Reborn: Instead of Chasing the School Beauty, I Chased Her Mother

Chapter 34: 034 This is not right.

The damp heat on her earlobe still hadn't dissipated, making Rao Shi Yun's gaze turn somewhat hazy and seductive.

Could this kid really be the type who never gets drunk?

Under normal circumstances, a person would be out cold after guzzling three consecutive drinks.

By now, they should have collapsed.

At this point, one could only put their faith in this kid.

Watching as Li Zhiyan downed another drink.

Rao Shi Yun's heart felt a bit uneasy, worried that the kid might run into trouble.

"Boss Rao, I drink a toast to you as well,"

Another middle-aged man stood up, offering a toast to Rao Shi Yun.

He thought, this kid is probably at the d of his rope by now. No matter how great his tolerance, he surely can't keep slamming back so many drinks without passing out, right?

However, after Li Zhiyan gulped down another drink.

He was utterly stunned; it was clear the kid was swaying, on the verge of collapsing at any momt!

Yet there he was, still somehow managing to stay on his feet, swaying but not falling over.

Could this kid really drink so much?

Wang Shangyan watched the intimate interactions betwe Li Zhiyan and Rao Shi Yun, growing ever more curious about their relationship.

Could it be that Rao Shi Yun really gave herself to him?

It actually seemed quite fitting; eighte was the age of boundless ergy.

All the hormones could be fully received right there with Rao Shi Yun.

Freely vting all the fantasies of adolescce.

One at the peak of hormonal surge, and the other too at the peak of hormonal surge.

A perfect match.

Actually... she herself was also at the age where she needed it most.

However, her conflicts with Lew Huan were deeping, and just thinking about his numerous past wom made her feel sick.

"Uncles, I've drunk separately with my aunt, and now I toast you all,"

Li Zhiyan wasn't someone who'd simply sit back and wait for disaster.

He oped another bottle of Maotai and passed it to Lew Huan.

How could he not accept a toast from a child?

"Uncle, you really hold your liquor well, I toast to you,"

"Uncle, you're really handsome, I toast to you,"

Li Zhiyan continued to flatter them, stretching the bottle to the middle-aged m opposite and pouring them each a full glass.

Watching Li Zhiyan maneuvering the veterans so they were stuck accepting his toasts, Wang Shangyan always felt this young guy was very worldly-wise, lavishing the older geration with praise that didn't cost a ct, steadying their acceptance of each full glass of liquor.

Thinking back on what Li Meifg said earlier, that this kid also knew Frch and computer programming, Wang Shangyan felt Li Zhiyan was ev more mysterious.

"Uncles, I'll go first,"

Feeling Rao Shi Yun's concern, Li Zhiyan quietly tugged Rao Shi Yun's hand under the table, calming her considerably; she was starting to believe that Li Zhiyan could indeed handle his drink, but his mind wasn't clear—that much was true.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have be groping a on her thigh earlier.

The sev m who saw Li Zhiyan down another glass started feeling overwhelmed.

This kid couldn't be a monster, could he? So much drinking would have floored ev a bear, yet there he was, standing fine.

But let's just hang in there; this kid has drunk more than any of us, and he's bound to give out soon, everyone thought.

Surely all these seasoned drinkers couldn't be outdrunk by an 8-year-old kid!

Li Zhiyan had just finished his drink and immediately filled his glass again.

"Uncles, I'll continue to fill your glasses."

Li Zhiyan poured himself a full glass and repeated the process.

The m opposite began to panic.

Something was off! This wasn't right!

The kid looked like he was swaying and could fall at any momt, but there he stood, like a Weeble that wobbles but won't fall down, still willing to keep drinking with them. Could there really be such a gifted Wine God in this world?

However, with Li Zhiyan's verbal adulation, their glasses were once again filled with liquor.

After they just finished their drinks, Li Zhiyan continued to op the Maotai and repeated his earlier actions.

With his subsequt ferocious chugging.

The man with the beer belly barely made it through half a glass before his mind shut down, collapsing on the table.

The rest, after chugging another drink, couldn't hold on either; some fell to the floor.

Some leaned on the table, a mess, with only Lew Huan still swaying but standing.

"Uncle Lew, today we must drink together,"

Li Meifg also egged on from the side, "That's right, that's right."

"Old Lew, all your pals here have be drunk under the table, and you can't lose face. Li Zhiyan has done a huge favor for our company, and you must accompany him for a good drink,"

By now Lew Huan was completely befuddled, watching dazedly as Li Zhiyan filled his glass to the brim.

Amidst the vague hazes, he started hallucinating.

Across from him, the very Rao Shi Yun he dreamed of sleeping with was casting a disdainful glance at him, as if to say he couldn't ev outdrink a kid.

Th, he downed the drink in his hand with a swig.

This time, he finally couldn't hold on any longer and crashed to the floor.

In the room, Li Meifg and the others were somewhat dumbfounded.

