Restart:Untalented Man

Chapter 263 Return To Eikadir, Where It All Began

From outside the city, the sounds of chaos and turmoil echoed through the air, accompanied by the flickering flames that illuminated the sky.

The commanding officer's eyes lit up with a mix of amusement and determination as he witnessed the commencement of the battle.

"It seems the fight has begun," he remarked, a glimmer of excitement in his voice.

He knew that this was the moment they had been waiting for, and now it was time to seize the opportunity.

Realizing that the Barlia soldiers were momentarily distracted, the commanding officer swiftly formulated a plan to further divide the enemy's attention.

He issued an order to the artillery unit, commanding them to unleash a barrage of actual ammunition upon the enemy positions.

The thunderous booms of the cannons reverberated through the battlefield, shaking the ground beneath their feet.

The explosive impact sent shockwaves through the air, punctuating the message to those within the city— They were not alone in this fight.

As the smoke and chaos filled the air, the commanding officer's gaze fixated on the city gate. And after a prolonged and arduous struggle, the gate finally swung open, revealing a gruesome scene that unfolded within the city walls.

The streets were stained with blood, creating macabre patterns amidst the scattered debris. The once vibrant and bustling thoroughfares had transformed into a battlefield of horror. Bodies of citizens of Haugduk lay motionless, their life force extinguished in the brutality of Barlia.

"Rush in and take the city!" shouted the commanding officer, his finger outstretched, directing his soldiers toward the citadel at the city's heart.

They surged forward, their footsteps echoing through the ravaged streets. With every step, they were confronted by the grim aftermath of the enemy's merciless assault.

Blood-soaked corpses of innocent civilians littered the ground. Their lifeless bodies are the testament to the cruel response given by Barlia. 

With each street corner turned, the resistance grew fiercer. Barlia soldiers, entrenched in strategic positions, fought fiercely to maintain their hold on the city.

Explosions rattled the buildings as grenades were hurled, sending debris flying and adding to the chaos that enveloped the city. Gunfire echoed through the narrow alleyways, punctuated by the shouts and cries of warriors locked in mortal combat.

As the Ryntum soldiers advanced, their adrenaline-fueled hearts pounded in sync with the relentless gunfire. The narrow alleyways of the city led them closer to their ultimate objective—the formidable citadel, a bastion of Barlia's dominance.

"Push forward, my comrades! We cannot falter now! The citadel is in our sight!" The commanding officer rallied his soldiers.

However, the closer they got there, the more hail of bullets rained down upon them from the defending forces. The acrid scent of gunpowder tickled their smelling sense as Ryntum and Barlia engaged in a deadly dance. 

Ryntum faced fierce resistance as Barlia soldiers fought tooth and nail to hold their ground.

Explosions rocked the citadel as grenades were thrown, shattering stones and sending debris flying in every direction. The thunderous blasts were followed by moments of eerie silence, as smoke billowed through the air, momentarily obscuring the battlefield.

But the respite was short-lived, as the combatants swiftly resumed their deadly dance.

"First squad, secure that alleyway!" the commanding officer bellowed, his voice cutting through the chaos. "Second squad, breach that barricade and clear the path for the rest of the unit!" he ordered, pointing towards a makeshift blockade obstructing their advance.

Gunfire erupted as the commanding officer's orders echoed through the air. The soldiers of the first squad swiftly took cover behind abandoned crates and walls, returning fire at the enemy entrenched in the alleyway.

Bullets whizzed past, tearing through the air with deadly precision.

At the same time, the soldiers of the second squad advanced towards the barricade, laying down suppressing fire to keep the enemy pinned. 

Amidst the chaos, the commanding officer maintained a composed demeanour, issuing another order. "Third squad, flank left and provide covering fire! Fourth squad, push forward and secure our right flank!" he commanded, ensuring that every angle was covered.

The orders rang in their ears. The third squad swiftly manoeuvred to the left, taking up positions to flank the enemy.

Meanwhile, the fourth squad pushed forward to secure their right flank. They skillfully cleared each room and corridor, engaging in fierce close-quarters combat with the entrenched enemy.

Inch by inch, the Ryntum soldiers fought their way deeper into the heart of the citadel. Enemy resistance began to crumble under their relentless assault.

Finally, the soldiers reached the innermost chambers of the citadel, where the remaining defenders stood defiant.

The commanding officer led the charge, his weapon blazing as he picked off enemy combatants with precise shots. His soldiers followed suit, their fingers tight on the triggers, unleashing a barrage of bullets that ripped through the defences.




Muzzle flashes illuminated the darkness, casting flickering shadows on the walls.

