Reincarnated in the Astral World

Chapter 132: Table for Guests of Honor

Arthur still didn't know what to think of Eliza. While his initial impression was that she was a danger to the Drummonds and killing her would be the most practical path, he now believed there might be another way. She might be smart enough for a deal, or perhaps something more.

That thought, the fact of Eliza being interesting, made him more comfortable interacting amicably with her, resulting in him flirting without even realizing it.

But everyone around noticed it, generating distinct reactions: Aria felt a familiar bitter taste in her mouth, while Margaret wasn't really used to such feelings.

Josephine was a bit surprised and even pleased, as was Eliza, but her brothers were the opposite. While Tobias was concerned behind Preston, his older brother felt his blood boil with pure hatred and frustration, and, of course, a lot of jealousy and envy.

"Sister?" Preston looked at Eliza with an inquisitive and upset expression.

She responded with a confused look. "Is everything alright, brother?"

Preston's expression became even more impatient, and the atmosphere grew tense. He tried to grab her hand. "We need to talk about something—"

But she quickly stepped back, which was also towards Arthur, avoiding her brother's grasp. A hostile glint briefly flashed in her eyes, but she maintained that fake, gentle smile. "Is it urgent? I was leading Madame Josephine and her group to their table."

Preston felt even more frustrated, but in front of dozens of curious onlookers, he was forced to control himself. Yet, he kept glancing at Arthur with a clearly hostile look.

"Yeah, it's urgent," he signaled to her, his eyes pleading.

"Phew…" Eliza let out a light sigh before looking at Josephine, Aria, and especially Arthur with a sorry expression. "Hosting a party for so many people is complicated; please excuse me for a minute; I'll be right back."

"No problem, dear," Josephine smiled gently at Eliza.

Aria showed no reaction, but Arthur also smiled at the girl with an expectant expression on his face. "I'll wait for you."

Eliza's smile quickly changed, becoming genuinely bright. But she contained it and quickly moved away from the group with the agitated Preston.

Arthur's group stood in the middle of the hall amid the music and whispers of the other nobles. In front of him was Tobias, with a confused and impatient expression on his face. They exchanged glances, but no one said anything.

Until Oliver stepped forward and stood beside Arthur, facing Tobias with a friendly expression. "Tobias, right?"

Tobias nodded. His manner wasn't as polite and courteous as Eliza's, but it wasn't as cold and hostile as Preston's either. He just appeared to be a usual arrogant young master.

"And you are Arthur and Oliver, right?" He seemed to try to be more friendly.

"Yeah," Oliver smiled. "I've heard about you, the youngest son of Count Whittlee, one of the youngest Champions in Lumindell, and also a genius swordsman…"

Tobias couldn't resist the urge to break into a proud grin. "Father already had two other sons, so I'm not his youngest anymore…"

"But still a Champion so young…" Oliver commented, not hiding a bit of envy in his eyes, boosting Tobias's ego even more. However, Oliver glanced at Arthur before continuing to speak to Tobias. "I heard you're very good with a sword, too, right? Not all Champions reach the Adept Mastery rank."

"Indeed…" Tobias's expression changed, becoming thoughtful as he also glanced at Arthur.

Oliver smiled even more and tapped Arthur's shoulder. "You should test your skills with my little brother here. My sword mastery is quite mediocre, but he could be a good match for you…"

Tobias's eyes became sharper as he tried to analyze Arthur. "I read the guard captain's report…" Tobias paused, shaking his head with clear disbelief. "Everyone thinks you're a Swordmaster, humph! A Swordmaster under fifty? Who in their right mind would believe that? I mean, you look less than fifty—"

"Fourteen," Oliver quickly commented with a proud expression on his face. "Arthur is only fourteen, crazy, right?" Oliver tapped Arthur's shoulder even more. "Look at him, almost taller than me and not even of adult legal age yet…"

Tobias's expression was a mixture of disbelief and envy. He tried to analyze Arthur's body more deeply, but without being a mage or having special abilities, he could only sense his aura superficially. And in doing so, the main feeling he got was a pressure that came from the deepest part of his lineage, something instinctive that made him want to bow.

