Reborn: Instead of Chasing the School Beauty, I Chased Her Mother

Chapter 37: Aunt Gu's Astonishment!

Internet cafes are currtly a very popular industry, and many internet cafe owners are making a fortune.

However, the reason my cousin isn't making much money from his internet cafe

is because of its remote location.

Moreover, the machines are quite outdated; selling this internet cafe with so many computers for over two hundred thousand is indeed not too much.

But whoever buys it would be a pure sucker.

Li Zhiyan, why can't this kid give people peace of mind?

Li Zhiyan is truly capable in other aspects!

This point, Gu Wanzhou has never doubted. In her heart, Li Zhiyan is a hardworking and talted kid.

But running a business is a completely differt concept from those things!

This kid really doesn't give people peace of mind.

Yet, she also felt quite astonished in her heart, could this kid really afford to buy an internet cafe?

Perhaps, he doesn't ev know that buying this internet cafe would cost two hundred thousand!

At the same time, she also felt that she was indeed fated to be connected with Li Zhiyan. The fact that she was Sun Ziyi's older cousin was not known to others, and she didn't reveal this relationship wh she asked her frids.

Yet, Li Zhiyan just happed to call Sun Ziyi.

What he said about fate, perhaps it's true. Are some things really predestined?

Could it be that she really will be roped in by him?

Thinking about a brand-new teager who was about to work with her...

Gu Wanzhou's heart was filled with extreme complexity.

"That's right, that's right, boss, are you thinking about buying an internet cafe?"


"Of course, I've be thinking about buying an internet cafe lately, to play a as the boss."

Walking on the way to Brotherhood Internet Cafe.

Li Zhiyan spoke casually, his mind full of thoughts about 0s.

For mature wom, 0 is perfection within perfection.

Next to Li Zhiyan, Li Shiyu looked at him as if he were legdary.


Brother Yan is indeed wealthy, now he's going to buy his own internet cafe; wouldn't that mean I won't have to pay for net usage in the future!

Thinking about freeloading on the net fee every day, Li Shiyu was almost excited ough to squeal like a pig.

"Th please come visit Brotherhood Internet Cafe."

"I'm already on my way."

Looking at Li Zhiyan hanging up the phone, an excited Li Shiyu said, "Brother Yan, you're defying the heavs!"

"At 8, you're going to op your own internet cafe!"

"But isn't Brotherhood Internet Cafe a bit too rundown? The machines there are so laggy, and the location is also very remote. It might be hard to make money after buying it."

"Every time I go there, aside from a few people playing 'Dragon Oath', there are hardly any customers. Why not just buy Fantasy Internet Cafe instead?"

Li Zhiyan said somewhat helplessly, "Do you think I can afford an internet cafe with good machines and a good location?"

"Anyway, I have a way to upgrade and solve the machine issue, th I'll hire a manager and a few internet admins."

"Just manage it well, and I'll give you a permant card, and you can play as much as you want."

Li Shiyu couldn't help but cheer. Although the machines at Brotherhood Internet Cafe were old, it was just the loading times for CF that were slow, maybe taking three to five minutes for the last bit, but you can't beat free. With so many available machines, he could play wherever he wanted.

Moreover, if there's a way to upgrade the machines.

Th Brotherhood Internet Cafe's business wouldn't be too bad!

"Brother Yan, hiring several internet admins isn't that a bit extravagant, and what is a manager?"

Li Zhiyan said casually, "The manager is in charge of managing the tire internet cafe, with a monthly salary of three thousand."

"An internet admin will get one thousand five hundred a month, hiring four should be about right."

This setup is required by the system, so Li Zhiyan plans to go according to it.

Wh Li Shiyu heard that the manager would get three thousand a month.

He couldn't help but drool a little, this was his dream job!

He could visit the third floor many times!

"A manager and four internet admins, ev with money, you don't spd it like this! I think I'm up to the job of manager!"

Li Zhiyan didn't hesitate.

