric could not refute.

After all, he indeed admired the lady he would be going to serve. Her magic was amazing, and she was genuine in everything she did.

Whenever she did something, she did it with utmost effort. She did not hurt anyone; she was gentle and good-natured. She was a radiant person with her talents, but she never got lazy.

For him, she was such a person. Thus, he did not want to believe it.

He did not want to believe that the person that he liked was someone who would do such a vile act. He could not accept that no matter what.

Therefore, for him, only one explanation was possible. It was the fact that she did not do such a thing, and there was an injustice that was happening.

Cedric's jaw clenched, his knuckles white around his sword's hilt. "Yes, I am. If being a knight means standing by while injustice is done, then I choose not to be a knight of Valoria."

He looked down at the sword in his hand, the insignia of the golden lion and crimson field glinting in the sunlight. With a swift motion, he sheathed the sword and placed it on the ground before his father.

"If this is what it means to serve the Valoria Dukedom, then I renounce my knighthood. I will stand by Lady Elara, even if no one else will." Cedric's voice was calm but resolute, and the finality of his decision was clear.

His father stared at the sword for a long moment, a mixture of shock and sadness in his eyes. "Cedric, you are making a grave mistake."

"Perhaps," Cedric replied, "but I will not stand by and do nothing while an innocent is wronged." He turned and left the courtyard, his heart pounding...

Pounding with an exhilaration and anticipation…..


Cedric searched the estate frantically, his heart sinking with each passing minute. When he finally reached the main gates, he saw the carriage in the distance, already leaving the dukedom.

"No," he whispered, his chest tightening with panic. Without wasting another moment, he sprinted to the stables and saddled the fastest horse he could find.

"Come on, we have to catch them," Cedric urged the horse, mounting it swiftly. He spurred the horse into a gallop, racing down the path the carriage had taken.

The wind whipped through his hair, and the pounding of the horse's hooves echoed his racing heartbeat. He pushed the horse harder, his mind focused solely on reaching Elara.

The carriage driver turned, startled by the approaching rider. Cedric rode alongside the carriage, pulling his horse to a stop as the carriage came to a halt.

At first, it was not easy to halt the carriage, as he no longer had something that he could display as the knight of the Valoria. But after talking with the driver while riding the horse beside him, he was finally able to convince the driver that he meant no harm, and eventually, the carriage was stopped.

He dismounted quickly and rushed to the door.

"Elara," he called out, his voice filled with urgency.

The door swung open, and Elara's eyes widened in surprise. "Cedric," Elara called his name, looking at him with her wide eyes. "What are you doing here?"

But as she asked this question, Cedric was not able to reply at all. Why was that? He wondered. He was just frozen there, unable to reply.

"Cedric? Are you okay?"

But as she asked this question, Cedric was not able to reply at all. Why was that? He wondered. He was just frozen there, unable to reply.

"Cedric? Are you okay?" Elara asked once again, looking at him. There was a small worry in her eyes. And then Cedric was able to get himself up.

"I'm here to escort you," Cedric said, his voice steady now as he looked into Elara's eyes.

Elara's eyes widened once again. "Escort? Escort me?" she asked, her voice filled with disbelief.

Cedric nodded his head, confirming his words. "Yes, I'm here to escort you."

Elara looked into his eyes, searching for answers. "Why? When I have lost everything I had, when I am no longer a lady? Why would you be here?"

Cedric held her gaze, his expression resolute. "It is my duty as a knight."

Elara's eyes became blurry, and small tears formed. She blinked rapidly, trying to keep them from falling. "Cedric…"

"If that is what you want," she whispered, her voice trembling with emotion.

Cedric smiled warmly, a sense of relief washing over him. "That is what I want."

But why was his heart pounding so fast now?

And why was Elara with her silky blonde hair and striking blue eyes that would normally look out of his world and something he could never reach…..

Why was she looking reachable?

More than ever?

'I made the right decision.'


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