Chapter 138: CHAPTER 137

Seeing the girls' regret, Andrew heaved a resigned sigh, got up from his seat, and walked over to them. Wh he was in front of them, he hugged them gtly as he told them, "Girls, you are acting strange, if you want to tell me something, just tell me".

Listing to Andrew, Carolina, and Hela looked at each other and with unspok agreemt began to tell Andrew about their insecurities. Andrew was surprised to hear that the girls felt insecure after having explained to them so many times about the peculiarities of an Eros god candidate.

But Fluffy had made it clear to him, no matter how much you affirm your love for a girl, insecurity will always exist, it's a human emotion and as long as Carolina, Hela, and any of their wives were human or more specifically mortal, those emotions will always exist.

Andrew had to console them for a while and clear up the misunderstanding, but ev so, they remained firm in their decision to wait for Aki, which left Andrew speechless, who thought that he could play with them.

Ev though he didn't achieve his goal 0%, Andrew was happy to dispel his wives' doubts and that made him happy. At that momt, a knock on the door surprised him, but he still allowed try.

The one who had tered was Victor, who eagerly came up to him and with some hesitation said, "Mr. Andrew we have a visitor." Andrew felt strange that Victor didn't seem well, so he asked, "Do you know the visitor? What's happing? Why are you acting so strange?"

The onslaught of so many questions made Victor regain his composure and he reported, "I don't know the visitor, I was just a little surprised because the visitor is a lady."

That surprised Andrew ev more, since a lady coming was not strange, Candice had done it, but as if reading Andrew's mind, Victor spoke again, "The lady who visits us wants to make an appointmt to receive the service of our courtesans".

Now it was time for Andrew to jump. Certainly being a man who lived his past life on Earth, people being attracted to the same sex did not seem strange to him, but it was the first time he had oply se one attd a house of pleasure.

Andrew remembered that in his past life, he had se on many occasions two wom or two m having affectionate momts in public, that is, kissing and hugging each other, and although he did not share the fact that a man likes other m, at least he respects their preferces.

For that reason he had no problem with the oritation of others, as long as they didn't try to convert him, however, ev he with his two lives had never witnessed a girl pay for the service of sex, that's a service usually used by m.

Ev with those confused thoughts, he decided to stop thinking about it and preferred to meet the guest who had arrived first, "Let her in", Andrew said and before Victor left, Andrew added, "Call Oliver first".

Victor didn't understand why Andrew had st for Oliver, but he still did as ordered. A few minutes later Oliver arrived at the office and politely as usual greeted him.

Andrew nodded at Oliver's greeting and said, "Oliver, a strange customer is visiting us, I'd like you to be there in case something happs." Hearing Andrew's request, Oliver changed his expression.

"Young master, what is it?" Oliver asked, somewhat alert, for which Andrew tried to calm him down, clearing up the misunderstanding, "Oliver is not what you think, what is happing is that a woman came requesting the services of our courtesans and It makes me weird, I just want to prevt it".

Hearing Andrew's words, Oliver understood Andrew's concerns. Although he didn't say so, Oliver was very much in agreemt with Andrew's distrustful attitude, as it really was a strange situation.

Andrew could be a little conditioned on the subject of same-sex couples thanks to coming from the st ctury on Earth, but in this world, it was not a very common practice and in fact, it was punished in some parts, which is why Oliver missed him more than to Andrew that a woman oply came to the Heavly Palace seeking their services.

Unaware of this, Andrew waited for Victor's arrival with the guest. Oliver stood behind Andrew like a qualified bodyguard and within seconds there was a knock on the door.

After allowing try, Victor tered accompanied by a very peculiar lady. The woman was tall and slim. Her eyes were large, her nose small and her lips full.

She had a good figure, quite athletic, with average-sized tits, but her hips were wide, her abdom was flat, and her legs were very long. The woman was beautiful, but that was not what surprised Andrew, since wh it comes to beauty, there are several girls in the Heavly Palace at the level of this woman or ev better.

What surprised Andrew was the color of the woman. Her skin was dark, although not too dark, instead of calling her black, it would be more accurate to say that her skin was brown.

It wasn't that Andrew had never se a woman of color before, in fact, in his past life he ev worked with some, he was surprised because since he came into this world he hadn't se one.

The empire or at least what Andrew knew of the empire was mostly and although slightly tanned people is normal, this was really the first time Andrew had se a black person and mostly a beauty.

However, his brows crinkled as he remembered the reason for the beautiful lady's visit. He couldn't believe that such a beautiful girl would prefer wom and that she would oply come to a house of pleasure, Andrew couldn't help but think, "What a waste".

Victor stepped aside and after greeting Andrew, he left the office. The beautiful lady was standing in front of Andrew with a smile on her face without the slightest bit of embarrassmt or nervousness.

"So how do I address the lady? I am Andrew", said Andrew trying to get out of the awkward silce that was forming. The lady bowed slightly and replied, "Nice to meet you, Mr. Andrew, I am Nadila."

"A pleasure as well. I have to ask since my subordinate informed me that you wish to use our courtesan service, is that correct?" Andrew asked trying to verify that Victor had not misunderstood, although he did not believe that Victor would make a mistake like that.

"That is correct, Mr. Andrew. I would like to spd a night with one of your ladies," Nadila replied with a relaxed smile. Andrew couldn't help but rethink the situation, because this woman really gave him a strange feeling, and without hesitation, he activated his Eros eyes.

Oliver was much more decisive than Andrew and from the momt Nadila had tered her office, he was already watching her with his aura eyes. Thanks to that, he was able to notice a small but noticeable black aura in Nadila.

Andrew also noticed it and that made him more alert because the aura of that color was not good at all. It mainly indicated bad inttions and so Andrew fell into deep thought.

He didn't know if he should allow Nadila to use the Heavly Palace's service to discover her goal or if it was better to refuse and avoid any immediate discomfort. While Andrew was thinking, Oliver had already made up his mind.

For Oliver, this woman named Nadila prested a threat and it was better to reject her, so without the woman realizing it, he poked Andrew's back with his finger.

This was a signal that they had agreed upon before Nadila tered the office, wh Oliver thought there was something strange, so without hesitation, Andrew said, "Miss Nadila, I'm afraid that since the Heavly Palace has just reoped its doors, it's a bit busy and it is not possible to fulfill your request".

After a short pause, he wt on to say, "Perhaps another time we will have the ability to satisfy you." Nadila did not change her expression at any time, she always had a slight smile and upon hearing Andrew she said with regret, "That's a pity, I've heard a lot of good things about this place, I guess I'll have to wait."

Watching Nadila's performance, Andrew really believed that she was disappointed that she couldn't use the services of the Heavly Palace, but seeing her aura, he knew that the girl was just pretding and that kept him on his toes.

Honestly, Andrew could tell that Nadila could win an Oscar for her performance, but he pushed those useless thoughts away and told her, "I'm so sorry I couldn't help you."

Nadila didn't say much more and she left. As she was getting into the carriage she arrived in, Oliver called out, "Marie," and from the shadows, the girl appeared. "Follow that woman and try to find out as much as you can and remember, safety first," Oliver said seriously.

Marie nodded her head and disappeared again. Seeing Oliver's seriousness, Andrew couldn't help but ask, "Is it really that troublesome?" Andrew had se Nadila's aura and knew that she was up to no good, but that could mean many things, but Oliver was a man of experice.

"Young master, that woman gives me a bad feeling," Oliver replied. Although that didn't explain anything to Andrew, he more or less understood the stimt, it's like a sixth sse, and for a powerful man like Oliver that sixth sse shouldn't be tak lightly.

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