"Alright, you'll be the manager for this month."

The two chatted as if Li Zhiyan had already bought Brotherhood Internet Cafe.

"By the way, Brother Yan, have you heard? Yesterday, our class monitor's dad was put in jail."

"Appartly he's suspected of job-related crime."

"How can a dect person just d up in jail like that?"

"Now, Liu Yaolong's family's Audi A4 has be seized by the court."

"He stopped showing off in the class group as well."

"I heard his mom's salary is being withheld by her company now."

"I don't know what's going on, but it sounds pretty troublesome."

Liu Yaolong used to be their emy.

But now that Liu Yaolong's family was in such a state, he actually felt a bit of sympathy for Liu Yaolong.

Li Zhiyan remembered that in his past life, there indeed was such an incidt.

He had heard that the class monitor's mom had committed suicide in 0.

As for the exact reason, he wasn't sure.

Because in his past life, he didn't have much to do with the class monitor after graduation.

As he pondered, Brotherhood Internet Cafe came into view.

At the trance, Sun Ziyi and Gu Wanzhou were already waiting there.

"Aunt Gu."

"What are you doing here?"

"I told you we were fated!"

Li Zhiyan only knew that the owner of the internet cafe was Gu Wanzhou's cousin.

But he never expected to see Gu Wanzhou here today.

"Cousin, you know each other?"

Sun Ziyi was quite surprised and a little disappointed. The person he was waiting for had not arrived yet.

"Of course, we know each other. This is the kid who wants to buy the internet cafe you were waiting for."

"The fridge is out of Coke, go and prepare a few bottles of ice-cold Coke; Little Ziyi likes to drink ice-cold Coke."

Sun Ziyi took a closer look at Li Zhiyan in front of him.

He was truly baffled. What's the deal with this kid? He looks about sevte or eighte, right?

Just of age, could he really afford an internet cafe? What a joke!

However, after thinking about it, Sun Ziyi figured that since he knew his cousin, he might be the son of one of her frids - a rich second geration!

"I'll go freeze the Coke right now."

After sding her cousin away, Gu Wanzhou spoke with concern, "Li Zhiyan, do you know that this internet cafe is not worth buying?"

"Not only are the computers poor, but the location is also very remote. There usually ar't many people coming in to play; it's almost going out of business."

"If you buy it, you will definitely lose money."

After so many rect evts.

Especially that night in the park, if it hadn't be for this kid showing up.

I don't ev dare to think about what would have happed next.

Without a doubt, in Gu Wanzhou's heart.

Li Zhiyan had already tak a very important place.

At least, much more important than her own emotionless cousin.

"Aunt Gu, I can't explain it to you."

"But you have to believe me, I'm confidt that I can bring this internet cafe back from the dead. I've thought it through very clearly."

Gu Wanzhou didn't expect Li Zhiyan to be so decisive.

"But, the internet cafe needs two hundred thousand, do you have that much money?"

However, it's unlikely he could afford the cafe.

After all, he's talted but only 8 years old!

"Aunt Gu, I just happ to have two hundred thousand. I rectly solved some system issues for Aunt Li's company."

"And I did some Frch translations, so I just made two hundred thousand."

Li Zhiyan's words left Gu Wanzhou a bit confused.

She suspected she had heard wrong; could Li Zhiyan, who just graduated a month ago, really have two hundred thousand? And what's this about Frch translations!

"You know Frch too?"

"Yes, Aunt Gu, I'm self-taught. I saved up just to buy this internet cafe."

"It's one of my future plans."

0CM, it's absolutely one of my life's plans!

After all, who doesn't want to grow taller by a head, no, sev or eight heads!

Gu Wanzhou couldn't help but be astounded, the kid ev taught himself Frch!

"Come on, young boss, please inside."

"Let's talk about the internet cafe. The cola's already be put on ice for you."

Inside the internet cafe, looking at the run-down vironmt and the equipmt, some computers ev lacked headphones.

