Reincarnated With The Van Helsing System

Chapter 438 Arriving At The Bone Sea (Part 2)

Oblivious to what happened in the black castle, Daimon and the others enjoyed a well-earned night of sleep, with Bell and Sylvie working together to sort out all the pending matters regarding Black Wave.

Soon the sun replaced the moon in the sky and morning came to Neptune, for Daimon waking up and seeing Aisha's pretty sleeping face first thing in the morning was one of his favorite things.

He could have completed his morning routine by enjoying Aisha's soft pretty lips with a kiss, if not for the fact that he could feel the intense gaze of the crazy purple haired girl Sarah, on his back.

Daimon felt a headache coming his way, it's 100% sure that Sarah will be coming with them to the global raid, in fact he wanted her to come, despite the fact that she is a bit annoying, the truth is that she is stronger than Purplehaze.

For two reasons, first, she isn't a mage but a knight, could be because of her Nethereal lineage but her body was innately stronger than the one of a normal human, Daimon also thought that same reason contributed to her weird obsession for his Battle Aura… and for him in general.

The second reason is that she is a natural dual affinity, contrary to what Purplehaze made others believe, the truth is that his mother consumed a magic herb with dark affinity when she was pregnant with him.

She knows it because it was Bell the one who found that treasure and it was destined for when Sarah became able to train to give her a better start, but Purplecloud took it and with what happened with Jessica, Bell wasn't in the mood to fight over resources as she was focused on learning the truth.

Anyway, unlike Purplehaze, Sarah had both darkness and poison elements by innate, and that wasn't related to Reed, because just like Bell the Nethereal had poison affinity, she was born with it.

Daimon had learned something interesting from Aurora recently, the Elemental race were just humans with a single difference, unlike others, they couldn't use mana from any other element than the one in which they had affinity.

That doesn't mean their bodies didn't contain any other mana, since a physical body is made of many things, including water, but despite having a certain amount of different manas in their body, they can't use the most basic spells on them, even.

In exchange they were more skilled using that single element, due to that it was even rarer that people with more than one affinity were born as part of the Elemental race, also not everyone was born like that, there were people in the Elemental Sea that could use simple of spells of elements which weren't related to their affinity.

To put it in simple words the, the crazy girl was a genius, se could have easily taken away Purplehaze's tittle as the strongest in the young generation of the Elemental Sea, but she wasn't interested in that, as long as she could keep protecting Jasmine from the shadows and keep company to her mother who was reaching the limit, she was happy.

But now she has found something better, and judging by how she was licking her lips while she observed Daimon sleep for the past couple of hours, she really wanted to get a taste of it.

Unfortunately for Sarah, the moment she tried to sneak from the bed in which Jasmine and Cassy were also sleeping, she noticed the three girls who were sharing the bed next to hers, glaring at her.

The Risha sisters gazed at Saah as if they were eagles eyeing their prey, the meaning was clear "Stay away", which only made Sarah's interest in Daimon become even more noticeable, but she saw Jasmine waking up and she had no other choice but to calm down a bit.

Daimon on the other hand got up his bed and then entered the bathroom followed by Aisha who gave Sarah an interested gaze, before she closed the door behind her.

The girls started waking up one after the other, unlike the others, Sarah didn't seem surprised nor shocked to see Daimon entering the bath with Aisha for the first time, her eyes glowed as she whispered a few things to Jasmine, which made the latter's face turn red.

"Hey, don't you dare try and corrupt Jasmine you, crazy woman", said Cassy as she dragged Jasmine away from Sarah who just limited to giggle.

Inside of the bathroom Daimon and Aisha were tenderly cleaning each other, they are going to be busy later so a bit of playing was good for now, after they finished showering, he and Aisha entered the bathtub and relaxed a bit, in the meantime Daimon checked the log of the system because there was a notification triggered yesterday at night.

But he was too tired for that after all that happened, so he left it for today, in any case he will have the whole day as they will be travelling to the Bone Sea, Daimon opened the log and it was as he expected for the first part.

[The level of trust of the daughter of the Northern Sky has been updated]

[Level of trust currently attained 50% à 60%]

[The next level of development requires the authorization of the host, due to the level trust reaching a critical point two possibilities have opened for the host:

[Life Sanctuary: In exchange of potential, the other part of the oath will grant the maximum protection to the host, the capacity to avoid death one time automatically, a second time will be possible if the other party is willing to give up her life (WARNING: once chosen the level of trust will stagnate at its current forever)]

[Unknown Evolution: Unlocks at 100% of trust (Might be possible or not, depending on the actions of the host)

[Once the decision has been taken it can't be undone]

Daimon raised an eyebrow, he expected Jasmine to walk down a different path than Aurora, but he didn't understand why it was him the one that had to take the decision.

