Seduce the hero's mother (GL)

Chapter 121: Chapter 18. The Market

Life is one big ordeal.

That was the conclusion Philip was forced to draw wh a pniless family of marauders forced him to participate in such a humiliating evt. No, it was ev worse.

The next morning the boy was practically forced out of the house to go to the market with Serge. There was nothing to do and he did not fully understand how he had got there in the first place.

The huge market was in the cter of the capital and he could buy almost anything there. Fruit, meat, clothing, and jewelry. Traders also came from foreign countries to sell their goods.

It was the first time Philip had be to a place like this.

And, most importantly, he didn't ev have to do anything.

Wh Serge put the potatoes on the counter as usual and began to sell them, all that was required of the crown prince was to sit next to him on a chair and smile pleasantly. That was Mr. Ridley's business idea.

For the sake of this evt, the boy was made to look more or less prestable. Washed, combed, and dressed in more dect clothes. Though Philip resisted to the last, he ded up here anyway.

In any case, to sit in one place and do nothing: was not too difficult a task. But he certainly wasn't going to smile, as Serge had told him, and he sat there with a very confused look on his face the whole way.

However, ev such a dissatisfied look did not prevt him from attracting atttion to the counter.

Many young girls passed through the market, and they all swooned with delight wh they saw Philip. Ev middle-aged wom and m found themselves interested in such an unusual young man.

— Look, this guy is so handsome~! Surely he's not an aristocrat?

— It's the first time I've se someone with such beautiful hair! It's like it's shimmering gold!

— I wonder if he's dating this girl!

There was excitemt at the Ridley family counter for the first half hour. People crowded among themselves, eager to get a good look at Philip.

The sales, naturally, were also in full swing. As a «bonus» for buying potatoes, Serge offered visitors an extra service. They could hold the guy's hand, or get a smile from him.

The crown prince himself, of course, was far from agreeing to that. But who listed to him anyway…?

Deep down Philip hoped that once he regained his former power, he would undoubtedly take revge on this family in the first place. After all, it seemed simply inconceivable that some commoners would subject him to such humiliation!

Despite the fact that many people had se and felt the boy today, no one recognized him as a crown prince. Since the main buyers of the market were commoners, they rarely managed to catch members of the ruling family in person. Therefore, almost no one fully knew what the «deceased» heir to the throne looked like.

The noble families were also found here, but mostly the aristocrats did not appear in person, and instead st servants to do the shopping. On this basis, Philip's real idtity remained undisclosed.

All the potatoes were sold out before noon. And so, Serge returned home much earlier than usual. Philippe walked briskly ahead of her, as he did not intd to linger in the place for a second.

Meanwhile, the girl herself was glad. For the first time in six months they had such high sales. And it remained mostly to the credit of the crown prince.

Wh they were away from the geral crowd, Serge turned to the lad as usual wh they were alone.

— Your Highness…! — She exclaimed, catching up with him,» Please wait a momt!

— Ha! No way!

Philippe snorted contemptuously and jerked his shoulder, not about to slow down for her sake. Evtually Serge caught up with him on her own.

— Your Highness! — Pausing to gasp, the girl called once more as they neared each other, «Thank you very much for today!

The boy glared at her angrily.

— Don't you dare remind me of that!

— But…! — She paused.

— But I'll make sure wh I'm back on the throne, I'll have you and your family cooked in a cauldron of hell.

Serge smiled weakly.

— Your Highness, I understand that you are a little upset…

— A little upset…?! — Philip burst out,» Are you kidding me?

— But on the plus side! — With this money I can buy you meat.

— Big deal! — What do you take me for if you think I would sell myself for a piece of pork?

— Well… We're all in a bit of a pickle right now.

Philip stomped his foot angrily in annoyance.

— Ah, damn…! Just don't talk to me anymore, you silly girl!

Serge fell silt, and they spt the rest of the road in silce betwe them. It was obvious that the crown prince should not be annoyed right now.

They had one last dark alleyway to go through before they reached the street where their house was. That was where the boy was in for the biggest trouble of the day.

Wh Philippe and Serge were in the middle of the dark alley, they suddly heard footsteps behind them. Many footsteps.

The crown prince instantly turned a.

— Your Highness, ar't you afraid to wander alone in a place like this?

That voice… Not immediately, but Philip vaguely recognized it.

All the more so wh the stranger stepped into the glimmer of light and showed his face.

An ordinary aristocrat of unassuming appearance, about his age with brown hair. Behind him was a clump of bodyguards.

Eric Holmes. Baron Holmes' only son.

Philip fell into a stupor, for he absolutely did not expect to meet this type again. Hadn't the wretched boy died the last time…?

The aristocrat, noticing the obvious shock on his face, grinned.

— Your Highness, you seem tse. Are you frighted?

— …

Philip kept silt, his teeth clched together almost to the point of pain.

— But it's of no importance,» he turned slowly, «Today I shall collect what you owe me.

The macing knights behind him began to grind their fists defiantly. And Philip realized that the baron's son was going to do to him exactly what he himself had done three years ago.

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