Regressor’s Life After Retirement

Chapter 87


[Before going back]

Daein gave Lily to Jang Youngshin. He handed it over and said.

“You guys go back to the carriage first.”



The children following me looked like they couldn’t understand.

It’s not enough to get out of here right away, so why are you going back to the carriage?


Daein said as he remounted the hand cannon on his free left hand.

“I don’t have time to explain everything. Go to the carriage, turn your back on the carriage, and wait while fighting. “I’ll be there soon too.”


The great man left only those words and ran away. He jumped over the demons in an instant and attacked the Red Goblin.

Red Goblin jumped back and shouted.

“Kill that guy!”

As the magic circle was activated, the demons were following the Red Goblin’s orders, perhaps given the power to control them.

The great man held Shalit tightly as he looked at the dozens of demons that were approaching him.

“I don’t have time, so I guess I’ll have to push myself a little harder.”

A brilliant light burst out from the sword that was swung sideways.

Breaking Heaven’s Sword Type 1

: Heaven’s Demon Cham (天魔斬)

– Paaaaaa

the dazzling light engulfed the demons. Everything that stood between the Great Man and the Red Goblin turned to dust.


Because herbivory was used under the influence of the magic sealing barrier, a strong recoil occurred. The great man wiped the blood with the back of his hand and rushed at the Red Goblin, who was looking at him with a shocked face.

“profit! Stop it! “I mean, stop him!”

Other demons rushed in to fill the empty space. The great man raised the hand cannon in his left hand and aimed it at the demons.

-Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuu! Fuuuuuuu!

The demons exploded like firecrackers, and their fragments flew everywhere. Daein’s new model ran like a thunderbolt through the open road.

In an instant, the distance between the two became zero.



The Red Goblin, who was grabbed by the collar by Daein, struggled as if in a fit.

“Whoa! “I can’t be treated like this again!”

The great man said with a grin.

“No, it will be a little different this time.”

The great man lifted him up and slammed him headfirst into the ground.

Quang! With a heavy sound, the Red Goblin lost consciousness. The great man put him on his shoulder and ran straight to the carriage.


The children were struggling against the demons.

With the carriage backed up against the wall, and the iron golem in front, Zeke and Hanna were fighting on the left and right.

Lily was lying on the roof of the carriage, with Mordrea guarding her beside her and pulling the bowstring.


The great man immediately jumped onto the roof of the carriage. And then he laid the unconscious Red Goblin down next to Lily.

On Lily’s forehead, the mark of the transfer magic was shining more clearly than before.

‘Probably about 2 minutes until activation… If you do well, it will be close.’

After completing the calculations in his mind, Daein spoke to the group.

“Hold on just a little longer. “I’ll finish it soon.”

Then he started searching the wagon and taking out the things he needed.

A cross-continental journey that started from Roun Village.

Among the items carried in this carriage so far, there were many items with mysterious powers.

Things stolen from Randol’s thieves’ guild.

Things I received as a gift from Golkan at the border wall.

Gifts given by the elves in the elf forest.

Even several artifacts taken from the gambling house.

“If we use all of this, we can create at least a miracle.”

The first thing Daein took out was a magic item that looked like a thin mask pack.

[Doppelganger Mask],

a disposable item brought from the Thieves’ Guild, allowed the ability to temporarily copy one’s appearance identically – for about 5 minutes.

When I first put the mask pack on Lily’s face, the pure white mask pack instantly turned black.

The great man took off the mask pack that had turned completely black and placed it on the Red Goblin’s face.


The goblin’s appearance began to change to resemble Lily’s. Not only the face but also the body shape is the same.

“…considering the contents, it’s a bit disgusting.”

Daein frowned for a moment before immediately starting the second task.

There was a small hand mirror in his hand. It was one of the items received as a gift from Golkan at the border wall.

[Spell Thief’s Hand Mirror]

When Lily’s forehead was illuminated with a mirror and magic power was injected into it, the mirror began to copy the mark on her forehead.

An item usually used to keep records at crime scenes where magic was used.

“But if you use it with this item, the purpose is completely different.”

A blue feather pen floated into the air.

It was an item called [Scribe’s Feather Pen] that was obtained when robbing a gambling house.

