Seduce the hero's mother (GL)

Chapter 126: Chapter 23. Broomstick

— You didn't miss me much, did you, beautiful girl?

I shuddered and turned around a hundred and eighty degrees.

I opened my eyes wide, thinking at first that I was imagining things. But I wasn't. When I realized it wasn't a dream, I couldn't help but open my mouth.

The girl with the scarlet hair and the black patch over her left eye had really come to my room. And, what's more, no one had grabbed her yet.

As I stared at her silently for a long moment, Maxie sighed irritably.

— Well, finish it already. I can see it in your eyes how happy you are to see me,» she quipped.

— Maxie…! — I finally exhaled, rising from my chair, «What are you…?

— Yeah,» I waved my hand, «You don't have to tell me how happy you are.

The girl calmly walked into my room and settled in one of the chairs. She sprawled across the armchair, put her leg over her head, and called Melinda to her.

— Hey!

The maid, still standing at the door, flinched and quickly approached.

— Y-yes, lady? — The lady inquired excitedly.

— I had to wait all day before that witch would let me in,» Maxie rubbed her neck tiredly, «I'm thirsty. I want something to drink.

Despite the fact that Maxie was not her mistress, Melinda was surprisingly eager to do as she was told. She bowed before both of us and assured us that she would return as soon as possible.

We were alone, and I, too, slowly settled back in my chair.

I still couldn't believe that Maxie had actually come to see me.

Hadn't Rachel forbidden other visitors than her immediate family to enter her chambers? Or had the girl managed to overpower the guards and get in through the door?

However, since the latter theory was hard to believe, I assumed that Maxie was using some clever trick. That made it all the more unsettling.

— You'd better get out of here at once! — I said excitedly, «If Rachel finds out…

— She already knows,» she answered abruptly.

— What? — My mouth fell open in astonishment,» But-but how…!

Maxie sighed.

— If I hadn't, there would have been a lot of troops here by now.

I blinked my eyes in confusion.

It was an unthinkable decision. Why would Rachel let her in?

It was as hard to believe as it was to believe that right now Maxie was sitting in the chair in front of me. I never thought Rachel would actually allow something like this to happen.

— But why…?! — the question came out of my tongue on its own,» Why Rachel.

— Because I'm your personal knight now,» she grinned.

Maxie said it with total casualness, while I felt like I was completely confused.

— WHAT?!

— Well,» Maxie was surprised, «you even have the same reaction. You think I'm too good for this part, too?

— I want to know what's going on! — I demanded.» «How did you get in here? And what kind of «personal knight»…?!

— I already told you… Not everyone gets the chance to be under my protection.

— Maxie! — I shouted at her indignantly.

She looked at me with a disgruntled look.

— If you're so happy, you could have shown it in another way.

I furrowed my brow.

— It's not a good time for your jokes,» she crossed her arms across her chest.

— Oh, well…! — Maxie waved it off. «Then I'll just say that from this day on, all those big guys are going to stop coming around you. Your safety is now my responsibility.

I gasped.

— You're not kidding now, are you?!

— If you don't believe me, you can ask your fiancée yourself,» Maxie said with a chuckle.

I hesitated, for what was happening was surreal. I mean, besides the long-standing animosity between their families, Rachel and Maxie barely even knew each other… So why would she suddenly assign a girl to such a role?

I pondered this for a while, but couldn't come to a logical conclusion.

Maxie looked at me understandingly.

— I know, I know… You weren't expecting your pipe dream to come true.

— Maxi!

I slapped her indignantly on the shoulder as she stepped out of the dream world. She laughed.

At that moment I thought that we involuntarily went back to the time when we first met. Maxie had loved to tease me before, and now she was doing it again.

I had no idea how the heroine's mentor had turned out to be my knight… But at least it wouldn't make my situation any worse. Another familiar face by my side would make my current burden much easier.

Melinda wasn't lying, and she came back very quickly indeed. Not ten minutes later, the maid burst back into the room with a tray. There were two cups of green tea on it.

Maxie grudgingly grimaced as it appeared that the maid had completely misinterpreted her request.

By «drink,» she did not mean green tea at all…

However, it would have been a waste of time to send Melinda back, so Maxie just put up with it and took a sip of that «herbal slurry».

When Melinda found out that from now on Maxie was my personal and sole guard, she was just as surprised.

— Really…?! — opened her mouth, «But Madam, who is that anyway?

Maxi defiantly coughed, while I was embarrassed and hurried to introduce her:

— This is… Mm… Maxie. An old friend of mine.

— Friend?» the maid interjected.

— You are mistaken, my dear,» she grinned deliberately, «You mean a frustrated lover.

— Maxie!

I wonder how many times this evening I've shooed her away?

After the awkward initial introduction between Melinda and Maxie, the latter suddenly announced

— It has come to my attention that not long ago you had a rival.

I choked on my green tea.

— What are you talking about?!

— Cassius's secretary… They say she's as beautiful as you are,» Maxie remarked involuntarily, «and in her other abilities… Ahem… Perhaps even better.

I resented that.

— That's just delusional and not even remotely true!

— Well, I'm not so sure about that,» Maxie shrugged. «Sooner or later that broomstick will steal your whole empire.

— Her name is Camilla,» I protested, «and she's not who you say she is.

— Really? — Maxie snorted and leaned back in her chair. 'Your' Camille is with Cassius almost around the clock. You don't think anything's going to happen?

— Of course not. I chose her to be Rachel's secretary myself,» I informed her.

The girl stared at me in amazement.

— Are you out of your mind?!

— What's the problem? — I did not quite understand.

Maxie exhaled irritably, because in her opinion I really didn't realize the whole situation.

— You know, all these stories with the secretaries usually do not end well…» she said, «How could you have made such an error?

I shrugged, because I thought she just believed in some outdated stereotype.

— Rachel has a lot of work to do and it's hard for her to handle everything alone,» I said.

— Even so, you shouldn't have taken just anyone to the palace! — Maxie wouldn't back down.

When she came at me like that I only pouted.

— Despite your suspicions, I'm not going to be prejudiced against anyone.

Maxie sighed heavily.

— Suit yourself. But when that broomstick takes everything from you, don't say I didn't warn you.

— Stop calling Camilla that! — I resented her. She has a name.

But the girl didn't hear me, because she was sure of her opinion. I just had to put up with it and hope that I was right in this argument.

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