Seeking Immortality In The World Of Cultivation

Chapter 600 - 502: Master Soul Sever

Chapter 600: Chapter 502: Master Soul Sever

In such a vast area of influence, there must be even more powerful figures like Ancestor Yuanying overseeing it all.

However, He Song currently doesn’t know how many Ancestor Yuanyings are in the Treasure Pavilion, or if there are even stronger cultivators stationed there.

Regardless, under this speculation, Treasure Pavilion is definitely an existence that none of the Ancestor Yuanying dojos around could stir up trouble with.

Under such circumstances, if cultivators from the God Locking Sect or the Sun Faction want to lay their claws on Master Zi Shan.

I’m afraid that the Ancestor Yuanyings backing the God Locking Sect and the Sun Faction would immediately appear to sort things out.

If they really provoke the Treasure Pavilion, even if they are the highest-ranking Ancestor Yuanying in a dojo, they probably won’t be able to withstand the pursuit of such a massive force.

And it’s because of this that He Song feels that Master Luo Jing’s concern this time is due to worrying too much.

Even the previous worry about the God Locking Sect taking over the Cloud State Mansion was not necessary.

With such a status, nothing dangerous would befall Master Zi Shan.

Logically speaking.

Even if Master Zi Shan had left Masters Luo Jing and Yun Jing in the Cloud State Mansion, it wouldn’t have caused any trouble.

However, the only thing that He Song couldn’t quite grasp about this matter was: why did Master Zi Shan send Masters Luo Jing and Yun Jing away from Cloud State before the God Locking Sect attacked?

Master Zi Shan, as a disciple of Ancestor Yuanying and the owner of the Treasure Pavilion, would not be oblivious to the uniqueness of his position.

But, despite this, he still chose to send his two disciples to the Biyue Prefecture before the God Locking Sect attacked Cloud State.

This move left He Song pondering for a while, but he was unable to find an answer.

After thinking about it, He Song stopped thinking too much about it.

Master Zi Shan must have his reasons for doing this.

With no intelligence on hand and little understanding of Master Zi Shan, one could barely guess anything.

Therefore, it’s better not to guess.

Just let everything take its course.

Maybe sometime in the future, he might find out the truth from elsewhere.

Thinking of this, He Song quickly wrote a letter in reply to Master Luo Jing.

In the letter, He Song shared his speculations and asked her to calm down, ensuring her that Master Zi Shan would be safe.

After sending the letter, He Song once again entered into closed-door cultivation.

This way.

As time slowly passed.

Meng Guan and Wei Fan, even when everyone else slightly relaxed, they still remained vigilant to the threat of danger.

And Masters Luo Jing and Yun Jing, after hearing He Song’s speculation, were still somewhat worried about Master Zi Shan’s safety.

However, they were no longer as anxious as before.

At this moment, He Song was still in closed-door cultivation, constantly taking Calming Pills for spiritual cultivation, and comprehending his various skills.

When the magic in He Song’s Golden Core gradually increased.

When He Song’s refinement of the Calming Pills became more and more effortless.

When He Song became more familiar with the method of setting up the Gathering Essence Array.

When He Song’s production of lower-grade spiritual tools became increasingly smooth.

One day.

While He Song was cultivating, he suddenly felt something happening with his Sound Transmission Amulet.

Upon noticing this, He Song immediately stopped his cultivation and checked his Sound Transmission Amulet.

He took out a thin piece of paper from the amulet.

He Song’s gaze was quickly drawn to the delicate handwriting densely covering the paper.

“An Ning pays homage to Senior.”

“May senior live forever.”

“Thanks to senior’s blessings, I’ve been continuously cultivating for more than ten years and have finally achieved some strength.”

“Now, continuing to stay in the Wind Snow Palace does not contribute much to the improvement of my cultivation strength, naturally, I need to go out for training.”

“A month ago, the palace appointed me to go to an Immortal Pavilion.”

“The Immortal Pavilion is called Jinsha Immortal Lane, which is said to have been named after a gold sand spiritual vein in the area.”

“However, that gold sand spiritual vein, due to its high value, has long been mined out.”

“Today, although Jinsha Immortal Lane still carries this name, the cultivators here no longer rely on the gold sand mine for survival.”

“Today, I have arrived at Jinsha Immortal Lane.”

“There are many more messages here in Jinsha Immortal Lane than at the Wind Snow Palace.”

“Perhaps, next month, I could bring senior news from other places.”

“For more than ten years, An Ning has been staying in Wind Snow Palace, and hasn’t been able to provide useful information to senior. I hope senior won’t blame me.”

“The location of Jinsha Immortal Lane is in the eastern part of Hu State, which borders the hinterland of the Purple Cloud Sect. The information obtained should be more insightful than other places.”

“If there is any significant news in the future, I will certainly inform senior immediately.”

“Besides, if senior has some free time, you can also come to visit Jinsha Immortal Lane.”

“I will certainly be waiting here.”

“I heard that, even to this day, people still occasionally find some treasures in the gold sand spirit cave.”

“If senior comes here, you might also get some treasures.”

Looking at the greetings from An Ning on the paper, and the description of Jinsha Immortal Lane, a detailed map of Hu State within the Purple Cloud Sect territory immediately flashed across He Song’s mind.

Indeed, there is a Jinsha Immortal Lane within the territory of Hu State, and it is indeed within the sphere of influence of the Wind Snow Palace.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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