Reincarnated Hero System

Chapter 652 Contract Established

Chapter 652 Contract Established

?"State your terms."

Evan didn't hesitate for even half a second, coating his finger in his golden aura and then tapping the left half of the paper as he spoke.

"Some annoying vestiges of the past who keep clinging to their old forgotten glory have a very annoying plan in motion.

I need you to eliminate some of them so that their plans would be disrupted."

"So, you want me to be your assassin? Also, would it not be wiser to take them all out?"

In response to Leviah's questions, Evan shook his head while giving a positive and negative answer.

"Yes, you do possess a 'Transcendent' grade Assassination Skill, after all.

Also, while I would like to take them all out, Fate would not like that very much so I have to restrain myself."

As he spoke, his golden aura flowed into the paper and formed text on it, stating the first job he had for her; Dealing with a few 'Fallen Celestial Deities' like Qutia from whom Greed had gotten his Geomantic Wrath Skill.

Evan then switched on the artifact that Isolated Sound, limiting the range of its effect to the area where he and the three deadly sins were.

After confirming that even Kolvar could not hear him anymore, he continued.

"I plan to eliminate one of the Demonic Hand's executives, it's Ninth Finger and I'm sure my actions would greatly piss off the Organisation's leader.

This would also cause them to up their game for their next target: Tarse; by a lot.

The Demonic Hand's Fifth Finger who's in charge of the Tarse Plan is contracted to a High Rank Demon who is particularly proficient in summoning magic."

When he spoke up to that point, the three High Demons quickly understood what he was insinuating.

"They're going to call in others from the other planets under Gozon's control..."

"If they have to resort to that, then Aidos' Threat Ranking would increase, meaning the number of forces allocated to conquering this world would be doubled at the very least."

Pride and Greed's words were news to even Evan, and they were very unsettling to hear, however, he took a deep breath to calm himself before continuing his words.

"I want you to Destroy some of these Summoning Points that they'd set up all over Tarse."

The second term of the contract was drawn up by his golden aura and without much hesitation, he went to the third.

"Tarse is the Country in the Centre of the Alpha continent, the 'Heart' of the continent so to speak.

That statement is not Figurative."

Evan used light magic to generate a projection of a map of the Alpha Continent, but instead of the nations, what marked the map were streams of light moving in seemingly random directions.

However, the area where a lot of these streams intersected with each other was within Tarse's borders.

Once again, the three Siblings understood what he was showing them without the need for words.

"Dragon Veins?"

"Energy Hotspots."

"Should you really be exposing your planet's biology like this?"

Evan dismissed the projection before placing his hand back on the paper and speaking, completely ignoring Greed's question.

"The Desert Country of Tarse has a few Tribal Conflicts that involve territories where the planet's Energy Veins intersect.

Some of these Tribes are affiliated with the Demonic Hand; what I want is for you to create a Mercenary or Adventurer group and side against these Demonic Hand-affiliated tribes."

The third term was written down, and after that, Evan took his hands off the paper and leaned back, before looking at Leviah.

The woman looked through the things that Evan had 'written' down, taking her sweet time to look at his wordings before nodding.

With a tap of her finger, demonic energy flowed in and drew up two lines of dark red text stating her own Terms.

There wasn't anything unexpected, with her terms being both hers and Gluttony's release.

"I'd like to leave an 'Open Slot'. In case there's something else I wish to request from you at a later date."

Leviah tapped her hands and a pair of quotation marks appeared on both ends of the line right below her second term.

Evan was surprised such a thing was even possible, but now knowing that it was, he pulled the paper back to his side and created an 'Open Slot' for himself as well.

"That's not balanced."

"Of course, it's not. But last I checked, I'm the one with the Upper Hand here."

"My Risk Factor cancels that out.

Your conditions involve combat, and with combat; a threat to my life."

Leviah tapped the paper and added another 'Open Slot' for herself, and seeing this, Evan snorted and did the same.

"My 'Hero Authority' consumption cancels that out. I'd be expending a very valuable and limited resource that I have a thousand and one other uses for to unseal your brother who is of not 'value' to me."


The High Demon narrowed her glowing red eyes at him and the Hero returned her gaze with his own.

Her gaze moved from him and to the paper in between them, seeing the two Open Slots on either side of the Contract.

She moved her hand and with a bolt of demonic energy, erased one of each. When Evan saw this, he raised a brow and spoke.

"Colour me surprised; we're back to square one."

His voice certainly did not have even the slightest lick of surprise in it though.

Leviah ignored this and brought up a very important part of this contract.

"The Timing. You'd unseal him once I'm done with those tasks."


Gluttony is on the Beta Continent, and I am not going to go there until I am done with all my agendas on the Alpha Continent."


"In return, when we get to the Beta Continent, Gluttony would be the first priority."

Evan was really making a big compromise here, as there were dozens of things he had lined up for right after getting to the Beta Continent.

Leviah looked at him in silence for a few moments before tapping the paper and adding that clause to the contract.

Right after she poured her energy into it, causing half of the magic circle watermark to light up with a red glow.

Evan did the same with the right side, and once both sides began glowing, the contract floated up into the air, before suddenly bursting into a mix of dark red and golden flames.

The Flames split in two and shot towards both their chests as streaks of reddish gold light, signifying the conclusion of the contract process.


Now, I shall start my part of the deal."

As soon as Evan spoke, he stomped his foot on the ground and activated his 'Hero Authority', using it to scan the mutated seal that kept Leviah trapped in the dungeon.

"Mind telling me exactly how you came to be this Dungeon's Master?"

When he asked that, he deactivated the Soundproofing artifact, but still left it on the table in case he needed to speak of anything he was restricted from talking about with Ignorant parties.

"Is that necessary?"

"Yes, the seal placed by my predecessor has mutated due to you becoming the Dungeon Master. This Dungeon was supposed to be your Prison and yet you somehow gained control. I need to understand the cause so I can unravel it perfectly."

Leviah pondered on Evan's words for a moment before sighing and beginning a little narration.

Just like the other Deadly Sins, she was trapped inside her weapon and could only manifest an astral body that could not go more than a few metres away from the place where the spear had been chained down.

The Dungeon Bosses were all guardians of her Seal, and taking on the title of 'Dungeon Boss' automatically downloaded the information about her presence and the seal into their heads.

One of such dungeon bosses was defeated by a party of adventurers who had braved the dungeon's depths despite their lack of skills.

They had successfully defeated it, and all that was left was to kill the monster, but they had their focus on healing their wounded party members who were on the verge of death first before ending the monster's life—a decision that proved fatal for all of them.

The monster that was lying wounded and half dead on the floor succumbed to the whispers of the Demon of Envy and did the one thing that it was not supposed to do as a Guardian of her Seal.

It was jealous of the power and freedom that the adventurers who defeated it possessed, and that jealousy was what Leviah used to empower it temporarily, granting it the strength it needed to run to the chamber where she was sealed.

The Dungeon Boss then grabbed her spear, an act that was akin to accepting a contract from her, just like Terence and Greed.

That action was the Dungeon Boss' biggest mistake.

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