Reborn: Instead of Chasing the School Beauty, I Chased Her Mother

Chapter 27: Auntie will seriously consider dating you!

Aunt Gu truly has be blessed in an extraordinary way, sporting such a proud bust on such a slim frame.

36D, but if Aunt Gu were an Auntie Rao kind of D+.

Walking would really be quite tiring.

"Don't be afraid anymore, Aunt Gu."

"I've said we are fated to meet."

"If you are ever in danger, I'll definitely appear in time."

The two of them held each other until Gu Wanzhou felt her face heat up and she separated from Li Zhiyan, noticing his change.

This kid, although she regarded him as a child, he certainly wasn't one.

He had stol a kiss from her last time.

"Now that you mtion it."

"It does seem we are quite fated."

Originally, Gu Wanzhou didn't believe in fate at all.

After all, such a far-fetched, ethereal thing—who could believe in it?

But now, Gu Wanzhou suddly felt that maybe there really were some predetermined things at play.

For instance, she had be busy all day and had come to the park on a whim to clear her mind.

Li Zhiyan couldn't possibly have known her whereabouts in advance, yet he showed up and saved her.

And th there was the coincidce at the restaurant.

Situations like these can only be explained by fate.

If this isn't fate, th what is?

"I told you, Aunt Gu, you and I are destined, you are meant to be my girlfrid."

"The two of us are meant to be together."

Looking at Li Zhiyan's serious expression.

Gu Wanzhou realized that this matter really wasn't that easy to handle.

The bond betwe her and Li Zhiyan was becoming deeper, and today he had saved her again.

Cutting ties with him was simply impossible now.

How wonderful it would be if Li Zhiyan were willing to consider her his godmother, that would solve all the problems.

Now, she really didn't know what to do.

"Sweetie, how come you fight so well? That thug was at least six feet tall and bulky."

"How did you manage to beat him?"

"Did you practice Sanda before?"

Li Zhiyan looked at Gu Wanzhou and said, "Aunt Gu, I hav't practiced Sanda, I wasn't thinking too much at the momt, I just wanted to protect you, and besides, he insulted my mom, I had to fight him with all I had."

Gu Wanzhou's heart ached for Li Zhiyan, childr from single-part families td to fiercely protect the ones they love.

The momt he stood in front of her, she would never forget for the rest of her life.

In this life, she and Li Zhiyan really had an inextricable connection.

"Your mom is truly fortunate to have such a good son like you."

"If only I had a son like you."

The two kept walking, Gu Wanzhou still hinting at wanting to be Li Zhiyan's godmother.

If she could take Li Zhiyan as her godson, th all the difficulties could be easily resolved.

"Aunt Gu, I know what you want to say."

"You still want to take me as your godson, right?"

"Two bottles of Sprite."

As they passed by a small shop, Li Zhiyan casually took out some coins and bought two bottles of Sprite.

After oping one of them, he handed it to Gu Wanzhou.

"However, you really don't need to insist on taking me as your godson, because if we become mother and son, th there's no possibility of us being together, you'd be locking out a pottial future life."

"Do you remember what I told you?"

Gu Wanzhou couldn't help but think of the movie line Li Zhiyan had mtioned before.

Again, she was astounded by Li Zhiyan's talt. This kid's talt was truly remarkable.

At the same time, she pondered if she truly lost all possibility of being with Li Zhiyan and instead became his mother, would she feel a sse of loss?

Somehow, an uncomfortable feeling arose in her heart.

That seemed... not quite right.

Thinking back to the time wh Li Zhiyan massaged her leg.

Her face began to feel hot, this kid's hands seemed truly magical.


"You just beat that guy up like that, are you okay?"

Gu Wanzhou changed the subject.

"It's fine, Aunt Gu."

"There are hardly any cameras a, no evidce to find."

"Plus, he attempted to harass you first, I was just doing the right thing."

"And the place is quite far from your home, as long as you don't go there alone at night, it should be fine."

The reason this era is so wild is because there ar't ough cameras, and the internet doesn't have ough reach.

In the year '4, in big cities like Wanchg.

All sorts of road intersections have cameras; if you really do something bad, you basically can't get away with it.

"Hmm, that's good th."

As they walked, Li Zhiyan suddly took Gu Wanzhou's hand.

This made Gu Wanzhou's whole body tremble.

Holding hands, that was something only couples did.

Yet, she felt as though she didn't have the courage to pull away from Li Zhiyan.

"Darling, this isn't right, you know, there's a differce betwe m and wom."

Looking at Gu Wanzhou's somewhat resistant attitude, Li Zhiyan said, "Aunt Gu, don't you think of me as just a child?"

"No one's a now, can't a child hold hands with an elder? Ar't you being too ssitive? Or do you see me as a man who could be in a relationship?"

Gu Wanzhou wanted to let go of Li Zhiyan's hand, but after hearing him say this.

She simply let Li Zhiyan hold her hand.

Right, she only thought of him as a child, nothing more.

Letting a child hold her hand wasn't a problem, but despite thinking this, images of Li Zhiyan touching her thigh kept surfacing in her mind.

And the matter of the kid sneaking kisses and sticking out his tongue.

"Aunt Gu."

Holding Gu Wanzhou's smooth hand, Li Zhiyan felt a sigh of relief in his heart.

He was finally making progress with Aunt Gu; at least now he could hold hands wh no one was a.

This was the first step to pulling the big cart!

"Please give me a chance to be in a relationship with you, I truly like you."

"If you are willing to be in a relationship with me, I will be sincerely devoted to you."

In his last life, Li Zhiyan expericed too much coldness from people, so in this life, he only wanted to protect those who were truly kind to him.

Gu Wanzhou was definitely one of them.

Looking into Li Zhiyan's eyes, Gu Wanzhou was about to keep refusing.

But, the rect evts with Li Zhiyan kept echoing in Gu Wanzhou's heart.

For a momt, she couldn't find the words to refuse.

This kid was actually really nice, and she truly didn't have the heart to crush her.

"Okay… Alright, Auntie will seriously consider it, the matter of dating you."

"But don't keep your hopes up. After all, I'm old ough to be your mother, ev the mother of one of your classmates."

Gu Wanzhou comforted herself internally, just considering it, merely considering it, that's all. She wouldn't actually agree to him.

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