Restart:Untalented Man

Chapter 256 Forging An Alliance

In the location not far from the city of Manfura, a palpable tension hung in the air as the armies of Ryntum and Inverloch faced each other, locked in a bitter stalemate. The weary soldiers, their faces etched with exhaustion and determination, stood amidst the aftermath of fierce clashes.

The battlefield bore witness to the ferocity of their clashes. The ground, once untouched by conflict, now hosted a gruesome tapestry of fallen soldiers. Their lifeless bodies are a solemn testament to the price paid in this brutal engagement. The field echoed with the distant cries of the wounded and the haunting silence of those who would never speak again.

Both sides were locked in deadly stares. Days of relentless fighting had taken their toll, evident in the exhausted expressions etched on the faces of the soldiers.

In that time span, their eyes never left the movements of the enemy in front of them. Each step forward one side made was met with a resolute defence from another, making the progress of war an arduous and time-consuming endeavour. 

Amidst the grim scene, a glimmer of hope emerged on the horizon as the sound of marching feet grew louder. The soldiers on both sides turned their weary eyes towards the source of the approaching commotion.

A wave of relief washed over the soldiers as the banner of Ryntum came into view. Fresh reinforcement troops marched forward. Their arrival infused a sense of renewed hope and strength into Levi's army. 

With the arrival of the reinforcements, the balance of power will shift to Ryntum's side.

Bain Lawrence strode forward on his horse to meet with Levi, the weariness was evident on their faces. "How are you faring, Levi?"

Levi's brow furrowed with concern as he questioned Bain's presence. "Why are you here? Shouldn't you be in Mezorin by now?" he asked, his voice laced with a hint of confusion.

Bain's expression fell into one of deep disheartenment as he briefly recounted the tale of defeat. The battles lost, the forced retreat, and the assault by General Braun on their way back to the capital. It was a bitter pill to swallow, the taste of failure lingering in the air.

Levi's frown deepened as he absorbed the weight of Bain's words. "Well, that's certainly important to know. Does that mean we can expect the enemy to come here next?" he inquired, his voice tinged with a mix of caution and apprehension.

Bain nodded solemnly. "It's highly likely. Considering the strategic significance of Bideford and its proximity to our current position, they may prioritize this target instead of Napuna. Then again, perhaps they've reached some sort of agreement which allow Blande forces to take Napuna," he explained, his voice tinged with a hint of uncertainty.

"I see," Levi replied. He then reported his situation, "The battle here has indeed reached a stalemate, with neither side gaining a significant advantage. It seems we are locked in a constant cycle of attack and defence."

Bain nodded, his eyes scanning the battlefield. "We cannot afford to remain in this stalemate indefinitely. We don't have infinite resources and manpower to throw away."


On the other side of the battlefield, Marquess Hector observed with concern on his face. The arrival of the reinforcements had indeed bolstered the strength of their enemy, posing a greater challenge than anticipated. 

The situation would grow increasingly challenging for his forces, who faced relentless resistance for the past few days.

Inverloch needs some way to break through this blockade and reached their artillery units. As long as they can destroy those weapons, his cavalry won't have any problem asserting their full potential. 

A scout hurriedly approached him, delivering an urgent report. "I have come to report my investigation to you, my lord."

Marquess Hector glanced at the scout, his eyes filled with anticipation. "Speak," he commanded, eager to hear the results of the scout's investigation.

The scout cleared his throat and began to recount his findings. "We have scouted the area extensively. Unfortunately, there is no alternative route for us to advance to the west except for this. On the other side of the city, the enemy has constructed a maze-like fortification line, bristling with wooden towers, deep trenches, and menacing spikes."

Hector's brow furrowed as he absorbed the information. "I see," he replied. 

If he wishes his army to traverse the obstacle-ridden path, he needs to divide his large army into smaller groups, giving them more manoeuvrability. However, he was aware that such a move would leave them susceptible to ambushes and relentless attacks from the enemy.

