Chapter 41: CHAPTER 40

The next morning while everyone in the Heavenly Palace began their activities for the day, a few streets away in the casino that Debos operated, a meeting was held between him and his trusted subordinates.

They had already decided how they would harass the Heavenly Palace by sending people to make trouble and thus force them into their domain, but now they were deciding who would lead the operation.

Obviously Debos could not put his 5 trusted men in charge of a single issue, he had many other shady businesses that needed trusted people to take care of them, therefore, he had to define who would be in charge of this project.

After several words and a few discussions, Debos decided to leave the operation in the hands of the man who gave him the report yesterday, his name was Costa.

Costa is in fact the oldest of all the subordinates, not to mention the most loyal, and Debos favored him a lot, so the other 4 were a bit envious and even schemed under the table with the intention of lessening his influence, but it had been in vain.

Night soon came and the red light district began to show its joy. The Heavenly Palace also started its business and before long it was already full of customers enjoying the services.

A little after 8:00 pm, 3 men entered the establishment and caught Oliver's attention. Certainly, not everyone who walks into these establishments is a wealthy person, but that wasn't the problem here.

What caught Oliver's attention was not his cheap clothes, but a strange aura around them. This aura told him that they were bloodthirsty men, impregnated in the slaughter and for fear of not being able to protect the business in time he came to Victor and instructed, "Tell those three customers that all the courtesans are busy."

Victor was going to ask why, but Oliver's serious expression made him understand that there was something wrong and he just nodded in understanding. Oliver approached one of the passing waiters and leaning close to his ear whispered, "Bruno, go to the young master's office and tell him I found 3 suspicious people."

Bruno wasted no time and ran to the office and after knocking on the door he heard, "Come in." Bruno walked in and delivered Oliver's message, then Andrew dismissed him.

Andrew believed in Oliver's judgment, especially because of the blessing he had, it could be minor and insignificant according to Fluffy, but Andrew didn't believe it, since he could identify many things including some moods, which was remarkable in his opinion.

Unexpectedly as Victor was informing the suspicious men that there were not any courtesans available, Carolina passed the reception on her way to the office, and one of them seeing her, yelled while pointing at her, "WHY THE HELL DO YOU SAY THERE ARE NO COURTESANS? There is a whore available there, isn't it?"

Victor wrinkled his face in disgust upon hearing what the man called Carolina, Oliver was also quite upset, Carolina was still in shock at such an unpleasant comment, but the most affected was Andrew who had not yet arrived at the reception, but could see and hear everything well because he wasn't very far.

"Listen, retard, this is a house of pleasure, not a low-class brothel you usually visit. If you offend my wife again, I promise to rip your balls off and make you swallow them", Andrew entered the reception, breaking the atmosphere with a murderous look at the 3 men who insulted Carolina.

Andrew's cold and murderous look scared the 3 men. They were no saints, in fact, they were the scum of the worst kind, but for some reason Andrew's look made them feel fear, their instincts told them not to fuck with that young man, but they didn't know the reason, in the end, Andrew didn't seem very strong.

In contrast to the growing fear of the 3 troublemakers, Carolina was as red as a tomato, as hearing Andrew call her his wife surprised her. She logically thought that it was likely that he did it to make a weighty excuse to defend her, but she still felt shame and happiness.

After a few minutes of silence passed after Andrew's comment, the 3 men had recovered a bit of their composure and were preparing to reply to the threat of the young master of the Heavenly Palace, only to be interrupted by him again, "Get them out of my sight Oliver, they are banned from the Heavenly Palace."

"Brat, do you know who we are? Do you think you can kick us out that easy?" replied one of the men with a mocking smile and a sneer.

However, before Andrew could say another word, he caught sight of a shadow out of the corner of his eye. The shadow was Oliver who had moved at insane speed and had arrived in front of the 3 men.

The bullies were surprised to see that Oliver was in front of them, but it was too late, when they wanted to react, Oliver launched a wave of fists destroying the faces of the three men that has suspected from the beginning.

Oliver's movements were fast, precise, and fluid, Andrew couldn't even see how many punches he had thrown, he just saw him move, and then the 3 men went flying with blood on their faces.

In fact, none of those present could see that Oliver had punched the stomachs of the three men, forcing them to lower their heads in pain, and then he delivered a strong blow to the face of each of them, breaking their noses. Everything happened in a second, "Oliver is stronger than I thought", Andrew couldn't help but think aloud.

"Question them, I want to know everything that they know," Andrew approached as he said coldly. Oliver only nodded his head, immediately calling José and Carlos to help him take away the men who were unconscious.

Andrew returned to the reception and kindly directed his words to the customers who had come to see the show, "Gentlemen, you can continue enjoying, I apologize for the scandal, as compensation I invite you a drink", then a loud cheer was heard.

All the clients returned to the different party rooms in the company of the courtesans, while Andrew approached Carolina and taking her by the hand led her to her office.

Once there, he forced her to focus on the set of furniture that was there surprising Carolina. Andrew squatted in front of her, staying close enough to her, to the point that they could feel the other's breathing.

Andrew was thinking of asking Carolina about her state of mind but being so close to her, his mind went blank, and out of nowhere the goodnight kiss from the day before appeared as if telling him something and without being aware of what he was doing, he had stolen the Caroline's lips

The girl was stunned. Certainly like Andrew, her mind had gone blank at seeing the young man so close to her, but she never expected the boy to take the last step out of nowhere.

At first, she wanted to push him away from her, but when she felt the delicate caress of Andrew's hand on her face, it was as if her lips didn't want to leave Andrew's, because her emotions changed like the colors of a rainbow.

First surprise, followed by rejection, curiosity, acceptance, happiness, and finally passion. That's right, she felt all that, even if it's strange, but it's not important, what should be noted is that at first she was only surprised, but after a few seconds she was kissing back while she hugged her boss tightly.

After a few seconds of intense kissing, they separated, but they were still in a trance. They were still enjoying the taste of each other's lips and as if communicating telepathically they moved closer in time and kissed again.

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