The rapid exchange of gunfire echoed through the halls, punctuated by the occasional explosion of a grenade.

As the defenders realized the futility of their efforts, panic gripped their hearts. They turned and fled, abandoning their positions and seeking escape from the relentless onslaught of the Ryntum soldiers. Their once defiant voices now waned into terrified cries, echoing through the corridors of the citadel.

The commanding officer's voice boomed, filled with authority and victory, "We've taken their fortress! Don't let them escape!" His words cut through the air like a rallying cry, igniting a renewed sense of purpose within the Ryntum soldiers.

The soldiers swiftly shifted their focus from defence to pursuit. They formed pursuit squads to hunt the remaining Barlia soldiers down. 


Nolan and the remnants of the Barlia soldiers raced through the vast plain. Their breaths were ragged and their bodies weary. The pursuit team from Ryntum was relentless, hot on their heels, closing the distance with every passing moment.

He glanced over his shoulder, gauging the distance between them and the enemy. "We can't let them catch up. Keep pushing forward! We are almost there!" he shouted to his comrades, their faces etched with a mix of exhaustion and fear.

The weary Barlia soldiers eventually arrived at Dunston, the first town they had successfully captured. Nolan and his comrades cautiously entered the town. Their eyes scanned their surroundings for any signs of danger.

The scars of the recent battle were visible everywhere—crumbled buildings, scorch marks on the walls, and remnants of the fierce resistance they had faced.

As they walked through the streets, the gaze of the town's inhabitants fell upon them, curiosity mingled with suspicion in their eyes. 

Nolan, aware of the scrutiny, chose to ignore the gazes of the townsfolk. Time was of the essence, and Barlia couldn't afford to dwell on them.

After evaluating the poor condition of the town, Nolan didn't think there is any hope of setting a defence position here.

Taking a deep breath, Nolan turned to his comrades, "This place is not good enough. We need to find a safe location to regroup and plan our next move," he stated.

The soldiers nodded in agreement, understanding the gravity of their situation. It was clear that staying in Dunston would only put them at greater risk, as their pursuers would soon close in on the town.

They made the unanimous decision to retreat further to Eikadir, their stronghold. It offered the advantage of a fortified position and familiarity with the terrain, which could significantly aid their defence against the relentless pursuit of Ryntum.

"We need to reach Eikadir quickly," Nolan declared, his voice resonating with determination. "Our homeland must be informed of what has transpired here."

As the Barlia soldiers were about to set forth on their journey towards Eikadir, their stronghold, a sudden cry pierced the air.

"Over there!" shouted one of the Ryntum pursuers, their eyes fixed on the weary Barlia soldiers.

Panic gripped the hearts of the Barlia soldiers as they realized their pursuers had caught up with them.

Adrenaline surged through their veins, propelling them into a frenzied chase scene.

"Run! Don't look back!" Nolan yelled, his voice laced with urgency. With every step they took, the sound of boots hitting the ground reverberated through the narrow streets of Dunston.

The pursuit team from Ryntum, fueled by their relentless pursuit, closed the gap, their footsteps growing louder and more menacing with each passing second. The Barlia soldiers weaved through the labyrinthine alleys, desperately searching for an escape route.

"Split up! Scatter and confuse them!" Nolan shouted, his voice barely audible over the chaos.

The Barlia soldiers followed his command, veering off in different directions, hoping to disorient their pursuers and increase their chances of escape.

Their legs burning with exhaustion, but the fear of capture propelled them forward. They could feel the hot breath of their pursuers on their necks, their presence a constant reminder of the imminent danger.

As they darted through the streets, glimpses of hope flickered before them. The eastern gate of Dunston stood within reach, its towering archway beckoning them to safety. 

They poured their remaining strength into one final sprint.


The pursuing Ryntum soldiers unleashed a flurry of arrows and bullets, hoping to halt their escape.

But through sheer determination and a stroke of luck, the Barlia soldiers managed to evade the deadly projectiles, narrowly passing through the gateway and leaving their pursuers behind.

"Should we chase them, Sir?" asked the pursuers.

The commanding officer of the Ryntum pursuit team took a moment to catch his breath, his gaze fixed on the gateway through which the Barlia soldiers had just escaped. 

He turned to his troops, their faces still flushed with exertion. "No," he replied firmly, shaking his head. "Chasing them into Eikadir would be futile. With our current numbers, it is impossible to inflict any significant damage. Our priority now is to re-establish the border as it was before the invasion and clean up the filth called Blackout that has been plaguing this land."

[A/N: Map]

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