'Damn!!!' Tobias cursed in his mind as he thought of the words Eliza used to describe Arthur and Aria: dangerous.

While he tried to stay firm in front of Arthur, Eliza created an invisible sound barrier around her and Preston to speak with him freely.

"What the hell are you doing?!?" she exclaimed while maintaining a gentle smile on her face. After all, many people were watching them.

"I should be asking you that!" Preston, on the other hand, didn't try to hide his frustrated expression. "We came here to find out who killed our brother, not to make friends with these scums!"

"What do you think I'm doing?!" Eliza shook her head, clear disappointment in her eyes. "Damn, they're Drummonds! Who do you think is more likely to be involved in Emilio's death? I'm investigating them, naturally."

Preston tried to see the truth behind Eliza's face. "You said this woman only carries the Drummond name because of her husband, but she's not connected to her family anymore… Don't lie to me, you're interested in the boy, aren't you?"

"Of course I am!" She didn't deny it. "Didn't you learn anything from father? This boy and his mother are very interesting, much more than any Drummond… We need to get close to them; that's the right move."

Preston glanced at Arthur while he and Oliver conversed with Tobias. "Alright, Eliza, I agree he's strange, but we have to be careful with how we act… You're being too friendly with them, and it gives the wrong idea to people."

"Haha!" Eliza laughed sarcastically. "No one here is getting the wrong idea except you, brother." She caressed Preston's face, but a cold glint sparkled in her eyes, and he noticed it. "Don't ruin everything with your stupid jealousy and let me do my job. After all, that's why you brought me with you, right?"

Preston sighed. "Don't make me regret this, Eliza… just don't be fooled by a pretty face; you're smarter than that."

"Of course, dear brother," She gave Preston a pat on the cheek before putting on her gentle smile and returning to Arthur's group.

She found the three talking about swords and fights, so she gently and playfully tugged Tobias's ear. "What are you doing, little brother? Don't tell me you boys already want to start some kind of stupid fighting tournament???"

Despite Eliza's loving manner, there was a certain fear in Tobias's eyes as he lowered his head in silence. But Oliver laughed heartily. "You women might not like it, but we men need some physical fun, if you know what I mean…"

Eliza ignored Oliver and looked at Arthur. "Well, this party isn't for such things but to drink and eat good food while listening to good music and talking about how to create a better future together."

"I couldn't agree more," Aria stepped forward, standing beside Arthur.

He just nodded at Eliza, and she smiled at the group before turning and signaling for them to follow her. "Come, I've prepared a table for you."

The group followed her to a luxurious large table right next to the main table, clearly meant to keep them close to the hosts.

"It's an honor to sit close to our hosts," Josephine said in an enthusiastic tone.

"Only the best for our guests of honor," Eliza smiled as she signaled the servants to pull chairs for the group.

She approached Arthur as they sat down. Eve took a seat on one side of him, and Eliza looked at the chair on the other side, but then Margaret approached and looked at her curiously.

"Sit here, dear," Eliza smiled kindly at Margaret and pulled the chair next to Arthur for the girl.

"Thanks," Margaret also smiled kindly as she sat next to Arthur.

Then, surprising everyone again, Eliza sat at the head of the table, right between Margaret and Arthur.

"Lady Eliza?" Josephine looked at her with a curious expression. "Are you staying with us? I thought you'd have to attend to the other guests… we don't want to inconvenience you."

"Oh, it's no inconvenience," she commented casually before glancing at Arthur. "I thought of staying here to chat with you all, if that's alright with you…"

Arthur smiled at Eliza and nodded. "Sounds great to me."

Eliza's smile grew even brighter, just as Preston's expression grew darker as he observed her from a distance.

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