Robando a los amantes Yandere del protagonista

Chapter 4 Isolating Aushima

Aushima glared at Elandor like he was the murderer of her parents.

She knew with the present situation becoming 3v1 against her, she will be pushed further away from David.

"David, since the majority already agrees, let's not waste more time and register our group, I can't wait to start a new adventure", exclaimed Elandor.

David looked at the sulking Aushima and finally broke the silence, "I am sorry Aushima, but you know I have always been unfair and taken into account the majority's view, I see no valid reason why should I be on your side and refuse Elandor".

Elandor already knew that his hero personality was already boosted by his remarks and he was just waiting to enjoy the satisfaction of helping someone and making him grateful for his kindness.

Aushima only looked down with a pitiable expression and was whispering very slowly, "Why is this happening?...Why is David not trusting me?..our bond should be much stronger, how can he not take into account my opinion".

Elandor being close clearly heard these barely audible whispers and a big smile evoked on his face.

Now he knew he had the advantage of the first strike against enemy lines so how could he be willing to slow down the offensive.

After successfully registering under the name THE RISING STARS, David was blooming with a satisfied smile as this was one of his much-awaited objectives.

Aushima thought it was the perfect chance to regain his favour and said, "David let's go, we can't waste more time, we need to gain a lot of experience to level up to silver-ranked adventurers, we just started so it gonna take a while to reach from bronze to platinum and higher ranks, let's go", she shouted.

She ran to hold David's hand and drag him but Elandor came in between and blocked her.

He gave his signature smile while facing her,

She felt like he was a big devil who came from the depths of hell, giving her a smile of ridicule.

Her little mind went full alert mode, Elandor ignored her and turned his face backwards-facing others and spoke, "David we just started and as Aushima spoke we aim to reach platinum or high rank, so we must be long-sighted in our approach."

"I think we must first rent a place to keep our supplies and logistics, then we must get sufficient ration for our adventures and then come back to examine various quests to find the one most suitable for us, instead of blindly accepting one.

We can't be short-sighted and just run off as soon as we register, lady Aushima".

Seeing the scene Eve and Jasmine was quick to join in after all they were now in an unannounced alliance.

"Yes Aushima, thankfully we admitted Elandor else you would have dragged us without any thinking.

I think you want us to starve on our journey and do useless quests", Eve jabbed at her.

"Yeah, fake sister...Now, I'm pretty sure that it's you who is always responsible for causing disharmony in our group, it's your short-sighted approach which made our group suffer various losses in the past", added Jasmine.

"Thanks, lady Eve and lady Jasmine for sharing my opinion but everything, in the end, is the decision of our leader. You guys took me in as you lacked good support and how can I be a good support if I can't read and analyse the situations and give the most unbiased opinions.

You know, in big battles even a slight mistake can cause an entire party's downfall."

"Oh you do not need to keep calling us by lady, we are now one group so please just call us by our names", spoke Eve.

"How can a mere commoner call us by our name", shouted frustrated Aushima.

Jasmine also chimed in, "Yes, we must rely on you, Aushima uses her crying and pitiable expressions to trick David into causing mistakes, you must step up to prevent her from continuing her mistakes".

Then the so-called unannounced alliance of Eve, Jasmine and Elandor looked at David expectedly.

Hearing their arguments even David felt that Aushima was a careless and short-sighted person and said, "Of course, we must follow your advice Elandor, you are a good support, keep giving useful advises to us in future."

Seeing the smiles on the three, Aushima stomped her feet as she knew it was another defeat for her.

Soon they started searching for a house to rent and found a cheap one, then they bought some ration and low-level equipment followed by furniture then started renovating their house. Each of them chose the room they liked.

In the evening David assembled all in the living room and said, "let's go and choose a quest, we must level up fast."


And soon they returned to the adventure guild.

There they saw the bulletin board with various quests.

As a bronze-ranked group, it was mandatory to do 2 E-level quests.

So they quickly found those, there were five tasks out of which they needed to choose two.

One was to help arrest bandits in the countryside, the second was to help farmers with their grain production, third was to catch a wild one-horned rabbit.

The fourth was to help a nearby village fight against spider monsters and the fifth was to help guard the same village by making a defensive wall.

Soon they realised a big issue all quests location

were very far from each other except for the fourth and fifth quest and it could even be said to be an inter-related task.

Elandor clearly noticed the shaking of Aushima when they read spider-related quests, he thought to himself is this girl afraid of spiders.

Wow!..found another weakness of hers.

Without wasting any time he got in his role, "David only fourth and fifth spider-related tasks are suitable for us, the rest of the places are too far and will take longer for us to complete them".

"Nooooooooo", soon Aushima burst out.

"We can't take these quests, you know how much scared I am of these spiders since childhood, David. We must take other quests, so what if we take a longer time to complete them".

Eve and Jasmine once again gave each other their knowing smile.

"Aushima, are you out of your mind? ...other quests will take us at least 2 months to complete, the distance is too far".

"Yeah, isn't it just spider monsters. What's the big deal, plus I have heard they are one of the weakest monsters, we can complete these quests quickly", chimed in both Eve and Jasmine respectively.

This time even David felt that Aushima was too selfish and put her interests before the group,

Isn't it just low-level spiders?.

"If you are afraid of a low-level monster how can you even be qualified of standing against high-level monsters when completing high-level quests.

"You disappoint me Aushima", spoke David with his hero-like personality.

This time Aushima felt too wronged, she had never been on the bad side of David in the past and all this was because of Elandor.

She could only stomp her feet angrily and once again seeing the smile on this 3v1 group which was against her, she was filled with endless resentment.

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