Li Zhiyan couldn't help but vividly remember why the internet cafe's business was bad.

Most of the headphones only worked on one side.

The chairs were tattered and full of holes.

There was a slogan on the wall saying, "Chairs are for customers to sit on; the edge of the chair is for dogs."

This layout, it managed to make the internet cafe look odd and quirky.

If it wer't for the 0CM, I'd have to be crazy, kicked by a donkey to spd two hundred thousand on this cafe!

"This internet cafe's equipmt is a bit too old; I've used the internet here before."

"Playing CF or Dungeon Fighter Online, it was a bit laggy wh loading."

Sun Ziyi said somewhat nervously, "That's why I'm willing to sell the cafe for just two hundred thousand."

"Young boss, if you like it, you can take it now."

"Otherwise, I plan to just let it rot in my hands."

Li Zhiyan knew that selling the Brotherhood Internet Cafe for two hundred thousand was indeed a big loss.

Trying to get the price lowered further would probably be futile.

"Alright, I'll buy this internet cafe. Let's sign the contract and go through the procedures, and I'll make the paymt."

Seeing Li Zhiyan make such a whimsical purchase of an internet cafe.

Gu Wanzhou really started to worry.

She couldn't imagine!

How Li Zhiyan could revive such a dilapidated internet cafe.

Unless he also had a superhuman talt in managing internet cafes!

In the following time, the two of them were busy with the procedures.

Wh it was time to pay, Li Zhiyan found that he was still short by t thousand in his online bank account.

He made an excuse to go home, and after taking out the remaining over eight thousand from his cardboard box.

It still wasn't quite ough...

Th he eyed Zhou Rongrong's piggy bank; the password to his mother's piggy bank was very simple, just his birthday.

There would normally be about five thousand in cash inside for household expses.

After taking four thousand from his mother's piggy bank and depositing it in the bank.

The procedures were finally complete!

Brotherhood Internet Cafe became the first asset in Li Zhiyan's life!

"Young boss, the cafe is yours from now on."

"Oh, and let me leave you with a phone number."

"If there's an inspection, you'll get a message, but the greasing fees will be up to you, the young boss, from now on."

Li Zhiyan was aware.

In this day and age, to earn money from an internet cafe, you still need the kids, brother.

So greasing some palms was necessary.

Sun Ziyi, seeing the two hundred thousand arrive in his bank account, finally breathed a sigh of relief! Although he lost a lot of money, getting rid of it for two hundred thousand was satisfying!

At the bar, Li Shiyu was continuously practicing with the operating system.

Three thousand a month! How should he spd this windfall, now he could buy two bottles of iced cola at once, add an egg to his Lanzhou noodle soup—impossible to spd it all, just impossible!

"My goodness, you're too impulsive..."

"This internet cafe, buying it, you're just going to lose money, and you wouldn't list wh Auntie tried to tell you."

Gu Wanzhou pulled up a chair and sat opposite Li Zhiyan.

"This internet cafe, definitely you're going to lose money taking it over for two hundred thousand, and besides, the rt here is about to be due."

Li Zhiyan wasn't worried about the rt issue; he had looked over the system settings.

Anyway, the Brotherhood Internet Cafe was guaranteed to bring him a profit of thirty thousand a month. He didn't care about the specifics.

After all, if the system could give him 0, nothing was impossible.

Living brainlessly was the happiest way!

He checked the system again.

The task was already completed.

The system reward had be issued.

He felt a visible change in his dear brother one could see with the naked eye!

Now, he was 0!

"Aunt Gu, just believe in me."

"I can definitely make a success of this internet cafe."

Gu Wanzhou said with a headache, "Alright, I'll look for some professionals later to see if there's a good way to boost your business."

As she spoke, Gu Wanzhou seemed to have noticed something incredibly shocking.

It appeared, perhaps because it was a bit over the top, that the only word to use was "placed"!

Is this... is this for real!

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