Reincarnation of the Celestial Bastard

Chapter 75: A Looming Shadow

Chapter 75: A Looming Shadow

Li Tian spent the next few days in a relentless cycle of training, meditation, and refining the new techniques he had gained. The system continued to provide tasks, each one pushing him further along the path of power. The estate had been quiet since the mysterious invader was dealt with, but an uneasy feeling lingered in the air.

Zheng Wei had grown more curious about Li Tian's rapid rise in strength, yet she didn't ask many questions. She simply stayed by his side, watching as he honed his skills, trusting that his motives were just.

[New Quest: Investigate the Source of the Dark Energy.] [Objective: Seek out the origin of the invader and uncover the plot behind the attack.]

The system's voice echoed in his mind, drawing his attention away from his practice. The words felt more urgent this time, the tone sharper than usual. Li Tian knew the attack on the estate wasn't a random occurrence, but the system was now confirming his suspicions.

"So, it wasn't just a stray threat," Li Tian muttered under his breath.

He stood up, his eyes narrowing as he thought about the implications. If someone had sent an invader this strong, there was no telling what else might be lurking in the shadows.

Zheng Wei, who had been sitting nearby, noticed the shift in his demeanor. "What's wrong?" she asked, concern evident in her voice.

Li Tian clenched his fists, his gaze focused on the horizon. "There's more to this than we thought. I'm being hunted, or at least someone's trying to stir up trouble."

She stood and walked over to him, her hand gently touching his arm. "You've already shown how strong you are. Whoever is behind this will think twice before challenging you again."

Li Tian turned to face her, his expression serious. "Strength alone isn't always enough. I need to be prepared for what's coming."

Her brow furrowed in thought. "Do you have any idea where to start looking?"

The system had provided a general direction, but no specifics. The only clue was the strange energy that had surrounded the intruder. It was unlike anything Li Tian had felt before—a mix of dark cultivation and something far more ancient.

"South, beyond the mountains," Li Tian finally said, the system's map highlighting the area in his mind. "There's something there, something dangerous."

Zheng Wei nodded, her confidence unwavering. "Then I'll go with you."

Li Tian smiled faintly, appreciating her loyalty. "I can't say no to that."

Without wasting time, they gathered their things and made their way toward the southern mountains. The journey was quiet, but the tension in the air grew with each step they took. Li Tian's instincts were sharp, and he could sense the shift in the environment as they moved deeper into uncharted territory.

As they climbed higher, the air became colder, and the once clear skies turned gray. A sense of foreboding hung over the mountain pass, the very ground seeming to pulse with an unnatural energy.

"This place..." Zheng Wei muttered, looking around. "It feels off."

Li Tian stopped, his senses flaring as he detected movement in the shadows ahead. "We're not alone."

From the darkness, several figures emerged, their faces hidden by dark hoods. They moved with a quiet, predatory grace, surrounding Li Tian and Zheng Wei. Their auras were tainted with the same dark energy that had accompanied the intruder at the estate.

"You've come far, Li Tian," one of the figures spoke, his voice low and menacing. "But this is as far as you go."

Li Tian stepped forward, his hand already crackling with energy. "Who sent you?"

The figure chuckled, pulling down his hood to reveal a scarred face, his eyes glowing with malevolent power. "You'll find out soon enough."

Without another word, the battle erupted. The dark cultivators lunged at them, their attacks swift and deadly. Li Tian's movements were fluid, his body reacting with the precision of the techniques he had mastered. Each strike was met with a counter, and soon the air was filled with the sounds of clashing energy.

Zheng Wei held her own, her spear spinning in graceful arcs as she fended off multiple attackers at once. Her strength had grown significantly since their engagement, and Li Tian was impressed by how far she had come.

But the enemies were relentless.

One of the dark cultivators aimed a strike at Zheng Wei's back, his blade cutting through the air with lethal intent. Li Tian moved faster than thought, using Shadowstep to appear between her and the attacker. His fist met the enemy's blade with a loud crack, shattering it into pieces before delivering a devastating blow to the man's chest.

"Stay close," Li Tian said, his voice firm as he pulled Zheng Wei behind him.

The remaining enemies hesitated, clearly unnerved by Li Tian's display of power. But instead of retreating, the leader of the group raised his hands, chanting an ancient incantation. The ground beneath them began to tremble, and from the earth, a massive, grotesque creature clawed its way to the surface. Its body was covered in black scales, and its glowing red eyes fixated on Li Tian with a hunger for destruction.

Li Tian narrowed his eyes. "I was hoping for a challenge."

The beast roared, charging at him with the force of an avalanche. Li Tian's energy flared, and he raised his hands, preparing to unleash the Sky Rending Palm once again.

But this time, the system intervened.

[Warning: Hostile energy too powerful for current abilities. Entering Crisis Mode.]

Li Tian's entire body surged with an overwhelming power. His muscles expanded, his aura growing to an almost unimaginable level. Every nerve in his body was on fire, but the pain was drowned out by the intoxicating sensation of absolute strength.

With one swift motion, Li Tian struck the beast with the full force of the Sky Rending Palm, amplified by the Crisis Mode's boost. The creature's body shattered under the impact, exploding into a cloud of dark energy that dissipated into the wind.

The remaining enemies looked at Li Tian with wide eyes, fear overtaking them. They scrambled to retreat, but Li Tian wasn't in the mood to let them go. With a flick of his wrist, he unleashed a torrent of energy that obliterated the rest of the dark cultivators, leaving nothing but ashes in his wake.

[Quest Complete: Investigate the Source of the Dark Energy.] [Reward: Technique – Phoenix Flame Strike.]

As the system's voice rang in his head, Crisis Mode began to fade, leaving Li Tian slightly winded but otherwise fine. He turned to Zheng Wei, who had watched the entire battle with a mixture of awe and concern.

"Are you okay?" she asked, stepping closer.

Li Tian nodded, his breath steadying. "I'm fine. But this isn't over."

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