'Wait a second, was this also presented to that Abaris guy and to Jasmine's father at a given point', he wondered.

To be honest the thought of choosing the first option didn't even cross his mind, that will make him as much of a piece of trash as Adam, using someone that trusted and held him dear as a disposable toy, is something he despised.

He just clicked "Unknown Evolution" and put the matter at the back of his head, Sanctuary was incredibly useful as it is, it basically gave him a free chance to use Core Synchrony, Jasmine has already contributed a lot to the team, not to mention Aisha and the others considered her their friend.

Leaving that aside Daimon and Aisha came out of the bathtub, they dried each other and then put on their clothes before leaving the bathroom.

Outside the other girls were waiting to take their bath, so while they did so, he left the room to go see Aurora, Thea wasn't in the room when he woke up so there should be something related to a contract in which Aurora needed the Empress's help.

And as Daimon expected, waiting for him in the dining room, there were Aurora, Sylvie, Bell and Thea, kneeling in front of them there were two figures, Heartstream and Stoneheart.

"Greetings to the young master", they both said.

Daimon turned to see Aurora who nodded at him, Bell then took the initiative to explain what was going on.

"They came to join by their own will, and now their sects have joined the alliance, Sylvie will coordinate with them to keep an eye on the Elemental Sea while we are gone, so on the surface they will keep some distance from us".

Daimon nodded, with this he had no other pending subjects to deal with, in the Elemental Sea, besides the legacy of the hero of course, but that will have to wait until they return.

For now, after the two patriarchs left in secrecy, they enjoyed of their breakfast together, Aurora was more than happy seeing her granddaughter smile while she chatted with Sarah and prevented Cassy from fighting with her, it was as if she was seeing her daughter grow up with her friends once again.

Once the breakfast was over, everyone was transported by Aurora to the open area where the Flying Citadel was, all the preparations were over, Sylvie saw them away as they were taken to the Citadel by the floating platform, she actually bowed towards Daimon before they left and asked him to help Bell and Sarah, to which Daimon just nodded.

The citadel was as incredible as always, specially because they went straight to the inner ring, more accurately to the main residence, Bell was surprised because she knew the importance of it.

There was also an extra "guest" which Olivia was dragging by his neck, it was none other than the old assassin Tadeus, despite his miserable state he was still alive.

"This guy doesn't know where the leader of the branch of the Maelstrom Sea is hiding, but he knows one of the trusted men of Romel and he is at the Skalia continent of the Bone Sea right now".

"They are supposed to meet there and this idiot would have traded miss Bell's head to join them, and I got to know something interesting, this guy's connection is an Skelefiend, but a human who works for Horrorclaw the current leader of the Skelefiends".

Daimon nodded, now they had a target, but they still needed something else, unlike the previous seas, in the Bone Sea only Skelefiends lived, so if they went there, they will be discovered the moment they arrive.

Luckily, they have a ticket of entry in the form of Shirel's influential father, that is if he cared as much about her as she stated of course.

"Horals, go bring that woman here", Daimon gave an order to the air and the parts of the bone general came from the shadow of the Risha sisters and the other girls to form the black armored Horals.

"Leave it to me young master!", he answered with his usual respectful voice before leaving to the room where Shirel was confined and returned in less that five minutes with the female Skelefiend.

Now that Shirel was considered a potential ally instead of a prisoner, she was treated better, though she was bored as hell while being confined, it was much better than being tortured by the queen, something that still caused her nightmares.

Daimon then took out Shirel's storage ring which he confiscated before and gave her the mirror plate that was inside of it before saying.

"Call your father, tell him to organize a safe and secret place for our arrival, I don't think I need to remind you that if you try something funny, you are dead meat, understood?".

Shirel took the mirror plate with a complicated expression, she didn't know if these guys will even take the time to listen to her father or not, but this was her only chance of survival, it was do or die, so she gritted her teeth and sent a message.

The mirror plate illuminated and not even a few seconds later, she received a long response from her father which made her let out a sigh of relief.

"He says that we can land at Porter city, it's within the area of influence of my father, and he will empty the city so that we can freely move without attracting any attention, don't worry Horrorclaw is busy dealing with the fanatics which burned down the statue of Snakele, so that will be a perfect cover for us".

Daimon read the message and then nodded.

"Give senior Aurora the coordinates to that city".

Daimon didn't try to force her to sign a contract, not because he had pity on the Skelefiend woman, but because if what she said was true, doing it will cause a negative reaction from the Maximum Stellar ranked that is her father.

That could potentially make such a strong guy ignore the past feuds and join Horrorclaw, naturally Daimon won't shoot his own foot, after all the best way to counter having a lot of enemies besides being overwhelmingly strong, is having numerous allies as well.

And with that, the Citadel started floating on the air and then it advanced towards the Bone Sea.

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