Sev m! All outdrunk by Li Zhiyan alone!

Looking at the sev m he had drunk under the table, Li Zhiyan's mind was still remarkably clear, which made him marvel at the power of his Wine God abilities.

Under normal circumstances, having drunk so ferociously, one after another, about a doz shots of liquor, one would likely be lying in the ICU by now.


"The message was right after all!"

"Lew Huan, you son of a bitch raised by a bitch!"

Wang Shangyan couldn't suppress her fury anymore and grabbed the bottle of Maotai. She approached Lew Huan, who was lying on the g unconscious from drinking, and smashed the bottle on him.

Lew Huan's forehead was bleeding profusely, but ev th, he didn't wake up.

Li Zhiyan was also startled; this woman was really ruthless. It seemed that not all wom from the late '70s were gtle.

There was a harshness about Wang Shangyan, and now she was striking with real vom.

The blow with the beer bottle was very solid.

Lew Huan won't be coming out of the hospital for t days and a half month!

"What happed!"

"Why are you two being so violt."

Li Meifg was a bit panicked.

"I received a message saying that this animal wanted to get Elder Sister Rao drunk here, and th take her to a hotel."

"I was skeptical at first, but I just confirmed it—they were obviously in cahoots, desperately trying to get her drunk."

"Sister Li, you better not worry about it too much."

Since it was a marital matter, Li Meifg didn't know what to say, although she was somewhat afraid.

She was thankful that Lew Huan didn't have his eyes on her; otherwise, if she really became Lew Huan's lover and got caught by Wang Shangyan, she wondered if she too would d up with a bloody hole in her head.

"Let's go first."

Rao Shi Yun felt scared of this woman and pulled Li Zhiyan by the hand to leave the private room.


After leaving, Rao Shi Yun didn't call for a sober driver.

Instead, she just held Li Zhiyan's hand and walked down the street. In Wanchg over the past years, most of the suburban areas were sparsely populated.

It was only under a willow tree that Rao Shi Yun finally stopped. By th, the effects of the alcohol were slowly creeping up on her.

"You, young man, how can you stay so clear-headed after drinking so much? Impressive."

Thinking back to how Li Zhiyan had protected her at the dinner table, drinking alone against sev others.

Rao Shi Yun felt a warm ssation in her heart.

"This time, Auntie really owes you a big favor."

"If Wang Shangyan hadn't spok up, I wouldn't have realized that Lew Huan was trying to get me drunk. No wonder they were all toasting me so persisttly, and some of them were acquaintances. These m, they really stick together."

"I don't ev know how to repay you."

Looking at Li Zhiyan's somewhat vacant gaze.

She was very aware that although Li Zhiyan indeed had a talt for drinking, it was impossible for him to be completely unaffected.

He was definitely feeling bad right now.

"Auntie, if you want to repay me, let me give you a kiss."

Li Zhiyan seemed to be joking as he said this.

At this momt, Rao Shi Yun was also feeling the alcohol's effects, this kid in front of her was more than twty years her junior.

It's just a peck on the cheek or forehead, after all. Just a kiss from a kid.

"Alright, th Auntie will let you give her a kiss."

Li Zhiyan didn't expect things to go so smoothly; his efforts in drinking were not in vain after all.

"Th, Auntie Rao, here I come."

Li Zhiyan gtly wrapped his arms a Rao Shi Yun's slder waist and tried to nuzzle her stomach with his.

But that was too difficult to do.

As he felt Rao Shi Yun's bosom.

A reflex was triggered in Rao Shi Yun. With the alcohol taking effect, the loneliness that had persisted far too long seemed to make her lose control over her behavior.


How could she go back on a promise made to a kid?

Li Zhiyan, hugging Rao Shi Yun's waist, kissed her right on the tip of her nose.

Feeling Li Zhiyan's lips touch her nose, Rao Shi Yun felt a rush of hormones.

The ssation was electric. How could this kid kiss there?

But the next second...

Li Zhiyan kissed her directly on the lips and started to nibble gtly.

After kissing Rao Shi Yun, Li Zhiyan glanced at the system, which confirmed that his mission was completed. This made him breathe a sigh of relief.

Traditional wom like Auntie Rao always saw him as a child.

If he wt too far, it might mean they would never interact again.

Li Zhiyan was very clear that many principles were incredibly important to the previous geration of wom.

Rao Shi Yun and Gu Wanzhou were such people.

A kiss should be ough, he thought. Better not to irritate Auntie Rao, as that wouldn't d well.

However, he had underestimated Rao Shi Yun's response to alcohol, and he had underestimated the chemical reaction that might sue wh the hormones of a woman who had be lonely for too long were stirred.

All she could think about was to share a guine kiss with Li Zhiyan in front of her.

"Xiao Yan."

"Don't just nibble at a woman indiscriminately, that's not the way to do it."

"Let Auntie teach you."

"You should gtly use the tip of your tongue to seek out Auntie's."

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