Rise Of The Hoarder

Chapter 160 New Being

“Haa… that’s about it…” I mumbled, feeling pretty good about myself.

Why? It was simply because I was able to fully test my [Subspace] abilities to my satisfaction. Over an hour had elapsed since I made sure the experiment was as elaborate as possible.

The results were simply amazing. I could not only take in any non-living object without touch, but also things I couldn’t see or touch.

I had tried taking in the air itself, and it worked.

[System Notification]

<Several Items Have Been Selected At The Same Time>

~Please Select The Element You Would Like To Collect>

– <Oxygen>

– <Nitrogen>




<Select All>

This was displayed as a result.

I tried taking in eruptions from exploding Mana Core Bombs, and that worked too. The moment I took them into [Subspace], they registered, and the moment I used <Summon> to redirect them to another location, that place was covered in charred remains.

‘Amazing!’ I beamed.

With my new abilities, there was no doubt that I would be nearly unstoppable… well, for now.

What was left were the Skills I had learned, both Job-Related, and from the Hobgoblin Warrior.

Since they had annoying stuff like Cooldown and Durations, I couldn’t waste them. I could try using them without targets, but wouldn’t that just be a waste.

Lifting my face to the thick woods a short distance from me, I smiled. The thought had been creeping into my mind for some time now, but I was too focused on learning more about [Subspace] that I banished it.

However, now was the right time to give in to the desire to return to the nest of the Demons.

“Hehehe, let’s do this!”

Stretching my body which had grown a little stiff from doing the same monotonous activities for some time, I heard cracks pop from my bones. Feeling the relief of easing my tense muscles, I moaned slightly.

I was in peak condition, all right.

“It’s about 1 PM now…”

Taking into consideration the distance it would take me to reach the Hobgoblin base, I figured I should be done before evening time.

Without wasting further time, I prepared my feet, planting them into the ground. I felt the earth crack as my feet dug deeper into them.

The cracks extended and I realized that if I kept putting pressure on the ground, it could cause the whole area to experience a quake.

‘Welp, here I go!’

Exerting pressure on my legs, I propelled my body forward, sending an unbelievable wave of shockwaves behind me. The earth shattered and a massive >BOOOM< sounded as I launched myself in the direction of my target.

The woods.


With what felt like lightning speed, I glided through the thickets of trees. Everything seemed to blur as I cut through the wind and focused my eyes on the goal.

‘This is even faster than I was with <Nimble> and <Aura> combined!’ My lips curled up in additional glee.


I passed what was once considered the Subjugation team’s base of operations. It had been trampled by the march of the stampede that was stopped by me.

In fact, a lot of footprints remained and several undergrowths had been completely devastated due to the devastating march they had made.

Many thoughts ran down my mind as I transversed the woods easily and navigated my way through. Within a few moments, I was already standing at the high ground that was used by Daniel’s group to monitor the Hobgoblins’ territory.

I saw that they had no guards stationed outside. A wise choice, considering that they would only serve as Cannon fodder for invaders. Since I had managed to take down a stampede of over four thousand, of which more than three thousand were ‘Warriors’, the Hobgoblins had to take a more conservative strategy.

“There must be a trap inside…” I reasoned, sensing that the environment was too quiet.

Still, at this point, I had nothing to fear.

I approached the tall gate confidently. Now nearing the structure, it strangely appeared smaller than it used to be.

Was it because I wasn’t as intimidated as I was previously. Maybe I had grown in height after all the upgrades that occurred within me.

“System Window…” I uttered, searching for my Height displayed as one of the information given.


– Height: 5′ 3.


“Yup… figures…” I uttered dryly.

Why did I even have any expectations in the first place? It was hopeless!

Returning my gaze to the gate before me, I had two options, come through the front entrance like a champ, or jump the fence. The last time I had used the gate as a diversion and taken the fence. I wasn’t sure that tactic would work this time around, and being honest, I didn’t feel like resorting to that.

This wasn’t a test of my crafty measures and careful planning. It was to experiment with my newly gotten powers. That meant only one thing!

“I’ll crush them with my power alone!”

With that out of the way, I winded my arms a little, making sure I had prepared my joints enough for the shock about to be sent through them.


I felt a pump of power surging through my body. My entire being felt hot and I could feel my blood boil. It wasn’t unpleasant, though. In fact, it felt so amazing that I couldn’t have enough of the feeling.

‘So this is what it feels like having twice my Strength Stat…’

I didn’t have time to think about that for too long, since the clock was ticking.

“Huu… here I go!”

I stopped winding my arms and focused my sight on the gate before me.

If I had truly gotten way more powerful than normal physically, then…


A single arm lunged at the gate with a frightening speed that the very air seemed to trail alongside it as it moved. It moved toward the sturdy, fat, and tall wooden gate.

As my left hand, the inferior one, was nearing the gate, I didn’t feel any hesitation or fear that I would fail. Only a slight feeling of worry crossed my mind… that perhaps I had overdone it!


The wooden gates shattered like crackers as pieces were sent flying all around, revealing the territory of Demons. The shockwaves filled the entire area as I heard roars of the blast echo for a great distance.

My body trembled a little as my teeth shook a little.

“Damn… I put too much strength into it, didn’t I?”

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