Robando a los amantes Yandere del protagonista

Chapter 29 Meeting Parul

"Are you the ones who we need to sneak in?", asked the four guards present at the prison's entrance.

"Yes", I replied in my firm tone.

"We were told that someone important to Lady Jasmine got imprisoned a few days back and she is very important as she knows some of Lady's family secrets."

"We are wholly faithful to our aristocratic house, so you may put your mind at ease. We will try our best to aid you to help that prisoner escape", one of the guards said.

"We were able to get our current job and status only because of Lady Jasmine's father's connections. So we will do our best to repay the gratitude," added the other.

Saying, they gave us our fake name tags to put on our guard's dress, which we had changed before.

I asked them about the location where female prisoners were kept and the various possible escape routes.

I knew that given the amount of security and guards present, once we took Parul out of her cell, an alarm was bound to trigger.

This will alert the other guards and they will flock to the main entrance from where we entered.

They will also try to block all other potential exits to prevent suspects from escaping.

Therefore, we needed David to find a safe escape route while I freed Parul.

After learning about the required information from the guards we slowly walked inside.

With our fake costumes and name tags, it was impossible for other guards present inside to doubt our identity.

After walking carefully for some time, we managed to arrive at the place where female criminals were kept.

"Okay David, I will now go and free Parul while you find our escape route".

"We will regroup here in half an hour."

"Ok Elandor, remember to be careful!"

On my way, I met some guards who were on duty.

But looking at my fake name tag, which signified my higher military rank they didn't ask much and just gave small greetings.

I slowly entered the corridor where Parul was kept.

She was lying motionless on the ground like a dead soul. Seeing her poor state, I knew Eve and Evelyn spared no energy in their torture to extract information from her.

Seeing her in such a miserable condition I couldn't help but compare..

about how her usual noble attire that was supposed to highlight her demeanour was tattered from all corners, her silky long hair which gave the feeling of a fairy was badly dishevelled, her white soft skin was already filled with countless bruises and there were even some traces of blood on her body.

I melted the lock using my fire magic and entered her cell.

Hearing the footsteps of someone entering, she became alert and yelled at once.

"Bitch Evelyn, I told you I know nothing."

"I never left the fkinn city so how can I steal from you?"

"Just kill me already, I can't take this suffering anymore."

"I know you want to force me to confess so that I can act as a scapegoat for your conspiracy. Let me tell you this Lady shall die rather than becoming a pawn of someone."


"It's me, Elandor", saying I slowly moved near her and bent down to see her more closely.

"Hearing my voice, she suddenly felt like she was dreaming. She slowly lifted her head and saw me with her lifeless eyes."


"No, I must be hallucinating! Those bitches Eve and Evelyn beat me too much, maybe my brain has already suffered a concussion."

"How can someone like Elandor come to the prison for me?"..she kept muttering to herself thinking that all of this was her mind's delusion.

I chuckled at her and slowly extended my hands to caress her cheeks.

Feeling the warmth on her face from my caress, her eyes opened wide and forced her to realise that this was not some dream or hallucination.

She had already given up all her hope, she thought it was impossible for someone to come and save her from this heavily guarded prison.

She knew, she was neither the guild's successor nor was someone as lovable as her sister Rose, who was cherished by all family members

Tears kept dripping down her eyes and she jumped and hugged Elandor.

No matter how strong a woman is, she always needs someone to give her peace of mind and security when facing desperate situations.

When things get out of control and all hope is lost, all she needs is someone who can give her a warm embrace and tell her, it's going to be okay!

That is why Elandor insisted that he will be the one who would free Parul and David will be the one who finds an escape route because he knew from his past life's experience that no matter how strong a woman iswhen she is feeling down and all of her hope and willpower is lost, that's the perfect time one can force his way into her heart.

No matter how strong her emotional defences are, during this fragile time, she will see you as her sun who can illuminate her world and drive away all her despair.

You will become her hope and reignite her will to get through these tough times leaving your presence deeply engraved in her heart.

Thus, Elandor could never let David free Parul.

Given Parul's liking for David, he was sure that Parul would directly promise to live all of her life for him if she sees David instead of him.

The cliche, hero saving the beauty and the beauty falling for the hero is a classic but I knew it always works as long as the routine is followed.

I knew I had an advantage and it was the perfect time to advance my plan.

I used my right hand to delicately clear her tear-filled eyes while with my other hand I kept patting her back.

"Shhhh, be quiet don't cry!"

"I'm already here, I won't let you suffer anymore."

After minutes of venting all her frustration in my embrace, she finally separated from me and looked at me.

Her eyes which were earlier lifeless, now showed an emotion of expectedness, wanting to know about what I was going to tell her.

Her impatient and attentive face told how badly she wanted to know, Why I was here and what was the situation outside but she still waited patiently for me to speak.

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