Rise Of The Hoarder

Chapter 171 The Woman Called Lara (Pt 1)

I felt uncomfortable seeing the remnants of Larry’s corpse so I sent the entire thing into [Subspace]. This made me, once again, grateful for my Gift’s upgrade.

‘Whew! I’m happy I don’t need to touch that stuff!’ My mind rang happily.

I caught Lara observing my actions with a degree of interest in her eyes. She was curious about the true nature of my Gift, no doubt.

Well, there were a few things about her I was curious about too. It was good that she had also developed— or rather, reciprocated the interest I showed.

“Are you hungry?”

My question caused her to look at me in puzzlement. After what seemed like a few seconds of consideration she nodded while replying positively.

She was honest—good..

I summoned a decent amount of food for the both of us since I was feeling a little famished myself. Meat, vegetables, with freshly made rice which I had cooked in my spare time in the apartment— all lined up on the neat mat I had also taken out from my special storage.

Since any object placed within [Subspace] maintained its state before entry, the pot of rice was still smoking hot.

“A-ah…?” She made a confused look, displaying both disbelief and an extreme expression of hunger.

More than anything, I sensed that this woman wanted to eat the food I provided badly. I didn’t mind.

Bringing out five plates from my storage, I served us rice on different plates— using the three others for meat and veggies. Of course, as a growing boy, it was important for me to take my vegetables. Giving her the two plates that contained stir-fried rice (my personal favorite) and meat, I took three which had vegetables as an addition.

With bottles of milk on the side, and water— just in case the milk wasn’t enough, our meal was well-balanced.

“Welp, let’s eat,” I stated and delved into my meal.

Just like me, the woman didn’t bother offering any word of prayer before eating. After offering her thanks, she simply helped herself to the meal before her.

‘Not a pious one, eh?’ I reasoned after eyeing her with one eye.

Well, what did I expect from someone who didn’t bat an eye when a fellow human being died. She ate the meal with gumption, making sure she balanced the taste of meat with the freshly made and well-seasoned rice. Milk came after she had taken sufficient rice and meat. She didn’t touch the water for some reason.

I understood things from her perspective. While I wouldn’t consider myself a great cook, I wasn’t half-bad. After consuming the Camp’s meals for so long, it was only natural that eating my food would feel like pure bliss.

‘The only reason I refrained from helping myself to cooked meals like this is because of the aroma it leaves behind…’ I smiled, taking another spoonful of delicious rice.

If I had taken such food in the Camp, there was no way to erase the smell. That was why I only resorted to snacks and processed meals after meeting up with Ana’s team. I had to say… eating piping hot meals like this was a treat.

In an Apocalypse like this, it was a very rare thing to eat well-balanced foods without worry. For me, though, it was no big deal. I had an abundance of ingredients thanks to all the houses I raided. It was also relatively easy to cook since a lot of burners in the apartments nearby ran on gas tanks. I had lots to spare even after making so many meals.

Finally, it was safe to cook since there were no Demons fairly near my apartment who could smell my cooking. It was fun— the interval between when I conquered my apartment and the nearby area, and the moment Ana’s team waltzed into my life.

The meal was enjoyed in silence, just as I preferred. Surprisingly, Lara finished her food before me and enjoyed the bottle of water after she was done. I finished not long after and gave a powerful ‘huff’.

‘That was a truly good meal!’ I beamed in satisfaction.

“Thanks for the meal, Jeremy,” Lara said with a warm smile coupled with gratitude.

It felt weird being called by my name by such a stranger, but I allowed it. If anyone spotted us from a distance, they would think we were having a picnic outdoors. Well, if one could ignore the devastation around the area and the large footsteps of Demons around us caused by the thousands vanquished yesterday— then I suppose a picnic was a good way to describe the sight.

“You’re welcome.” I smiled at her, returning our plates into [Subspace]. With only my bottle of water and hers left, I gazed at her one more time.

She had a mature demeanor, accentuating her smooth skin. Well, she had some freckles on her nose— but they weren’t too noticeable. Her slightly dark auburn hair fit perfectly with her eyes.

“I know you’re curious about me. I understand.” She smiled.

Once again, this woman chose the forward approach with me. While I could have chosen to subject Lara to servitude and make her address me as stuff like ‘master’ or whatnot, in the end, that would be superficial.

A direct— more realistic approach would be perfect for both of us.

“Yes, I am. Did you enjoy your meal?”

She nodded in response.

“Yes. I also know it wasn’t for free.”

This time I nodded in response. Compelling her to reveal all she could to me was one way to go about things. With <Rule>, that would be a cinch. However, I somehow wanted a more fluid conversation.

She would be the first human who would interact normally with me, even after seeing what I was capable of. I was curious about her— yes. But, I was also quite bored and lonely. Perhaps she would serve as a good partner to talk to, something along that line played in my head.

‘Just this once, can I just loosen up a little?’

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