Chapter 139: CHAPTER 138

In all the novels, mangas or similar, wh a powerful character has a strange feeling, it somehow means something, and appartly in this world this rule applied or at least that was what Andrew thought wh he listed to Oliver.

After Nadila's carriage left, followed by Marie and two other Shadow members, Oliver spoke again, "Young master, from now on it would be good if Miss Aki accompanied you at all times, to avoid any troublesome situation".

Although Andrew was uncomfortable allowing his wife to protect him, he had no other choice. Although he had techniques to protect himself, that only applied wh he was prepared, but if it was a sneak attack he wouldn't be able to react, so having people like Oliver or Aki by his side was better for safety.

Meanwhile, in the carriage, Nadila was sitting opposite a middle-aged man, neatly dressed, with a well-groomed black mustache the same color as his hair, and a monocle over his right eye.

"Master, I think it would have be better to sd Milton for this job. A girl requesting such a service will raise suspicion," Nadila said, to which the noble-looking man laughed and said, "Don't worry, I never intded for them to allow you access to their services."

"So what did the master want?" Nadila asked in surprise, and the man she called master replied, "Assess their strgth." Nadila was surprised again because until now she realized that she was just a distraction because her master was evaluating the strgth of the Heavly Palace from the carriage.

This middle-aged man was a very powerful expert and had the ability to see the strgth of his opponts by ssing the presce of those a him. For comparison, it is similar to One Piece's Observation Haki.

This was not an ability exclusive to this man, but to everyone who reached a certain level of strgth. However, if this man knew that Oliver had noticed his scan and inttionally hid his strgth from him, he would be shocked.

Just as strgth could be increased, decreasing it isn't difficult for true masters and Oliver had done this to lower his oppont's guard. He knew that someone was evaluating his strgth, as he felt the discomfort of being se from the shadows, but since he couldn't idtify where this person was, he preferred to hide his strgth and surprise the emy wh he appeared.

Meanwhile, in the carriage, the man suddly frowned and said as if speaking to himself, "They're following us, they seem to be wary of you," Nadila's master said, and she replied, "Well, I think it's normal to be suspicious from me because of my strange request."

"It certainly seems the case. Still, it's annoying to be followed, I don't want them to know about me, so we'll have to split up", the man said, and Nadila nodded.

They soon arrived at an area in the trading region and as Nadila got off the carriage, she heard her master say, "Don't go back to the shop, go to the small village and stay there until I come for you." Nadila nodded her head as she got out of the carriage and th wt into a clothing store.

After Nadila tered the shop the carriage left, but Marie and her companions kept watching over Nadila while she was in the shop, not realizing that the real danger had left in the carriage.

Marie and the others couldn't know that Nadila was just a subordinate, as they wer't strong ough to notice that there was another person in the carriage, and ev if they did, they were no match for him.

While they were guarding Nadila, the carriage carrying her master arrived at a three-story building in the red district, in an area not far from the Heavly Palace, but outside the sphere of influce of Andrew's establishmt.

The man got out of the carriage and tered. All the way to the office, he was greeted with respect and some fear by all the employees in the place. This man is the currt owner of this pleasure house.

Entering the office, he was greeted by a burly man carrying a heavy but not very long sword at his waist and obvious warrior clothing. This man had a scar on his left cheek that made him look terrifying.

"Master, how was the reconnaissance?", the burly warrior asked, to which the well-dressed man replied, "They have a little strgth, but nothing to worry about, there is no tity that can surpass you there, so it will be simple".

Hearing his master's words, the warrior smiled but did not respond. This pleasure house is called "Paradise" and just like the Heavly Palace it is the leader and boss of the area suring the establishmt.

The ctral area of the red light district is differt from the other four areas. There is no single king here, but small divisions that are ruled by some establishmts, such as this Paradise and now the Heavly Palace.

The more of these small areas are ruled, the more power and influce you would have and Silvio, master of the Paradise pleasure house for a while now, planned to eliminate the previous five bosses of the area that now rules the Heavly Palace and increase their power.

However, before he could make a move, Debos and the others were killed and the Heavly Palace took over, so his target changed, but since he didn't know the strgth of the new emy, he had to investigate and that was the purpose of his trip with Nadila

Andrew and the others had no idea that they were being targeted by a powerful emy, but this was because Oliver had not alerted them. Having ssed someone force scan him wh Nadila was visiting, he knew it had to be related to her, so wh he st Marie and Shadow to follow Nadila, he told Andrew that he needed to go out, and without waiting for an answer he left.

Andrew was surprised by Oliver's behavior, but he knew that Oliver had to have a good reason a few minutes later Aki appeared in front of him and explained, "Master, Oliver asked me to inform you that there seems to be a hidd emy related with Nadila and wt to check it out, so he st me to protect you."

Although surprised by Oliver's message, Andrew didn't bother asking for details, knowing that Oliver would wh he returned. What bothered Andrew was the way Aki addressed him and with a cold smile that scared the little assassin, he approached her.

Aki knew that she had made a mistake wh she saw Andrew's mischievous smile and she wanted to run away, but she knew she couldn't and resignedly let herself be caught by Andrew, who shamelessly carried her like a princess, took her to the sofa and sat her down on his lap, and said, "Little Aki, although I would love to play the role of master and servant with you, that can be saved for wh we are in the bedroom, outside of there I would prefer you to call me, my love or honey or husband."

Andrew spoke softly like a whisper in Aki's ear and although it seemed intimate, Aki knew that Andrew was upset. She had watched Andrew a lot since she was a slave and knew that he got annoyed by little things as long as they had to do with sex and relationships for some reason, that's why she knew that her husband was scolding her, ev though it seemed like he was just talking sweetly to her.

Not taking it anymore, Aki said, "Forgive me, dear husband, I still can't get used to it, but please stop being sweet wh you're upset, it really scares me."

Seeing the intrepid little assassin trembling in his lap made him laugh because the girl looked like a scared little animal. He embraced her and removed her mask, and kissed her cherry lips.

The girl was tak by surprise, but she didn't refuse and wrapped her arms behind Andrew's neck becoming more intimate. After a few seconds, their lips parted and Andrew caressed Aki's face tderly.

"Your scar is practically gone," he said softly, and Aki only sheepishly nodded. "I think we'll be able to have fun soon", Andrew said again with a mischievous smile on his face, which made Aki blush up to her ears and ev shyer than she was before she nodded again.

While Aki and Andrew were having an intimate momt, Oliver caught up with Marie and the others, however, he didn't join them, instead secretly following behind without their noticing.

Ev though Oliver wasn't a stealth expert, thanks to his strgth, hiding from weaker opponts wasn't a problem. He caught sight of Nadila getting down from the carriage and going into the clothing store, but he didn't bother with her and let Marie and the others watch over her and he followed the carriage.

Oliver ssed that there was someone else in the carriage, but he didn't dare to scan it, because he didn't want to alert the other party if there really was someone in the carriage, so he just followed.

Soon the carriage arrived at the red light district and th at the "Paradise" pleasure house, which surprised Oliver, but wh he saw Silvio get down from the carriage, his expression changed, not because he knew him or was afraid of him, but because he had already starting to devise plans to counter it, Oliver had already established Silvio as an emy.

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