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7 months ago
A modern man finds himself reincarnated in the body of a young slave with no skills and quickly... Read more A modern man finds himself reincarnated in the body of a young slave with no skills and quickly fading memories. Follow his journey to find normalcy while living in a savage world, filled with myth and legends, monsters and Demons. In a land where the strong rule, the weak serve, and bloodshed is a way of life, peace is a luxury few can afford.***Author’s note: Expect a chapter every tues/thurs/sun, unless I start writing faster. The story is eastern themed, but not Xianxia, no chasing immortality, MC is not OP. Less action, more character and world driven is my aim. Mature language and themes, but no raunchy sex. It’s my first story, constructive criticism would be appreciated.Cast ListMilitary RankingsFanartMap AlbumPost Chapter pictures Collapse Gore, Eastern Setting, Male Protagonist, Beautiful Female Lead, Ancient Times, Reincarnation, Modern Knowledge, Multiple POV, Slow Cultivation, Beast Companions, Emotionally Weak Protagonist, Depression, Weak to Strong The good is....The MC pov of how to make senses this new world work...with cheat of his previous life memory.The author make the MC struggles Like real life should be...even better, the MC somehow had mental disorder issues.And not actually harem... it's more like friendship.Fun reading. I'm done with this novel. MC is the most emotional retard ever. He never learns from his mistakes(I'm not talking about the small ones) even though he says he will. One of the most indecisive SOB ever.. The author continues to give MC plot armor. I can understand 1 or 2 plot armor but nope, 5, 6, 7, 8 slap you in the face. I thought I could overlook some of these at first but author continues to kick you in the balls, time and time again. Yeah, when you thought MC was going to get his sh*t toghter, nope, with a middle finger. MC is a 40 something year old guy stuck in a 12yr old body but somehow his mind has regress to an actual 12yr old, cause he can't think for sh*t. Don't even bother to read this novel or you'll sorely regret it. Мусорное божество в дикой канализации аминь автор вместе с романом надо смыть The author tried, but in the end I didn't get it.. The translation is bad, it feels like I'm reading MTL Did you confuse it with another novel ? I think the author is a native english speaker, so no MTL. I don't remember anymore, but I threw this sample in the trash, so it doesn't matter What are you reading at the moment? I'm reading what's coming out at the moment:Realizing This Is A Wuxia World After Cultivating For 300 YearsShadow SlaveI Just Won't Play By The BookI Cultivate PassivelyMy Augmented Statuses Have Unlimited DurationCultivating Disciples to Breakthrough Thx ill check those Just to tell you i've got your list by PM.Couldn't thank you there because your message box is full.Thanks ! I predict, PAIN.REVIEWED AT: Chapter 713BY Steeleone15/07/2021 23:01:42Do you like pain?Do you like suffering?Well then this is the novel for you. Not because of the contents of the story. No. The pain and suffering is delivered by an author so in love with winding, endless digressions that he will stamp out your enthusiasm for his own work. 500 chapters for a minor plot point payoff, check. Major plot points glossed over in random POV shifts after thousands of chapters, check.Is the author any good at writing? O yes he's excellent. He's also the slow boiling water to your dim frog. He lures you in with great writing and then slowly cranks up the heat on his slice of life, self indulgent, masochistic, circle yank of a story. Where the MC spends more time mentally, self flagellating and throwing inner monologued hissy fits than he does pretty much anything else. But fret not he's not the only one. Every character gets a chance and I do mean every character from minor role bad guys to, well, minor role good guys. If there is any action get ready to hit the pause button on the story so we can check in on 20 POV's before we resume/ fast forward to another long lull full of near zero character development and pet collecting (gotta catch them all I guess).I have never before read a free story that I would gladly pay for an editor to take a bushwack too. Until this one. But hey he is a good writer. This is legit, the top review on this novel on Royal Road. Majority of reviews i saw were complaining about fillers later on the chapters, i was one of those peeps that stopped watching Naruto back in the day because of the amount of fillers they had on the Madara vs Guy fight, i only came later after the anime/manga finished to only read/watch the parts that interested me, so you can betcha your ass i'm not putting myself throught this shit either. The author is just a whiner who constantly feels sorry for himself and complains about life, hoping that others will give him a tit, I'm tired of reading his whining after 20 chaptersand he still cherishes himself as an adult man.. the child is conscious. a child in the body I read till 300 something. It seemed like story was going to end but it did not. Overall, yeah, story is just constant angst, gloom tragedy and psychological issues. Literally all thrown in one. I read on because story had hope, but it never got better. Also huge problem with it is that at some point story starts to splinter into multiple povs, many that don't really matter. Making the story even more unbearable. At that point I just started browsing the story instead of reading.And finally, story has freaking split personality issue that just goes on and on. Overall, story goes trough pretty much every irritating plot and writing style.PS. just go read Royal road reviews. that's almost poetic. i teared up a little reading it I dont think I'll be able to take on emotionally weak and depressed mc along with slow cultivation... 2016? too long Was a good novel but the the mc is a emotional mess and the author is milking the story to much so for me this novel is a gem at the first 200-300 ch but just keeps getting worse What is this emotionally weak protagonist, depression? And on top of that 'ancient China' f#ck.