Regressor’s Life After Retirement

Chapter 52



My original plan was like this.

1. Catch the monster snake in the lava lake.

2. Go up to the volcano and secretly insert [Bingryong’s Fang] into the sleeping flame giant’s body.

3. Run away quickly before the fire giant wakes up.

4. Wait for the [Bingryong’s Fang] to spread like poison within the flame giant’s body.

5. Hunt the weakened fire giant ‘safely.’

“It was definitely a perfect plan…”

It was almost at the same time that I let out a sigh and the monster snake opened its huge maw and roared.


Perhaps stimulated by the sound, the fire giant coming down the volcano thrust its chest forward and roared.


Even though the distance was still quite long, the fire giant’s voice surpassed that of the monster snake. The monster snake glanced in that direction and then turned its attention back to us.

And it swung its huge tail like a whip.


The rock we were standing on just a moment ago was shattered, and stone dust was flying everywhere.

But we were safe.

Because Wang Guho, whose entire body was turned into rock, was blocking the tail of a monster snake.


The short time that Wang Guho bought us.

I rushed at the monster snake with the iron golem.

“Jang Young-shin! “You go left!”

At that time, the little boy shouted from behind.

“I am?!”

“You stay there.”

The kid’s flame does not work on high-level fire attribute monsters.

So staying still was helping.

“I can do it too…”

“If it doesn’t work out, then no.”

Leaving the limp little boy behind, Jang Yeong-shin and I turned to the left and right sides of the monster snake and attacked it.



The iron golem’s fist changed into the shape of a drill spear and spun violently, and pottery bloomed on my scimitar.

But the scales of the monster snake were thick. Our first attack only broke half of the scales and cut them.

Moreover, unlike when it was dragged on a fishing hook, the monster snake was able to move its body freely.


Poisonous liquid spewed out widely from the monster snake’s gaping maw.

I threw myself to the side using the Pacheon Shinbo and shouted at Jang Young-shin.



The poison dissolved the rock and created a large hole in the floor.

Unfortunately, along with the iron golem’s right arm, which I was unable to completely avoid.


Jang Young-shin said while looking at the golem’s half-broken right arm.

[…There is a restore function.]

“I know that.”

The problem is, I don’t think that monster snake will take kindly to waiting for that time.

Quaaaang! bang! Quang!


Tails swinging in succession and poisonous attacks. And a huge maw ready to swallow us up at any time.

For a while we had to frantically dodge attacks.

At that time, the support team, who had moved back and secured a safe distance, sent a radio call.

[manager! Are you okay?]

“Well, not yet….”


The monster snake’s tail grazed me and pulverized a rock.

“…It’s alive.”

Cheon Seol-ah sighed and said.

[We are also watching with a camera right now. But, more than the snake you are dealing with now…]

Cheon Seol-ah trailed off. Of course I knew what she meant.

“You mean the guy up there is more of a problem?”

My eyes turned to the fire giant coming down this way.

Coo! Coo! Coo-ung!

The fire giant was walking towards us with long strides. He had such long strides that he was already getting quite close.

At first glance, it appears that the height from the head alone is approximately 40 meters.

Until now, I had only heard about it, but when I saw it with my own eyes, it was truly an unbelievable size.

I muttered and laughed.

“Are you saying you caught that thing without any information before?”

Once again, I felt that the superhumans called ‘the first awakeners’ were amazing.

Because it was mostly their work that destroyed the Core Gate during my last disaster in life.

But now we have to catch him.


…and as a bonus, there’s a monster snake here as well.

After gathering my thoughts for a moment, I gave instructions to my team members.

“Vehicles, please move further back. Wang Guho. Youngshin Jang. “You take the little boy and join the support team.”




I continued speaking after dodging the monster snake’s tail attack to the side.

“Don’t you know that saying that a shrimp’s back explodes in a whale fight? That’s exactly what happens when you stay here. So…”

I raised Pacheon Shinbo to full power.

It’s annoying, but I guess I have no choice but to do this.

“First, we have to make the whales fight each other until they explode.”

Whi profit!

My body, shot like an arrow, stepped on the monster snake’s tail and ran over its body.


The monster snake opened its mouth wide and tried to devour me.

At that moment, I soared into the air.


As if it had been waiting, the monster snake raised its head and spewed out venom.

A void that there is no way to avoid anymore.

I said, looking at the venom gushing from below.



The monster snake’s venom melted the shield and even part of the armor.

But that was all.

Now it’s my turn.


I swung the scimitar, swinging it downward in the Cheongeunchu technique.


With the added force of the strike, it was able to leave quite a deep wound on the face of the monster snake.


The monster snake writhed in pain.

After that, I lured the monster snake towards the fire giant.

“Here you go, you bastard!”


A monster snake full of venom chased after me.

I gave instructions to the team once more into the ear microphone.

“Everyone, do as I said earlier. “I’m going to fight them and then go back.”




Among the voices filled with discipline, the voice of a fussy little boy was heard.

[no! I’m going too!]

I muttered, clicking my tongue.

“Anyway, you really don’t listen.”

Still, since Wang Gu-ho and Jang Young-shin are there, they will be able to appease him and take him away.


