Reincarnated in the Astral World

Chapter 6: Wonderful Gift

After receiving his first sword, Arthur is eager to train with his father. But before he realizes it, the sword flies out of his hands. Of course, that's Aria, waving her fingers and using her magic to take such a dangerous weapon out of her son's hands.

Draven started making that sword when Arthur was only a few weeks old and it is not only filled with sweat and love but also rare and powerful materials. Despite being small, the blade is so sharp that it can cut bones and even stones as if they were butter as long as the person wielding it has the necessary strength.

Also, it is precisely because of the training that Draven always wanted to force on his son that Aria started to get upset with him. That has nothing to do with training sword skills but the morals and principles that Draven wants so much to ingrain in Arthur.

So even allowing Arthur to start his training, Aria does not want him to go around swinging such a lethal weapon without knowing how to handle it responsibly. Thanks to his memories as Liam, Arthur is much more responsible than his parents can imagine. But he tries his best to act like a normal child and obey his parents.

So he gladly accepts to train with a wooden sword, which Aria enchants with her magic so that he can use it with all his strength. That day, Arthur and his father train until night in the garden, and at bedtime, the tired Arthur is rewarded with the sight of a wild Nyx appearing.

They look at each other for a minute before he turns around and sleeps, and as before, she instinctively hugs him after she falls asleep, and he wakes up smelling like strawberries.

The next day Arthur studies with his mother, plays with his little sister, does some manual work, and uses the rest of the time to train with his father. Draven is increasingly impressed with his son's innate abilities and the speed at which he learns his teachings.

Liam was a prodigy of the kind that never existed in his world, and with just one blade he could face dozens of soldiers armed with fireguns. And it becomes clear to Arthur that he can do the same this time also, but now his potential is literally infinite due to the world he was born into.

Yet, Arthur is only eleven years old, and even though he seems to be fourteen, he has a long way to go to master the use of the sword like Liam did and then aim to reach his father's level, as he needs to rebuild all the muscle memory first.

He really can't understand how strong and skilled Draven is with the sword because he restrains himself to the maximum during training, always focusing on teaching Arthur at his own level. With this routine, Arthur spends his days happily. He tries hard to do everything perfectly, so he always ends up going to sleep exhausted.

But he enjoys every second with his mother, with his sister, with his father, and also with Nyx, even though at that moment he is always sleeping, his body certainly enjoys it.

The days turn into weeks and the weeks into months, and in the blink of an eye, Arthur finally turns twelve.

His parents throw another big party in celebration, and he receives many gifts, including a gift from Nyx, which is a clumsy hug and a kiss on the cheek, making him overdose on sugar.

Despite being disappointed that their relationship does not seem to be evolving, Arthur understands that Nyx is different from other people, and has learned to take every small step as progress.

He also learned from his mother that some people in this world can live extremely long lives the further they grow in power. His parents are a good example since they seem to be about thirty years old, but in fact, they are already over a hundred and have not yet lived even a tenth of what they can.

So Arthur is not in a hurry to improve his relationship with Nyx, letting things flow naturally. He also promised his mother that he wouldn't do anything bold with a girl yet, so he is content with being patient in that regard. Thus, Arthur spends his days fully focused on absorbing Aria's knowledge and training with Draven.

Time keeps passing quickly, and after another year, the results of Arthur's efforts become increasingly obvious. He grows taller, stronger, faster, and smarter. His sword skills reach such a high level that Draven starts teaching him to use other weapons.

Arthur continues to give his best, and two more years pass quickly.

During that time Aria and Draven teach many things to Arthur, and as a good son, he learns everything, always focused to the maximum. With his fourteenth birthday approaching Arthur already looks like a young adult of sixteen. Thanks to Draven's genes, he is an impressive 1.8 meters tall, with his blonde hair close to reaching his shoulders.

Due to all the training and hard work, he has developed muscles, but all of them are in perfect proportions for a warrior, creating an extremely attractive look, with the final touch being his beautiful blue eyes that can make any girl and even adult women blush and fawn over him.

Thanks to Aria's genes, Arthur's face is perfect, making him one of the most handsome and attractive young adults. He does not act arrogant due to his achievements and looks, but he learned from Draven to be proud of himself, especially for things that are the result of his hard work.

So Arthur walks side by side with his father, like two proud lions, as they are admired by everyone in the village.

Some things remain the same for Arthur, such as the way Aria treats him as her beloved little boy, his relationship with Nyx, and how adorable his little sister is, now six years old. He doesn't mind being treated like a child by his mother and is always available to play with his sister.

Nyx has also grown in an even more impressive way than Arthur. If, when he met her, she looked like a 13 year old little girl, now she looks like a 17 year old young woman. Her skin is softer, her red hair is longer and more vibrant, her eyes are sharper and clearer, but the biggest changes happened to her physique.

She has grown to be 1,6 meters tall, with curves in all the right places. She has medium-sized breasts, a narrow waist, followed by long legs with sensual thighs and a round perky bottom, although she still loses in size to Aria by a decent margin. Her pure strawberry scent has evolved to the point of being an aphrodisiac, stirring deep desires in Arthur, which he can barely control as of late.

