ShangriLa Frontier ~ Shitty Games Hunter Challenges Godly Game ~

Chapter 126: Embracing the Light of Ambition Part 12 Part 1

Chapter 126: Embracing the Light of Ambition Part 12 Part 1

Humans in general are a very stubborn species. If we are faced with a certain problem, no matter how many times we might fail, we will eventually get it done. Just give us enough time to adapt.

「Sickle-san, let’s do this! This is our big chance!」

「If we don’t display our Vorpal Soul here, we won’t be able to look Father straight in the eyes next time we see him!!」

Take this situation, for example. Even though we’ve never met before and we aren’t even friends, random Pioneers converged here and are fighting arm in arm to overcome great adversity. That’s the power of us Humans.

Now, about Luukan and its attacks, it’s almost certain that its weak point is “light”.

Now that its body came to a stop, it should move using its alter-ego. At least I was hoping it would do just that.

「Let’s burn it up……!!」

Although Sanraku said that to no one in particular, he was hoping for Akitsu Akane and Sickle to know what to do now. And while from his experience in Berserker Passion Online Sanraku knew that Akitsu Akane would not fail to deliver, the presence of both Emul and Sickle was still a cause for concern. But for now he chose to pay it no mind.

When in a fight like that, it is best to assume that everyone knows what they need to do and that their own equipment and abilities would keep them alive. And it was out of that assumption that Akitsu Akane and Sickle said that “they will do something” about that alter-ego of Luukan’s.

「I hear footsteps…… I can’t see them, but they are there alright!」

「Akitsu Akane-dono! I’m ready when you are!」

「Shouldn’t we already be on the move? Oh well, here we go!!」

The reason why Akitsu Akane covers his face…… It was partially because of fashion reasons, but also because he wanted to hide certain “curse marks” that were carved onto his face…… But now the fox mask was removed and his real face came into full view.

There was a huge cross shaped mark all over his face and eyes, making his appearance rather distorted.

「Hidden Ninja Art!」

This skill was extremely rare even amongst the Ninja class, and the strength of this skill is directly linked to the Vitality of the caster…… Of course, since Akitsu Akane’s level did not exceed fifty, there was only so much that he could do with it, but it was something at the very least.

It is a secret skill given to players of Ninja class, a book of “Secret Shinobi Arts” given to players after clearing a series of training quests and class-related quests given by various shinobi masters.

And it was given to Akitsu Akane as a reward for the last quest he cleared. It was the “Ninja Skill Gacha Ticket” which gave him the secret skill that allowed its user to use a Fire Breathing Jutsu, resembling that of a Dragon. Its image was still vivid in Akitsu Akane’s mind.

For Akitsu Akane who was playing this game less than a month, obtaining such a skill was truly like hitting the Jackpot on the lottery.

「Fuuuuuuh…… “DRAGON FIRE BREATH!!!”…… Haaah!!!」

He shouted while completing several of the hand seals he learned by heart by now, and then what came out of his mouth was not just air, but a pillar of dragon fire that shot up to the sky just like a beam of light, illuminating the surroundings, chasing the night away.

In that aspect, you could say that it was more of a powered up flashlight than a genuine dragon breath meant to attack.

But compared to the genuine Dragon Fire that was said to be able to bring down whole fortresses, the one from Akitsu Akane was the size of a toothpick. But still, even if it wasn’t able to generate high temperatures to melt everything around it, the amount of light was just right.

「AAAaaahhh…… AHH, I’m so sorry----!!」


When he stopped breathing fire and regained his voice, he immediately started to apologize to Suzaku because his fire brushed against it while it was coming down. At the same time, a small bunny with a really big sword was already on its way towards Luukan’s alter-ego, wanting to manhandle it in a violent fashion.

「I can see it! Not with my own eyes, but with the eyes of my soul!」

Even though there was still some time before dawn, the Dragon Fire Breath used by Akitsu Akane made the surrounding grassland as bright as during the day, exposing Luukan’s alter-ego and making it completely visible. The alter-ego rushed towards Sanraku, but a bunny with a sword intercepted it completely.

「Brace yourself! Here is my “TAKE NO MIKAZUCHI”!!!」

Then the bunny swung its sword, but it went not towards Luukan’s alter ego but rather right into the ground by Sickle’s feet. Then you could see something similar to an electric current travelling from the sword’s blade and disappearing into the ground. Just then, a whole lot of sharp bamboo sticks started to spring forth from the ground, piercing everything that was in their path and forming a small forest.

「Ummmu…… I thought as much, such a huge wolf won’t be brought down with a single strike like that……」

「Cough, cough…… Sickle-san, I was always wondering about that, but why does bamboo grow out of the ground when you strike your sword in it?」

「Years of training, boy. That’s all I’m going to tell you.」

Will I be able to grow crystals out of the ground if I train hard enough, I wonder?

After that, the beginner player could only sit back and watch the rest of the Luukan fight slowly unfold right in front of his very eyes.

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