Behind me, a monster snake was following me with a scary force and

boom! Coo! Couuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!

In front of me, a fire giant reminiscent of a huge building was getting closer.

The closer I got to the fire giant, the more intense heat I felt.

Even though I was wearing cold fireproof armor, sweat was pouring down my body and it was becoming increasingly difficult to breathe.


I used the Breaking Heavenly Technique and surrounded my entire body with mana to protect it. Then he put his hand inside his combat uniform pocket and played with the glass case.

Inside this was [Bingryong’s Fang].

After a while, the fire giant spotted me and swung its huge fist.


I turned sharply and dodged the fist. The fire giant’s fist did not stop and struck the monster snake that followed me.


A monster snake that swayed greatly. However, it soon raised its head and roared.



As the two monsters collided in earnest, the entire Flame Valley shook as if it would collapse.

Rocks melted, the terrain changed, and monsters fled in all directions.


I escaped and hid and watched the fight between the two monsters.

I was thinking of taking the opportunity and sticking Bingryong’s fangs into the fire giant’s body.

I muttered while looking at the flame giant’s chest.

“It only works if it’s close to the heart…”

Fortunately, the opportunity came sooner than I expected.


The monster snake crawled up the flame giant’s body and began to wrap around the flame giant’s neck and tighten it.

Quad deud deuk!

The fire giant struggled as if in pain, and eventually its huge body fell backwards.


The monster snake was doing better than expected. I used [Stealth] and flew to the scene.


The target is the fire giant’s chest, which fell much closer to the ground.

I opened the transparent case and took out [Bingryong’s Fang].

‘Push it in as deep as possible and let it pop.’

It was when I held Bingryong’s fang with my gloved hand.


The flames surrounding the fire giant’s entire body swelled in an instant and began to melt the scales of the monster snake.


The monster snake screamed in pain.


As soon as the tightening attack became loose, the fire giant raised its upper body and grabbed the snake’s head with both hands.

And started tearing left and right.


Hot blood started pouring like rain from the sky.

The fire giant roared as he savored the blood of the monster snake.



I cursed but didn’t stop running.

Anyway, there was a gap.

There was no better time to make a surprise attack than when the opponent was intoxicated with victory.

Now the distance is close.

I did my best to spread the Pacheon Shinbo.

Whi profit!

However, the moment the fire giant’s gaze turned downward, I realized that I had been lured by it.


The guy’s mouth became slightly distorted.

Probably a mockery.



I sighed as I looked at the giant palm flying over my head.


It’s already too late to avoid it. I unfolded my shield and prepared for the coming impact.

I wouldn’t die from this blow, but it seemed like it would hurt quite a bit.


After a while, a huge palm-shaped hole was dug where I was.

And I was floating in the air.


The little boy was holding my arm. I asked with wide eyes.

“Why are you here?”

The little boy crossed his arms and spoke with a cocky face.

“Did you see it? If it weren’t for me, you would have died! So don’t leave me out in the future!”

“…okay. Thank you for saving me. But…”

I turned my head and looked at the fire giant.

“Does that giant man still look angry?”


The fire giant screamed and ignited flames all over its body.

As if he wasn’t going to lose, the little boy created a lot of fireworks in the air.


“I will kill you!”

“hey! don’t do it!”

I quickly tried to stop the kid, but the kid’s flames had already flown to the fire giant.

At that moment, the fire giant opened its mouth and sucked in the flames.


Every bit of the little boy’s flame was sucked into the flame giant’s mouth.



The fire giant taunted us with a huge burp.

The little boy who saw that widened his eyes as if it made no sense.

“Can you eat it? Really?”

I said with a sigh.

“So I told you not to…”

The fire giant absorbs all types of fire.

Attacking him with fire was like putting gas in a car.

That’s why I told the kid that he had nothing to do here…

I put my hand on the kid’s shoulder and said,

“Let’s go back first.”


The little boy looked at the fire giant with a serious expression without saying a word.

As expected, it looks like the shock was severe.

I patted the little boy’s head and said,

“are you okay. You are still young. When he grows up, he will be much bigger than that guy…”

At that moment, the kid looked back at me and said.

“I think I can do it too.”

“huh? what?”

“you can do it!”

Instead of answering, the little boy put his small lips together and started sucking in air.


At that moment, something unbelievable happened.

That gwaaaa!

The fire surrounding the flame giant’s body began to be sucked out towards the little boy.


The flame that was sucked out gradually compressed as it came towards the little boy, and eventually became a thin stem that entered the little boy’s mouth.


The little boy sucked down the flame giant like drinking cola through a straw.

The fire giant screamed and took a step back.

Gwaaaa! Gwaaaa!!

I thought he was scared.

Because for the first time, he would have met an opponent with stronger fire control than himself.

And because it looks like everything will be taken away.

It was something I couldn’t have imagined either.

If I knew, I wouldn’t have gone through all this trouble.



I looked at the kid with a bewildered expression as he sucked up every last drop of fire from the fire giant.

“You’ve been doing this and now you’re going to eat fire?”

Oh my.

The little boy answered with a burp.

[ Hadhada ] End

ⓒ Ganjjajang

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