And this was possible by using [Spell Thief’s Mirror] and [Correspondent’s Feather] together.


The feather pen began to copy and draw the transfer magic mark on the forehead of the Red Goblin who had turned into Lily.

“And at the exact right time…”

The great man watched closely as the feather pen drew a magic mark and took out something else from his pocket.

[Leaf of the Sacred Tree]

It was an item received as a gift from the elf forest, saying it was to be given to a benefactor.

The ability temporarily removes all magical effects from the target’s body.


[Moral Feather Pen] quickly drew a mark of transmission magic on the Red Goblin’s forehead.

And just before the mark was completed,

the great man tore up leaves and sprinkled them on Lily’s body.


White light emanated from Lily’s body. At that moment, the red pillar of light that came down from the magic circle bounced for a moment.

‘The link is broken.’

The moment he confirmed this, the great man held Lily and escaped the range of the pillar of light.

If she had just used [Sacred Tree Leaves], a few seconds later the pillar of light would have poured down on Lily again and the link would have been connected.



The pillar of light recognized the same mark from a closer location and was connected to it.

On top of the Red Goblin’s body that took on the form of Lily.


At the same time, the mark disappeared from Lilys forehead. Because the target of the transfer magic was originally only one person.


Lily, who had lost consciousness, opened her eyes. The girl looked around with a blank face.

The great man said while stroking the head of the still half-asleep girl.

“Grow up more. “I’ll tell you everything later.”


Lily closed her eyes in Daein’s arms. After checking it, Daein started the final work.

“hey. “Fake kid.”


After kicking the Red Goblin in the form of Lily, he woke up in pain a moment later.

“You bastard… huh!? “What have you done to me!”

The Red Goblin, shocked by his thinner voice and smaller body, screamed and struggled.

However, the person had already put restraints on his limbs.


The magic power from the mark engraved on his forehead was becoming more and more intense. The story was that it was almost time for the transfer magic to be used.

The great man put a gag on the Red Goblin’s mouth and put a teddy bear bag on his back.

“Because I brought you some presents. “Share it with your friends.”

“Ugh! “Ugh!”

Inside the bag were all high-performance time bombs brought from Earth.

Daein set the timer for one bomb to [01:00] and smiled as he pressed the operation button.

“Oh, and just in case. Just in case. “If you survive, will you tell me?”



The great man shook the [Spell Thief’s Hand Mirror] in his hand. The coordinates of the location where the Red Goblin would be sent were recorded there.

“I’ll stop by there later when I have time.”



Daein smiled broadly and continued speaking.

“Until then, I tell you to collect a lot of good things in the warehouse.”

“Ugh! “Ugh!”

At that moment, the prepared transmission magic was activated. The Red Goblin’s body was engulfed in light and began to blur.

The great man waved to him as he returned home.

“Then bye~!”



After a blinding light burst out, the Red Goblin disappeared from nowhere.

At the same time, the magic circle in the sky was greatly weakened.

The great man looked around at the demons surrounding the carriage with a relieved expression.

“Then let’s do some cleaning.”

Cleaning didn’t take long.




The home of Pandemonium.

The orc mask standing in front of the magic circle was pacing around with a nervous expression.

“It’s taking longer than I thought.”

The wizard managing the magic circle looked at him and said.

“sorry. A distance is a distance….”

“I know that much!”

The Orc Mask, which briefly glared at the wizard, soon relaxed its expression and chuckled.

“Well, this much waiting is nothing. “Compared to the treasure that will soon be in my hands.”

It was he who laid a trap in the Fire Child’s home village.

After all, children come back to their parents someday, and that was the perfect opportunity to get the Fire Child back.

While the goblin was running around, he looked into the future and dug a trap.

‘Hehe. Stupid goblin bastard. So, you are under me for the rest of your life.’

With the achievements made this time, you will be promoted to a higher position.

On the other hand, goblins who only chase after the Fire Child will be thrown back into the underground prison. Or be summarily punished.

‘No matter how much I come back and pray, it’s no use. How dare you ignore my orders… Even if you survive prison, I will kill you again with my own hands.’

As the orc was contemplating how to dispose of the goblin with his eyes shining coldly, light burst out from the transmission magic circle.