His desires have pushed him to grow closer to Nyx and try to evolve their relationship, as he has grown fond of her presence in his life over the years, and he can no longer imagine not having her by his side.

Due to her shyness and insecurity, he always felt like she was putting up a wall between them, even though Arthur can tell that she feels the same way as he does. On account of being too young to make a move, he has let her be so far, but he won't let things with Nyx continue that way.

He is determined to be bolder with Nyx for their own good, even if it means risking his secret being discovered by his parents and having to deal with her shy and timid personality.

With these thoughts in mind, Arthur wakes up on the morning of his fourteenth birthday.


He doesn't open his eyes immediately and stays as still as possible because he feels that pleasant weight on his body.

'Is she pretending?' Arthur wonders why Nyx continues to lie over him even after he has woken up. She learned to always feel when he is about to wake up and returns to his Nexus before then, leaving her scent on his body as the only proof of having been there.

But now, on his birthday, Nyx doesn't disappear as usual.

'Maybe a birthday present?' He thinks happily.

"..." But Nyx continues without reaction.

Arthur doesn't know what to think. After three years of sleeping with Nyx, she always acted like a scared rabbit whenever he tried to get closer to her. Her perception also improved a lot, so she always knew about his intentions.

So now this situation is very suspicious. He doesn't know if she's holding back to let him get close to her or if she's really unconscious. In both options, he can already see her freaking out and returning to his Nexus at his first move.

'It's so hard!!' Arthur doesn't want to move and spoil that moment, but at the same time, he can't continue like this. He doesn't know how it was before because he was sleeping, but now his member is extremely hard and erect between Nyx's thighs.

'Think of something else, something else...' Arthur tries, but not even his incredible determination can help him stop thinking about Nyx's sensual body.

Just that is enough to drive Arthur crazy, but Nyx's body has other features that add to her attractiveness and uniqueness. Her cute tail with a heart-shaped tip has grown quite long in the past year while her small bat-like wings are still very immature on her back.

Arthur researched a lot in the thousands of books in his mother's library since he met Nyx, but he never found anything that could indicate what she is, nor any mentions of the Demons described in the books from Liam's world.

She is unique to this world, an exotic beauty of the most seductive type possible that only he can see. And now she is lying on top of him, semi-nude and apparently unconscious.

'How can a man resist this?!?!' Arthur screams in his mind, but thanks to his experience in the last three years, he can choose which thoughts she can hear. He managed to behave until now, but all his desires accumulated, becoming impossible to contain.

The 'unconscious' Nyx seems to feel that something is about to happen, or rather, is already happening, and she moves on Arthur's body.

"No!" He is afraid she will wake up and disappear, so he opens his eyes.

But to his surprise, she just changes position, which ends up making everything harder for him, as now her belly is literally pressing his groin. Nyx also turns her beautiful face towards Arthur, her eyes are closed, and she seems to really be sleeping comfortably.

"How can you be so beautiful?" He can't help but think. He really can't believe that shy little girl has grown to become so deadly.

When awake, she is hot as a demon, but sleeping, she looks beautiful as an angel and arouses in Arthur unholy desires. He always wanted to touch her body and feel her skin, along with her cherry shaped red lips. She almost let him do it on his previous birthdays, but shyness won both times, and she ran away at the last moment. So now he wonders if this is her third attempt to let him touch her.

'But why is she lying over me?' He can barely breathe due to Nyx's cute and soft belly pressing over his underpants. Waves of pleasure radiate from that area to his entire body, making him feel as if his body was being electrified.

He can't even think straight, but he really wants to touch her and can't miss that chance. So, determined, he moves his hand towards Nyx's face.

'Don't wake up, don't wake up, please!' He slowly stretches his hand towards his goal. But then he sees something that freezes him on the spot.

That is Nyx's lovely tail that rises and starts to wag excitedly.

'So fucking cute!!!' Arthur can't handle that sight, feeling overwhelmed by the contrast of Nyx' alluring beauty and the cuteness of her tails. Its adorable movements are like the cherry on top, making Arthur's situation harder and his little brother even harder.

Nyx also moves her body slowly and rhythmically on top of him, her belly caressing his groin in a way that makes him twitch and burst in pleasure, which, due to its size, ends up spilling over her belly.

'WHAT?!?' She 'wakes up' immediately and sees Arthur's smiling face painted with pure satisfaction as he breathes heavily with his eyes closed.

Nyx's expression quickly changes between surprise, embarrassment, anger, and excitement? There are so many emotions in her beautiful bright eyes that Arthur can't even begin to understand them.

Even as he is submerged in the feeling of his first experience in this lifetime, Arthur can predict what will happen next.

"Don't go-" He tries to ask Nyx to stay.

But it's too late; her shyness takes over all the other emotions, and she disappears in a cloud of pink smoke, returning to his Nexus. Nyx leaves Arthur stunned with the surprising sight of his clean lower belly area, which should be impossible after the mess he just made.

'Where did it…' Arthur is confused for a second before the only possibility comes to his mind.

'Nyx... did you… my…' He starts to ask, but then she surprises him again.

'Don't ask!' Those are the only words he will hear from her throughout the whole day.

And so Arthur begins his fourteenth birthday with such a wonderful present.

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