After careful consideration, Hector ultimately forgoes the idea of dividing his army. Instead, he realized the pressing need for reinforcements and creating a unified front.

While he acknowledges the possibility of having to accommodate their demands, he is willing to do so as long as they remain reasonable and within acceptable limits.

He made the decision to call upon Barlia as their whereabouts is only in the neighbouring city. With such a massive army, there's no way they would be defeated. 

Understanding the gravity of the situation, he swiftly dispatched a trusted emissary to contact Barlia and propose a joint force to overcome the daunting obstacles that lay ahead.

The emissary rode with the utmost haste, his horse galloping across the flat terrain as he ventured toward Mezorin. Halfway through his journey, he encountered a Barlian scouting party.

Thinking the emissary might be an enemy, the scouts raised their guards up and ready their weapons.

After tirelessly identifying his identity, the emissary urged the Barlian scouting party to lead him to General Victor.

The scouts quickly complied, guiding him through the winding paths toward their camp.

As they reached the camp, bustling with activity, the emissary was led to a large tent belonging to General Victor.

The tent's flaps billowed in the wind as he entered, greeted by the stern yet attentive gaze of the Barlian general.

"I heard from the scouts that you were sent by Hector." Victor studied the emissary intently, his piercing gaze weighing the gravity of the situation. "Speak, emissary. What proposal does Hector bring?"

The emissary took a deep breath, his words pouring forth. "Marquess Hector wishes to join forces with Barlia, forming an alliance to overcome the resistance possessed by Ryntum. He believes that our combined strength can tip the scales in our favour."

Victor's gaze narrowed as he considered the proposition. "And what is in it for us? With our own forces, we can accomplish what you cannot alone."

The emissary paused, carefully choosing his words. "While your words hold truth, General, the more manpower we have, the merrier. With an increased force, we can expedite the fall of the Ryntum Kingdom and achieve victory more swiftly with less loss for Barlia. In exchange, we only need one city in the south to connect our land."

Victor nodded thoughtfully, his mind already forming a plan. "Wait here," he instructed the emissary, rising from his seat. "I need to consult with someone before we proceed."

He strode purposefully through the camp, seeking out Lieutenant General Sarika. Spotting her amidst a group of officers, he beckoned her to join him.

"What do you want, Victor?" asked Sarika.

"Sarika, we have received a proposal from Marquess Hector," Victor began, his tone filled with cautious optimism. "They wish to form an alliance with Barlia to overcome the resistance they face."

Sarika arched an eyebrow, expressing her thoughtful expression. "And what do they offer in return?"

"Their twenty thousand of manpower in exchange for one city in the south." Victor paused, his voice lowering as he shared his thoughts. "I feel we should accept their offer as their request is not unreasonable. With their cooperation, our victory would be all the more assured."

Sarika studied Victor's face, her gaze piercing. "Yeah, why not. As long as we have the important cities in the north, I'm fine with it. However, I suggest we take full control over their entire twenty thousand of manpower. "

With their agreement on the conditions, Victor made his way back to his tent, where the emissary sent by the marquess awaited him. 

"General, what's your condition?" the emissary impatiently asked. 

He regarded the emissary with a hint of scepticism. "Are you certain that you have the authority to make decisions on behalf of Marquess Hector? I don't want to reach an agreement only to have him backtrack later."

The emissary nodded confidently. "Don't worry, General. Marquess Hector has entrusted me with the power to decide, as long as the terms are reasonable to us."

"If you say so..." Victor replied, still harbouring a trace of doubt. He took a moment to gather his thoughts before presenting his conditions. "In exchange for our alliance, Barlia want total control over your army, rations and weapons. Marquess Hector would be my subordinate during military operations."

The emissary considered the proposition, weighing the potential gains. After a brief pause, he nodded in agreement. "This seems acceptable. I believe we can agree to these terms."

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