And a moment later, a girl with her arms and legs tied was lying on her side on top of the transmission magic circle.

A girl with red hair and eyes.

It was clear that the child of fire was in the orc mask’s memory.

“You’re finally here!”

The Orc Mask strode towards the Fire Child.

“town! Eupeup!”

It was quite cute to see him struggling with a gag in his mouth. A sadistic smile appeared on the mouth of the orc mask.

“It’s been a while. “He hurt us inside like that…”

The fire child twisted his whole body and struggled.


“Hehehe. Don’t struggle so much. Even if you do that, it will only be difficult for you…”

The orc mask approached the fire child and removed the gag.

At that moment, the girl cried out in a tearing voice.

“It’s a trap! Everyone get back! “This is an enemy trap!”

“what? Puhaha!”

Naturally, no one believed that.

The orc mask, the wizards around him, and the members of the organization approached him with a grin.

It was a while later that they heard the clock ticking.

“What is this sound?”

Tick. Tick. Click again.

When the girl opened the bag she was carrying, she saw that it was full of unidentifiable metal pieces.

Orc Mask lifted one of them with his hand.

Since I couldn’t feel any magical energy, I didn’t even feel the need to be on guard.

However, it was surprising that the letters on the outside changed little by little.



“Hoo. It’s an interesting looking thing. “Someone will take it and investigate…”

Those were the last words of the Orc Mask.



As soon as the number changed to [00:00], a huge chain explosion occurred.




That day, half of Pandemonium’s base was blown away by the explosion.

Hundreds of elite troops were killed, five executives were killed, and experimental materials and numerous results that could not be purchased with money were lost.

Naturally, all the plans they had made had to be postponed indefinitely.





The fire soared high into the sky, burning the entire village.

Hundreds of villagers fell victim to a demon summoning ritual last night. Because undead could arise if left alone, Daein had Lily burn the entire village.


On the hill overlooking the village, Lily was looking at the scene she had created with a somewhat blank face.


Suddenly, the man came next to her and placed his hand on Lily’s shoulder.

“It’s not your fault. Even if you hadn’t come, those people would have ended up being used as experiment material.”

Daein examined the corpses last night and found many traces that they had already been used in experiments.

Of course, this town may have been chosen because of Lily, but blaming it on this child was ridiculous.

The great man hesitated for a moment and spoke.

“And the mother I met yesterday…”

How do I explain that the mother I finally met again was a fake?

Daein thought carefully about his choice of words, but soon realized that there was no need to worry.

“It was fake, right?”

“…Did you know?”

Lily nodded quietly.

There is a certain feeling that cannot be easily explained in words.

But I ignored that feeling because I wanted to believe that the other person was just my mother.

And only now has the girl admitted that her mother was a fake.

“our mom. “I guess he’s dead, right?”

The great man scratched his cheek and answered.

“We didn’t find the body, so you never know.”

Daein didn’t really think it was a lie.

It’s not like I clearly heard ‘killed’ from the dead Assassin’s mouth.

So wouldn’t it be okay to give the little boy a little bit of hope? He said his mother might be alive somewhere like him.

I don’t know how she understood those words, but the girl smiled brightly as she looked at the person.

“Then let’s go look for it again later! “My mom might be in another country!”

The great man chuckled.

Like a clever little boy. I’m also good at making excuses to go somewhere else.

Of course, I didn’t hate people either. Going out to play with a kid.

“Let’s go home for now. “There is still a lot of time left.”


Now all that remains is to return to Earth.

On my way back, I planned to go on a sightseeing tour that I wasn’t able to do on the way back and stop by some tourist attractions.

“It will be well over a month as promised… but I will probably have to get fired from the guild.”

So the great man decided to end his trip and go back the way he came.

Oh, there was one thing to do before that.

The great man called Modrea.

“Modrea. “Come here for a moment.”


“Don’t you have anything to say to me? “No?”


The great man spoke to the doll, who maintained a blank expression, with a face that asked, ‘Why are you doing this?’

“Then are you going to keep spying there like a pervert?”

At that moment, a smile spread across the face of the expressionless doll.

“When did you know?”

Abraxas answered through the doll’s mouth.

[Before I go back] End

ⓒ Ganjjajang

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